View Full Version : Navigo Sy885 v1& v2

08-02-2012, 03:52 PM
Hi new to all this so lets hope someone out there can help me .I had untill a few days a go a tomtom go720 id backed up my full maps to my pc did a update all went fine .the tomtom then died charging fault cooked it.(rip)So i got out my old navigo v1 battery us then the v2 it works but the maps are so out of date it has roman roads on it .I'm hoping some one can tell me a step by step way of putting my tomtom v8 maps onto this unit .ps its unhacked . Iv put a new battery in the v1 now and that now works ..penny

09-02-2012, 09:38 PM
You need to get hold of the software and put it onto a SD card together with a current map . I have just updated one of my 2 Navigo's to
the tt7910 version with the United_Kingdom_&_Republic_of_Ireland 875.3675 map.Still have my 4.3" model to do . Not sure if the maps etc
are still on this site ,you'll need the keygen/patcher tool too . I use the easyusetools one ,works for me , but there are others .
Read up on the stickys on how to do it .

15-02-2012, 06:53 PM
If you manage to get it working, I'd appreciate some help. My trusty Navigo crashed and no longer finds the TomTom software, so I need to reinstall. I've spent a good couple of days trying to bring it back to life via links on here but a lot of them are dead now.

17-02-2012, 06:00 PM
Hi thanks for the info .but im lost at the start.Step 1 do i format the sd card in the navigo or in a card reader .(after making a back upto the pc)Step2 on the card there are two folders MAPS &MOBILNAVIGTOR .do i remake these folder.if yes into which folder do i put what .Sorry if this is asking a lot but im new to all this and want to get it right and do i use active sync to do any of this.

19-02-2012, 11:42 PM
Wasted two weeks now trying to get something to work out of the files. folders. and zip file on this site but nothing is works.So thanks for the help you guys put I'v been out and got a new tomtom and binned the two navigos .

22-02-2012, 08:36 PM
Wish I'd managed to see your post earlier, if you had found the needed files, ie the maps folder and the mobilenavigator folder, stick them both on the sd card ,basically straight to the card in their own respective folders not in another folder, then run the BBS tools and point it to your device and it basically does the rest for you, it will activate for you.

27-09-2012, 05:43 PM
Hope im doing this right .The new tomtom didn't last very long (thank you so much car thief).So its back to no satnav and a map book .Thankfully i did not bin the old navigo v2 and i still have the backup of my maps on the pc from my old tom tom. But there it comes to an end as i have no idea for what i do with them ..iv tried making folders (map. mobilenavigator )putting tt.navigator..**** .crack .easy activator .run turn on turn off card in card out (its like the hokey cokey )on the pc with folders and maps .If somebody can get the maps/navigo working for me it would be very much appreciated(brk1)has said somthing about running bbs tools.????Thank you anybody out there .

27-09-2012, 05:48 PM
Hope im doing this right .The new tomtom didn't last very long (thank you so much car thief).So its back to no satnav and a map book .Thankfully i did not bin the old navigo v2 and i still have the backup of my maps on the pc from my old tom tom. But there it comes to an end as i have no idea for what i do with them ..iv tried making folders (map. mobilenavigator )putting tt.navigator..**** .crack .easy activator .run turn on turn off card in card out (its like the hokey cokey )on the pc with folders and maps .If somebody can get the maps/navigo working for me it would be very much appreciated(brk1)has said somthing about running bbs tools.????Thank you anybody out there .

just read and follow the tutorial at the top of the forum


and read the recent threads about it too, especially the ones I wrote recently about my v2 and v3 navigos

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?158100-Latest-map-onto-f-amp-h-3-5 post 3

use bbs tools to crack the map once its on your sdcard

28-09-2012, 02:32 PM
Sorry about this .before i posted a new thread i had tried your way of getting the maps to work .after hours of trying i still have a unit IE navigov2 that does not work ..i can send you the unit and a sd card with the files/folders but i will be amazed if you can put tomtom v7 on it .

28-09-2012, 03:55 PM
if you had made the folder Mobilenavigator on the sdcard (after formatting to fat32), and downloaded MY zip file from the sticky threads that contains tom tom v 7.910, unpacked it, and copied all the files into that Mobilenavigator folder on the sdcard (nothing is required here from your old tom tom) , then it should boot it, as that is where the old turbodog files were stored

alternatively, just unpack the folder Mobilenavigator from the tt7910.zip file directly onto the sdcard itself

then you download the latest maps (uk + ROI) as mentioned in those other threads that has the link included, and unpack the actual map folder onto the sdcard (United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_I reland_890.4234)

then you boot into tomtom and it will say the maps are not activated (and create the bif file on the root)

then you put the sdcard back into your laptop or card reader and patch the maps using bbs tools (after loading the latest m*ta file into bbs tools), pointing bbs tools at your map folder of the sdcard and patching them

now when it boots into tom tom it will use those patched maps and tom tom v7.910 as its navcore

there will be 2 folders and 1 file on the sdcard at this point

United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ir eland_890.4234

it really is simpler than it all sounds, and I have done several of these for family and friends (v2 and v3) and they all work just fine

