View Full Version : Bootloader Start Priority - Accidental Find

18-03-2012, 06:31 PM
Hi All.

Thought I would share a find, I made by accident, so please don't ridicule to much if its already common knowledge.

When using modified boot loaders for booting E2 from a USB stick, to get it boot from the USB stick you either modify the boot arguments in MaxiBoot or put up with using the remote to cycle to ---USB 1--- etc, then press start.


Without having to mod the bootloader to change arguments, you can:

When the box is booting and gets to ---Flash--- use the channel up key on the front of the box to cycle through to your desired priority to start from and press the down key on the box when your happy and it flashes "saving", and hey presto it starts looking for that saved option as a priority when booted from cold or restart etc.

Tried on the HDF flashers and the Maxi flashers (plugins from stock FW), not tried with Maxiboot or Uboot from serial.

Hope it helps.