View Full Version : SOS Azbox boot problems after CrossEPG download

16-02-2012, 02:24 PM
I have recently purchased a AZbox Premium HD which is my first experience of Linux based received. It came with an Enigma2 image loaded and the Spaze skin as well as other tools (CorssEPG, Coot TV Guide etc).

I have managed to break the box. It was working fine until I had to unplug it to fit my new TV (my son broke the screen of my old one ). When I restarted it I found the programme guide (saved to external HDD) was not working. I ran the download again, reloaded the programmes and then went to reboot the box.

During the reboot it recognised that I had a new TV and went through a wizard to set up the TV setting (from what I remember I selected HDMI > 1080p > 60htz). Then the screen went blank. I rebooted the box and it said ‘VFD ready’ and then goes onto ‘Starting bootup’ but does not go any further. Tried to hook it up to the old TV, HDD etc just to kick it back to life but it seems to have died on me (I think form what I have read on forums).

I need to find a way of recovering the system (similar to Windows – sorry for having to use the W word). I liked the box with the e2 and Spaze and recovering it back to that mode would be ideal but it looks like I may have to get it back to the original AZ firmeware to get the box back up and running.

I have read up on quite a few posts (seems to be a common issue when doing an image update / load) about using Jazup or loading from a USB stick with a ‘patch.bin’ file. Also read about jtag but not very keen on opening up the box (unless it just a case of connecting adaptor and it jolts it back to life).

What I am struggling to understand which is the best option for my situation as most issue are as a result of image update / load. The Jazup seems to require IP address but the box does not go far enough in the bootup to show any signs of the IP address. The USB stick with a ‘patch.bin’ file options looks good (I should be able to use my HDD once formatted), but I do not understand what the box will be recovered to. Will it go back to the E2 image or the original FW (not a total disaster if it gets the AZ FW as I have not had a change to see what that is like).

There is lots of info online but its knowing which is the best approach or option for me that I can use quickly and easily (relatively speaking). What im looking for is someone to say ‘your box is dead or not’, ‘use the batch.bin file (link to file) to get ip address’ then use ‘Jazup (or something else) to reload / recover your box back to E2 or original FW??? If that is what needs to be done.

Thanks you in advance for your help.

16-02-2012, 03:38 PM
cant you just put a scart lead in...and boot it?
picture should display, and then you could go into system, av, and change to DVI (not HDMI) reboot, then repeat but then choose HDMI! try 720i at first, then repeat if all ok up to 1080p.

yes, you flash the box using azup. spaze image 2.1 download here on this forum, includes the tools to put E2 on, or original firmware.

if you want recovery mode (which azup needs if E2 is corrupt = not in your case) you turn off the box, then turn it on, while holding down the > button on the front until you see the IP (hard wired only, not wireless) on the front LCD..

17-02-2012, 09:11 PM
cant you just put a scart lead in...and boot it?
picture should display, and then you could go into system, av, and change to DVI (not HDMI) reboot, then repeat but then choose HDMI! try 720i at first, then repeat if all ok up to 1080p.

yes, you flash the box using azup. spaze image 2.1 download here on this forum, includes the tools to put E2 on, or original firmware.

if you want recovery mode (which azup needs if E2 is corrupt = not in your case) you turn off the box, then turn it on, while holding down the > button on the front until you see the IP (hard wired only, not wireless) on the front LCD..

Tried to connect to all the Scart connection on he TV but no luck. Still the same things happening VFD Ready! > 31 Starting /etc/r =s > Starting bootup and then nothing just gets stuck there.

Connected it to the external HDD it said flashed rescue mode and then escape mode a few time and then nothing. This is probably because its looking to a image which obviously i have not installed at this time.

Does this mean the fw has been corrupted and Im better of just flashing as your second option?

Many thanks

18-02-2012, 09:59 AM
i would reflash it.

can u ping it from yuour computer?

you said you knew the IP.

switch off box, switch on - wait 5 mins...

then try pinging...if you can ping.

then download spaze 2.1 from here

then install and load azup 2.04 (inc in download after unpacking) and then reflash your box, point it to the patch.e2 file, then type in IP, enter the username root, password azbox...and let it reflash.

bish bash bosh

18-02-2012, 10:42 AM
I'm guessing the ip add will not have changed.

I do not manage to pin the box, will I have any change of connecting via ethernet through router?

If that fails do I just stick the file you have linked into a usb stick and hope that works.

