View Full Version : Help with my TM

01-03-2012, 01:11 PM
I am trying to bring back on line my TM5400S but cannot open channels at 39e, I have loaded the latest patch (155 7 Feb ) and latest Softcam but they will not open.

My question is can someone help me please :bowing-036:to find the keys for 39e so I can enter them manually like I had to do in the past.
Done a search of the site but all I get is the Softcam???

01-03-2012, 01:38 PM
I am trying to bring back on line my TM5400S but cannot open channels at 39e, I have loaded the latest patch (155 7 Feb ) and latest Softcam but they will not open.

My question is can someone help me please :bowing-036:to find the keys for 39e so I can enter them manually like I had to do in the past.
Done a search of the site but all I get is the Softcam???

moved to the correct forum

the tmsoftcam should have the correct keys in it for 39e , open it with notepad++ and check

alternatively open the spiderbox softcam and check the keys in that one , ensure they match , if not edit as required , or enter manually

01-03-2012, 01:52 PM
Thanks echelon, keys are the same in both TM & Spider, just remembered its the 1st of the month so they may have had a key change?? maybe thats why it will not open

01-03-2012, 04:02 PM
Thanks echelon, keys are the same in both TM & Spider, just remembered its the 1st of the month so they may have had a key change?? maybe thats why it will not open

a good theory that you could have easily tested with one of your 3 spiderboxes

as it happens I havent updated my softcam for a week or two on my spiderbox 9000 , and 39e opens just fine

checked cartoon n/w , nova sport and diema , as well as a few others

so the softcam keys must be valid

01-03-2012, 06:50 PM
@manic01, yes they are the keys I have and installed, the softcam opens the dutch at 19e so the SC is valid.

@echelon, checked the 3 channels you mentioned but do not open, I only have 1 Spider working at the moment due to 2x g*ft running out. I am going to loop-through my TM ( which drives my motor ) to one of the redundent spiders later to check.

01-03-2012, 07:15 PM
@manic01, yes they are the keys I have and installed, the softcam opens the dutch at 19e so the SC is valid.

@echelon, checked the 3 channels you mentioned but do not open, I only have 1 Spider working at the moment due to 2x g*ft running out. I am going to loop-through my TM ( which drives my motor ) to one of the redundent spiders later to check.

must be a TM box or patch fault then, seeing as the spiders open those channels

those 39e channels are not reliant on your g*ft , doesnt matter if its run out or not , the softcam and patch still opens them in ucas , so the g*ft status is irrelevant

01-03-2012, 07:28 PM
@manic01, yes they are the keys I have and installed, the softcam opens the dutch at 19e so the SC is valid.

@echelon, checked the 3 channels you mentioned but do not open, I only have 1 Spider working at the moment due to 2x g*ft running out. I am going to loop-through my TM ( which drives my motor ) to one of the redundent spiders later to check.

Maybe you should check with this list which channels open with Ethernet and UCAS on your spiderbox(s)


01-03-2012, 08:30 PM
Thanks echelon & Aldo, I disconnected my 7000 & 9000 after the g*ft expired and am going to use them with my own cs when I finish trunking the cat5 cable. The problem at the moment is my 5400s not opening 39e after installing a new patch and SC but as stated opens 19e.

01-03-2012, 10:02 PM
Revert back to an old patch ?
Do they open then ?

02-03-2012, 09:39 AM
@oscar, yes it used to open but I always had to put the keys in manually for 39e, don't know why!!! all other channels opened ok. Have to search my files for an old patch.

02-03-2012, 10:23 AM
Thanks echelon & Aldo, I disconnected my 7000 & 9000 after the g*ft expired and am going to use them with my own cs when I finish trunking the cat5 cable. The problem at the moment is my 5400s not opening 39e after installing a new patch and SC but as stated opens 19e.

my point is that your cabling arrangements or g*ft arrangements are irrelevant to this thread and irrelevant to testing one of your 3 spiderboxes on 39e using the latest HDsoftcam for spiders. I never mentioned either of those issues in my reply, so keep it simple as its only ucas + k*ys, nothing special

not sure if there is a language barrier here or what ? seeing as you are in spain somewhere ?

but in simple english

point your tm at 39e and switch to standby

connect 1 of your 3 spiders to the lnb loopthrough on the tm and switch it on , ensuring its on 39e and that the latest HDsoftcam is installed

then check nova , diema and cartoon n/w

these should all open for you on the spiderbox that you have inserted into the tm system

assuming they do open (mine do ) then the problem is with your patch on your tm, seeing as you said the k*ys are exactly the same

its hardly rocket science to perform such a simple check , doesnt require any g*ft or cabling and is a method we have employed for over 10 years or so

so as I said in my second reply , you could have easily checked 39e using one of your spiders, hooked into the tm temporarily and while its pointed at 39 east

as for patch files , we keep a lot of "old files" here in the FIRMWARE section at the top of this section, including 153 and 154