View Full Version : Guys I have joined the VU+ Club so looks like I am back until then.:)

17-03-2012, 03:41 PM
Hello guys,

I bought a VU+ Solo and a VBox 2 to turn my 1.2 Raven aka Channel Master Dish as my other receiver has more or less given up the ghost so it was inevitable I was going to join the linux based club.

As you know I have been out of the game these days been spending most of time in personal development and making myself a better person and helping people fulful their true potential but that itself is a long story and some parts of it I am not at liberty to say either but is good to be back all the same.

You are probably wondering why I don't do Dragon updates anymore for obvious reasons my passion has died out but occasionally upon request I might do one more you never now as is still a good cam all the same.

Now the big question I have been looking around but I need help I want to configure my Vbox 2 to work in concert with the VU+ Solo as its bought brand new I have checked Lee's post from Goldwafers no disrespect and nothing personal I am not sure it would work the rest of the receiver itself seems pretty straight forward may need to get a wireless dongle to get the best of this machine so any help is appreciated I never thought I ask as I use to be ahead in the game but these days been too busy with other things.

Best regards and many thanks,


17-03-2012, 03:54 PM
hello mate.

you ever thought of using full stops and comas lol.
because of this im a little unsure what you are asking,but if its whether a VU+ will work perfectly with a vbox 2,then the answer is yes,it works flawlessly and is exactly how my setup is configured at the moment,with the VU+ used as a client,for viewing and moving the dish and my 7020 used as my oscam server.


17-03-2012, 04:02 PM
Hello Ian sorry for the grammar mate excuse me on that one.

I just need to set up the right mode on the receiver on the set up menu to get it to make the VBox 2 to work I also done a test on the vbox by remote to make sure my motor on the dish is turning as well just need to find the right options on the menu to make it work then store the satellite positions and stations which is the main thing I want it to do until I get use to this machine as I have heard so many good things about it I know Sonic1 has one too I also have a Titanium 0.1 lnb for my dish as I understand is ideal for High Definition broadcasts etc so if you can steer me in the right direction I would ever so be grateful.

17-03-2012, 04:12 PM
ok heres the bad news.

with the vbox you have to setup each sat individually.

but the good news is you only ever have to do this once.
so basically,you enter the tuner config menu and select the sat that the dish is presently parked at and select expert.
then move down the menu changing what is needed.

there are only 3 things you need to change.

DISEQC = 1.2
use usals for this sat = no

then from the 3 digit number at the bottom select your storage position for this sat ie 001

thats it buddy.

move onto the next sat by using the left and right buttons,then enter the positioner menu and move the dish manually with the move east or move west buttons until the best signal is locked and then store,change the above for that and every other say across the arc.selecting 002,003,004 ect until you have them all stored.

all done,will take you about half an hour.


17-03-2012, 04:20 PM
just a thought.

if you already have all the sat positions stored in the vbox from your previous reciever,and you know what these storage positions are,then all you have to do is enter those positions into the VU+


if astra at 28E was previously stored at position 28 from your previous set up then just enter the VU+ tuner config menu,change the 3 settings posted above,and from the three numbers at the bottom,store at 028.

much easier,but you do need to know your previous storage positions.


18-03-2012, 04:06 PM
Hi Ian,

Really appreciate the reply also when I am done I take it I won't need the Vbox 2 remote after configuring is that right bro thanks for your help mate as I know the Sat Scene has changed alot also may need to buy a Wireless dongle for CS but that could wait till then cheers for that one.:)

18-03-2012, 05:11 PM
nope you dont need the vbox remote,but keep it safe in a drawer,because it can do many things the receiver cant,
for example,if you dish goes slightly out of line,you can peak just one sat to obtain the highest possible signal to correct this and then from the vbox remote,you can calculate all the other sats and bring those back into line too.

all is explained in the manual,but for general usage the VU+ remote is all that you need.


23-03-2012, 09:14 PM
Sorry for the late reply got the thing up and running was a little tricky at first but all was required was simple mathematical logic for it to work.

For those who are starting a fresh start on Astra 19e first position the dish on that sat and remember to store position on the Vbox2 and likewise with all and you are away yet again thanks for the help people its much appreciated.