View Full Version : What does 800HDSE update do?

06-02-2012, 08:09 PM
I have a new 800HDSE but it wont update the latest file.. Its still working fine but exactly what does the latest update do that I'm missing?



06-02-2012, 08:33 PM
What file and what update ?

06-02-2012, 08:43 PM
The box locked on me twice! When I rebooted I got a dialogue box asking me did I want to update the firmware! At least thats what I remember! I don't want to switch it off again at the moment. I selected YES and it began the update with a progress bar then stopped 40% in to it. I exited from that and returned to my original state.. All seems to be working fine. What I want to know is what added facilities etc arise from the firmware update.

Its my first time with the 800SE I had the DM500 before that.

Any info welcomed.

07-02-2012, 12:06 AM
since the software for dreamboxes is (mostly) open source- lots of 'errors' are updated all the time.
there could be none or 10 a day.
If your box (I assume its original) has locked up - it may be worth re-installing the latest image that you use and go from there.

07-02-2012, 06:31 PM
On the principle of not complicating an already satisfactory situation I am going to leave the update situation alone. However I do have a recording playback problem listed elsewhere I hope can be resolved.



07-02-2012, 07:08 PM
I still have mine working on a image from dec 2010 (iCVS)
Had no issues so not changed it, only updated channel list's

nosmo king
07-02-2012, 07:20 PM
i would be easier if you gave some info to this

ie what image you using
is it a clone or not

if a clone never update image online
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07-02-2012, 08:02 PM
Sorry about the sloppy first post. The box is new and an original DM800HD SE. Newnigma 2 is the image. Everything was just fine then my HDD wouldn't replay recorded movies. Posted elsewhere about PVR glitch but got no solution! once orv twice the box locked up as a result of the PVR glitch. I had to restart and got the upgrade dialogue box. When I clicked yes to upgrade it would stasrt but not finish. I would reboot then it operated as normal.

If there are regular errors and I ignore them and it keeps operating then no big deal!

I was interested to see if the upgrade was important or made a big difference in some way.



15-02-2012, 08:53 AM
It sounds to me like your image isn't very stable mate.
Next time it crashes and you need to re-install the image try a new one.

I run a NewNigma 2 image and have not had one problem with it since it was installed.

Just test other images mate, the errors won't go away and everything won't just start working, trial and error.