View Full Version : Patch 743P Feedback here please!

27-02-2012, 01:57 PM
I loaded patch 743P from elsewhere on Saturday night and wsa most disappointed to find that yet again all our requests have been ignored regards enabling C Ned 19E to open with patch and latest softcams!
The last patch which DOES open it is patch 737P - and all those before, yet 738P to 743P all dont - so please Phantom what IS the problem please mate?
TNT does seem to have been sorted with this patch and now opens on 19E!
So can anyone interested please post here their own findings once they've had chance to try it out properly?:respect-050:

27-02-2012, 02:24 PM
I didnīt find anything new except one completely useless thing- when the HDD is standby mode and you program something to record the HDD wonīt turn on now when the programmed date is in a couple of hours or days...
In the previous patches it turned on as soon as you have programmed a record, no matter when it should have been recorded (in 1 hour or 1 week).
Still problems with the motor, when you change your orbital position and meanwhile change the channel, the motor simply stops before reaching the right position.

28-02-2012, 01:24 PM
Cant find anything I wasnt watching before? I get TCM but not TNT on 19e?

28-02-2012, 04:39 PM
Cant find anything I wasnt watching before? I get TCM but not TNT on 19e?

TNT mate consists of channels such as France 0,1,2,3,5,2HD, W9, etc and surely not TCM anyway?
I can open all THESE 'TNT' (package) channels, but we arent talking about Turner Classic Movies etc here my friend!
Trust that explains things mate - and we STILL after nearly two years of asking, cannot open C Ned with latest patch (743P) and latest softcams!

28-02-2012, 09:12 PM
surely not TCM anyway?


HR - Yes TCM is open with this patch.

29-02-2012, 10:22 AM
HR - Yes TCM is open with this patch.

Are you getting confused with TMC, a movie channel which is part of the TNT package but nothing to do with TCM (Turner Classic Movies)?

29-02-2012, 01:21 PM
TNT mate consists of channels such as France 0,1,2,3,5,2HD, W9, etc and surely not TCM anyway?
I can open all THESE 'TNT' (package) channels, but we arent talking about Turner Classic Movies etc here my friend!
Trust that explains things mate - and we STILL after nearly two years of asking, cannot open C Ned with latest patch (743P) and latest softcams!
Yes mate I was referring to the TNT "channel" not the package. Bit confusing. I agree it would be nice to have all we have got on one patch. As I have before I keep several patched on one USB stick for convenience.

29-02-2012, 04:07 PM
Well here the point is that its only the 'TNT Package' on 19E which is opened by the latest patch 743P and latest softcams - and NOT the TNT channel itself!:respect-040:

29-02-2012, 05:55 PM
Are you getting confused with TMC, a movie channel which is part of the TNT package but nothing to do with TCM (Turner Classic Movies)?

TCM 11778 v Astra 19.2"E is open as is Boomerang and Cartoon Network on the same TP - Honest


29-02-2012, 08:04 PM
TCM 11778 v Astra 19.2"E is open as is Boomerang and Cartoon Network on the same TP - Honest


I'm not doubting that in the least mate - its just that I think oldjiver may have been confused by the term 'TNT Sat' package on 19E and TNT classic film channel!:respect-040: