View Full Version : Dreambox dm800 se, newbie, need how to

13-02-2012, 12:42 AM
hi, ive just brought a dreambox dm800 se, i know nothing about dreambox's
i wanted to know how i can install cccam function/cl*ne , how to have a 7day epg / different tv guides , how to install hdd (not hardware but software (if any) related) and any other info that may be useful, Ive had a look in forum can't make any head or tail of it, any pointers would be appreciated.

13-02-2012, 09:31 AM
The information on how to setup your Dm800se is out there, you just need to try a bit harder. First place to go is the Dreambox section in this forum. When I first got my dreambox, it was the first place I visited and got info and help there from some great minds. I'm no expert but I know the basics to get by about my dreambox thanks to this forum.

13-02-2012, 09:44 AM
there are numerous stickies regarding the dreambox setup here, if you need a visual aid there also no end of vids on utube that show what to do.

15-02-2012, 08:48 AM
Start by finding yourself a decent image, remember you'll need one specific for the SE that works for 2.10.
The images now usually come with Ccam installed.