View Full Version : how does one update bootloader?

06-02-2012, 01:34 PM
my machine came with latest bootloader and VIX image.

how will i know when a new bootloader comes out, and how does one go about updating it.

also, how does one update the image\ or install a new image!?


06-02-2012, 01:53 PM
You copy the bootloader to a USB PEN drive. The bootloader will be inside the et9x00 folder on the PEN Drive.
Insert PEN Drive into the front USB slot.
Power off receiver
Power on receiver
When message on display says "found image" then you press ok button on front of the receiver.

Bootloader update takes only a couple of seconds.

You do the same for installing images.

06-02-2012, 02:01 PM
_et-view-support.com - support forum...

Bootloader update

-Fix support large size images

Place the file on USB stick and update it like an image.
!!Please remove after update the cfe.bin file from USB stick!!

Or the latter one:


Place the bootloader on a USB the map looks like
ET9000 model /et9000/cfe.bin

ET5000 model /et5000/cfe.bin

(The ET6000 and ET9200 have at the moment allready fom factory the latest bootloader)

Place the USB-stick into the receiver and reboot the box by the powerswitch on the backpanel.
To activate bootloader uploading you must press on the frontpanel of the ET9000 the OK button and on the ET5000 the arrowup button. Just wait till the box has loaded the bootloader and is restart.

!!! After it you can load the image for the ET9000 models with directory /et9x00/ and et5000 models with /et5x00/
!!! Means, you cant use anymore old Images with old "et9000" "et5000" structure like the old CT-Image1.1!!!

Online support:


Menu -> CT-panel -> Addon Manager -> Download-Install Clarke-tech Addons -> Updates

Firstly, the current version to the CT get that is via the feed is;
Menu -> CT Panel -> Addon Manager -> CT-XT Extensions Download/install -> updates

At all CT User -> CT feed now works again!