View Full Version : Mgcamd 1.35a Client

14-03-2012, 12:17 PM

I copied the mgcamd 1.35a files to my Azbox premium HD plus plugins folder, but when I select it in the list of plugins in the menu, it doesn't let me configure it.

Can anyone suggest a way to preconfigure the server/port/username/password directly in the config files in order to skip the failed menu access?


20-03-2012, 10:10 PM
Why dont you just alter a peer file with the details using notepad ++ and ftp it to your reqd folder using
Cute ftp or something like that.

21-03-2012, 07:13 AM
Why dont you just alter a peer file with the details using notepad ++ and ftp it to your reqd folder using Cute ftp or something like that.

I would, except I couldn't find one :confused:

21-03-2012, 08:05 AM
That's my peer.cfg:

# sample peer.cfg for gbox client in mgcamd

# syntax the same as in cwshare.cfg,

# you can just copy cwshare.cfg to this file.

# see below for supported tags, others not supported (yet).

# max cards to send ecm too + preffered cards ids (up to 32)
X: { 05 } 1234 ABCD

# max card's distance to use for ecm
I: ( 05 }

# resend after 2 seconds, re-sync (send to all) after 3 seconds
N: { 0 0 0 0 2000 3000 }

# same, but for NDS cards
S: { 0 0 0 0 400 500 }

# my host and password
M: { my.dyndns.com { 1234ABCD }}

# peers, unlimited number, but only up to 32 unique ports to listen

# host, port to listen, remote port, password, levels (ignored)
D: { peer1.dyndns.com { 2471 3471 { ABCD1234 { 9 9 }}}}
D: { peer2.dyndns.com { 2471 3471 { 6789ABCD { 9 9 }}}}

# ignore ids
Y: { 01 02 }
Y: { 02 03 }

# always save ids, caid-id + id
G: { 05023B00 1234 }
G: { 01000065 5678 }

# virtual cards
V: { 01 { 05 00 7C 00 }}
V: { 02 { 18 01 04 01 }}
V: { 02 { 18 01 05 01 }}
V: { 03 { 18 01 40 01 }}
V: { 03 { 18 01 41 01 }}

This is my newcamd.list:

CWS = 20000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan local

I need to set (where?) the host name, port(s), username, password and DES key (01 ..14) of the Newcamd/Mgcamd server.

How/where do I do that?
