View Full Version : Freecaddie on a F&H

13-02-2012, 05:31 PM
Hi Folks, New here, so be gentle!!!

Have been running Freecaddie golf GPS SW on a Navigo for some years but since I tried to bounce it off of the garage floor it is not very well!

Have bought an F&H and attempted to run the Freecaddie SW without success. I installed the Freecaddie SW package c/w menus, portsplitter etc on an SD card. The F&H runs the menu system but when I try to run the portsplitter I get all kinds of loud beeps and failures. Also when I run freecaddie, I get similar failures. Something to do with PInvoke, so I guess it is the portsplitter. Can any one out there help?

Would appreciate a push in the right direction.