On the azup it had a recover option. Us that worth a go our to be avoided?

18-02-2012, 11:00 AM
is the box configured wireless or a network cable into the back

YOU NEED CABLE into the back! for the > trick, or the pinging

18-02-2012, 12:16 PM
is the box configured wireless or a network cable into the back

YOU NEED CABLE into the back! for the > trick, or the pinging

It was configured wireless but I have a Ethernet cable, usb so almost ready to go. Will connect Ethernet to box, the to router and try the right click trick.

Do I try the restore thing or not?

18-02-2012, 12:54 PM
Try flashing with the holding > button and turning on trick then ip will show be patient

18-02-2012, 02:23 PM
Been stuck to box for past hour but no IP address.

Got the Spaze 2.1 batch.e2 file.

Got the official batch.bin from the JaZUp_2.4_by_Hectore_and_Pr2 pack.

Going to follow your ten step guide.

Have I missed anything?

18-02-2012, 02:34 PM
just use the software from the link i posted

if u plug a laptop into that same network cable, do you get an IP address (set pc to \ laptop to dhcp)

18-02-2012, 03:28 PM
The link for the azup does not work. Times out after a while which is why tried to use the batch.bin file in the Jazup pack.

I formatted the usb to fat32 and copied the batch.bin file onto. Switched off az plugged in usb and powered on az. It goes to a message 'rescue mode?' 'escape mode' and no further. I have logged into netgear and checked that dhcp is enabled. Do you want me to take the ethernet cable out the back of the az and plug into the laptop and check the ip add?

18-02-2012, 03:57 PM
u mean PATCH.BIN

18-02-2012, 08:59 PM
Hi Mate,

Did not get a chance to say the big THANK YOU for all your help today. Real superstar.

Kind regards

18-02-2012, 09:04 PM
For all those who want to know what happened at the end...had to flash the box at the end. What having a problem finding the IP add but this was because of the Ethernet cable. Simple enough process once you have the right equipment. USB with Patch.bin, cable connection with PC via router, Jazup2 with the correct image (patch.e2). Thats the overview but loads of more detailed info on line.

18-02-2012, 09:41 PM
No problem sorry if I was a bit off at times , got a cold and thumping headache. Glad ur sorted

18-02-2012, 11:10 PM
Don worry about it, your help is much appreciated. On your version you had a wizard for wlan scan and setup. Cant find it on the reloaded image.

18-02-2012, 11:22 PM
not sure what image you loaded but some later ones have the WLAN network missing and ou need to copy manually.
This is from 1.5.3 and is needed use ftp to copy and over write whats already there.

19-02-2012, 12:13 AM
not sure what image you loaded but some later ones have the WLAN network missing and ou need to copy manually.
This is from 1.5.3 and is needed use ftp to copy and over write whats already there.

I have Spaze 2.1 Quantum Edition loaded on the AZ premium HD. Will your attachment be compatible with that? Also is there are of you adding the via usb as I have a problem with connecting via LAN.

Many thanks

19-02-2012, 12:21 AM
Download flashxp and connect using that

19-02-2012, 12:50 AM
Download flashxp and connect using that

Thats how I was connecting connecting before but thats only possible if I can get the wlan set up again. How did you get he wlan / lan wizard loaded on the box before? It was on there before, and would let you scan all local wireless connections, but its not on there now.

Will this be under Spaze Downloads?

19-02-2012, 04:27 PM
Ended up rearranging my front room so that I can get the box connected via lan.

Thanks all for you help.

19-02-2012, 05:16 PM
the spaze image i downloaded from here, had the WLAN built in, strange!

13-03-2012, 06:12 PM
Hi guys

i have a problem with my Premium HD which most likely most of you might have had in the past

box was bought about 4 months ago came with firmware installed, but i recently tried to update a newer firmware via USB pen

it sudently stopped and had to reboot..

now i only get the following information on the VDF display as shown on the pictures, also the HDMI conection does not work, but when i plug the scart it will only show up information on the TV screen if i put the USB PENDRIVE with a patch.bin firmware it will load in to the Firmware upgrade menu with the options available..... but... there is allways a but, i tried to press 1 , OK button on remote or in the box to select first option and flash receiver again,.. but everything gets stuck it does not work i cannot go up or down in menu options... is there a solution for my problem??

i will attach some pics..

i have formated FAT32 and installed patch bin an it recognizes on USB pendrive but cannot install because menu crashes...5338753388