View Full Version : Just wanted to say thanks to Manik M and others for helping

08-03-2012, 05:15 AM
Just wanted to say thanks with all the help and tutorials with my s4000 and expecially to :respect-058:MANIK M as he always replied:respect-047:

S4000 was stuck in boot sequence for the past week (was awaiting for serial card) and without ManikM's testing and reporting back on this forum regarding flashing bootloader, changing vendor etc and also having the same problems, i'd honestly had a bricked box BUT got it going again with reading all his posts and problems lol (im still trying to figure how to remove the TDTMAXIBOOT and flash back to original bootloader but 1 step at a :toetap05:).

THANKYOU 2 EVERYONE as its all much :respect-applause-00:respect-048:

08-03-2012, 02:00 PM
no problem mate - glad i could help.

to get the original loader back, user porter express with the relevant bootloader file for whichever reseller you have on it at the moment, or use the HDF bootloader plugin