View Full Version : Rte ******* - how does one convert the frequencies shown on lyngsat

10-02-2012, 07:37 PM
Got myself a ka band lnb, very cheap, so want to see if I can receive SOARSAT on my spider 9000hd but when I look on lyngsat the frequency shown is linear!! ie 20185 L how do I convert that so I can search for a signal? using a 1.1m triax in west of ireland.


10-02-2012, 07:52 PM
I'm not familiar with the Spider but you shouldn't need to convert the actual frequency of the transponder BUT I would expect that you would need to put the local oscillator frequency of the LNB into the LNB set-up (usually part of the DiSEqC setup).

Not much info on peeps using Ka band yet so you are probably a pioneer.

10-02-2012, 08:09 PM
S***sat Tp on Ka-Sat = 20185 MHz
Ka Band LNB LO = 18750 MHz
IF Frequency = 1435 MHz (20185 MHz - 18750 MHz)

Ku receiver frequency displayed = 11185 MHz (IF 1435 MHz + Ku Lo-Band LO 9750 MHz)
scan that frequency with SR 25000, FEC 1/2, QPSK, DVB-S2.

10-02-2012, 08:40 PM
thanks both, will give it a go tomoro,

fred fickle
11-02-2012, 12:15 AM
Can it be seen with KU lnbs?

11-02-2012, 01:33 AM
no thats why you need a special ka band lnb

13-02-2012, 01:32 PM
Just an update to the above, apparently the ka lnb I have has a different spec so calculation is different in that frequency to be used is 10765V 25000, FEC 1/2 and I did pick up the sat with a 1.1m triax, i am in west of ireland ie supposedly for people where I am . it was easy peasy as I just moved dish to 9east and changed the lnb, signal quality was lower than I expected ie 72-74%. with a signal of 92% but the lnb can be moved backwards/frowards, turned sideways/upside down and makes no odds!! very good hd pic on rte2.


13-02-2012, 03:46 PM
to simplify matters you can of course do a blind scan then the receiver will find the channels for you

13-02-2012, 04:15 PM
i am just spoilt, and a blind scan can take ages but I have to admit I never thought of that!!

13-02-2012, 06:13 PM
blind scan on KA takes a very short time probably because the frequency range is quite short and only 1 transponder to lock on to signal s82 q62 here with a 1.2m dish also with the spiderbox