View Full Version : Vu solo file/folder problems , OSCAM

13-02-2012, 05:33 PM
I have tried a few Images and get this problem no matter which image i use.

I FTP the oscam files to Var\tuxbox\config which reverts to Etc\tuxbox\config , I can see the files and folder and i can Chmod the files.


When i run Oscam in telnet it says that there is no such folder as Etc\tuxbox\config , even tho i can change directery in telnet to this folder and see my oscam files.

anyone seen this before or can offer any help ?


13-02-2012, 07:08 PM
Enigma2 doesn't use var like the older e1 box's did, it's still there but not really for user files as such.

It's also case sensitivte, so etc/tuxbox/config is correct.

You don't need to Chmod the config files for oscam either (atleast I never have done).

14-02-2012, 07:42 AM
thanks for your reply , was a bit of a learning curve , turns out it was the config file NOT the folder or attibutes :) , i am starting to really like this box , it beats the pants of my dm800 .