30-09-2012, 01:47 PM
Hi echelon .before writing anything in this forum do you not think i had tried all most every thing i had come across to try and get the navigo working.I have tried useing the navigo and active sync.useing a card reader.if you have done this as you say for several family members .i'll send you the navigo and new sd card and pay for p/p each way just to get this unit .In one part of the sticky threads you are instructed to down load to c drive of your pc the put part of the download onto your sd card with connected to the pc use the crack file (what crack file )place uk ireland maps here (where)use bbs tools that can no longer be downloaded .Ps as i have said if you can get it to work ill send you the unit .

30-09-2012, 02:00 PM
H .In one part of the sticky threads you are instructed to down load to c drive of your pc

the put part of the download onto your sd card with connected to the pc

copy and paste the Mobilenavigator folder to the root of the sdcard (after unpacking the zip file)

place uk ireland maps here (where) -


use bbs tools that can no longer be downloaded -

OH YES IT CAN !!!!!!!!!

use the crack file (what crack file ?)


clearly you have totally missed the point

do you not think that I checked all could be downloaded BEFORE posting the above post, I even tested on a spare sdcard too

tutorials get outdated , as do tools and files

so if you had bothered to read my last posts on the navigo issues, you would have seen I told you exactly what to download (which are all still valid links or tools etc)

and I told you where and what the folders were called and where to unpack those folders and place them on your sdcard too

I clearly stated the names of those 2 folders, I clearly stated that they are still available for download, and I clearly stated that bbs tools is used for the crack of the maps and bbs tools is still on those links and can be downloaded, and is the only crack file that I actually use myself (not the other one you alluded to in a tutorial not posted by me)

so I believe you are the one with a problem as you havent done what I clearly wrote in my posts this week on the issue

and if you think I am stupid enough to give out my address and postcode you are sadly mistaken

it is not my job to sort out your navigo, its your job, I am the messenger/hobbyist and I stand by what I have written as working and valid info

the only issue I can see here is that YOU cannot follow a set of simple instructions, you would rather argue instead

so I will link to the files you require , and the instructions are clearly posted in my last post such that even a moron could do it

tt 7.910 file

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?150383-navigo-menu-files-tools-games-etc post 1

unpack the Mobilenavigator folder and files to the root of the sdcard formatted to fat32


https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?156375-UK-amp-RoI-v890-4222-Map post #2

unpack the map folder to the root of the sdcard like you did with the tt 7.910 mobilenavigator folder

bbs tools for cracking the map

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?156343-BBS-Tools-v1-0-57-Release-Date-26th-March-2012 post #3

unpack both folders to the sdcard, generate the ttnavigator.bif file, then use bbs tools and the me ta file to crack the maps on the sdcard, it really is that simple

now stop talking s**t and actually do some work, seeing as those links are still valid and I stand by what I wrote in my last post too

30-09-2012, 07:35 PM
I only ask for some help .i was not talking s**t as you so put please do not reply to any more post as you are just the sort of person that fills these type of forums with bull s**t saying you can do things .and i would assume you are a man that says this is 8" when its only 4" i will not as for any more help and this forum but thank you brk1

30-09-2012, 09:03 PM
I only ask for some help .i was not talking s**t as you so put please do not reply to any more post as you are just the sort of person that fills these type of forums with bull s**t saying you can do things .and i would assume you are a man that says this is 8" when its only 4" i will not as for any more help and this forum but thank you brk1

you got the correct help from two people , and all you did was whinge and whine and talk s**t ! like a typical moaning minnie

I gave you all the info you required, even provided links, and tested what I said with downloads and did a spare sdcard with tom tom and the maps in less than 10 minutes for my v2 navigo

brk1 even told you exactly how to do it 6 months ago, in very, VERY simple terms I might add !

you just cannot help some people as they cannot see the wood for the trees
you can lead a donkey to water, but you cannot make it drink !!

I setup this section to help navigo owners, but as you cannot be helped despite everything I posted , and given I have been here over 10 years not 10 minutes like you, I am closing this thread

if you actually look, I posted a lot of the files here in this section, including menus from my own navigos, adjusted and setup by myself, thats how much I didnt do the job isnt it ? all the other sites had closed down, so if it wasnt for me there would be nothing here and nothing anywhere else either !!

its people like YOU that spoil it for everybody as I think "WHY SHOULD I BOTHER" and feel like deleting this whole section because of the ungratefulness of people like you

I know what I can do as I have done it and unlike you I dont whinge, I get the job done

this section is for those who require the files and help and knowledge and as far as I can see only one person is whingeing here, and that was you

do not post again in this section as your posts will be deleted