View Full Version : ext hard drive not playing

11-02-2012, 09:56 AM
Hi m8s
i have recorded loads of films off spiderbox onto hitachi 1tb ext hard drive, I then copied them to my laptop ,the problem is when i pluged the hd back into the spiderbox,in wouldnt play the files,any ideas

11-02-2012, 04:09 PM
When you press > to play your recorded films does the box come up on tv showing your recorded films ?

11-02-2012, 05:35 PM
Hi, yes it does but when you click on the file to play it, nothing happens ,im wondering if its a file type problem,somehow changed it from a tp file

12-02-2012, 02:43 AM
might be an idea to make a new recording and see what happens, as you say your computer might have changed the file. I plugged my hard drive into computer moved certain files around and when i plugged back into Spider the files had disapeared have never done it again since now made over 200 recording never had a problem since. If you have no luck might be an idea to count your losses and reformat drive and start again.

12-02-2012, 08:41 AM
I can record new films with no problem they play back ok,the old films are still listed on hard drive,im wondering if there is some kind of converter tool to transfer them back to tp files then i think old files woudl play

12-02-2012, 10:40 PM
File converting abit out of my league you could try one of the free file converters by asking on internet, trouble is you could end up spending alot of time with the same end result and personaly you could also put something on your hard drive which cauld do more harm. The films you lost will be shown again just make a new recording when they are shown again sorry m8 not much more i can suggest wish you well what ever you choose. johnhenry.

12-02-2012, 10:49 PM
The only thing I would suggest for the future, is to COPY the files onto your PC before you start. Then the hard drive can be removed and not altered by the conversion process.

12-02-2012, 11:05 PM
paulus m8 we have come full circle putting hard drive on to PC caused the problem in the first place, mdaniels47 said files would not play after connecting it to his PC.

13-02-2012, 08:54 AM
But he also said that the file extensions had been changed (assumed by the converter) and was looking for a file converter to put them back. My reading of that is that he must have been doing the conversion in-situ, hence his problem, and why my advice stands - COPY FILES onto the PC hard-drive and do the converstions on the copies.

13-02-2012, 12:14 PM
Has the PC just changed the file extension or converted the file? if its just the extension then surely that can be checked by plugging back into PC and renaming the extension bit to what it should be.

14-02-2012, 08:15 PM
m8 I think you need to connect your hard drive to your lappy once again and check the file structure of your recordings.
You say you copied onto laptop rather than tinkered directly with the originals but you moved some files around.
Your recordings should be in a file called RECORDS by the spiderbox and created when you format the drive on the spider.
In the Records folder there should be a sub folder for each recording and this should contain 3 files : one is .idx - two is .ifo - three is the movie .trp.
If you have anything other than the above that will explain why they won't play.
What to do about it i'm not sure just this minute. Let us know what you find ?

15-02-2012, 11:08 AM
It seems that the pre installed software which was on the hard drive is not there,i need to reinstall that somehow