View Full Version : 16e issues

21-03-2012, 01:22 AM
hi all can anybody help have just put up 2 lnbs one on 16 degrees one on 13 degrees good signal on both but on 16 degrees can not pick up any of the tring channels am getting 1.342 channels but no tring even tried putting in frequencie but no look all other channels fine can even get nova and sky calcio on 16 degrees .showing signal strenth and quality above 80% can not understand
thanks frank

21-03-2012, 01:35 AM
hi all can anybody help have just put up 2 lnbs one on 16 degrees one on 13 degrees good signal on both but on 16 degrees can not pick up any of the tring channels am getting 1.342 channels but no tring even tried putting in frequencie but no look all other channels fine can even get nova and sky calcio on 16 degrees .showing signal strenth and quality above 80% can not understand
thanks frank

moved to the correct forum

nova and sly italia are on 13e so if you are scanning on 16e and getting nova and sly italia you are actually scanning 13e

try scanning for fta channels on 16e on the correct lnb

21-03-2012, 02:02 AM
hi all can anybody help have just put up 2 lnbs one on 16 degrees one on 13 degrees good signal on both but on 16 degrees can not pick up any of the tring channels am getting 1.342 channels but no tring even tried putting in frequencie but no look all other channels fine can even get nova and sky calcio on 16 degrees .showing signal strenth and quality above 80% can not understand
thanks frank

We would need to know your dish size but anything below an 80cm on 16° east and you may struggle with Tring, Nova and Sky Calcio are on 13° east and not 16°.

If using an 80cm then your main focus sat should be 16° east as 13° east is very strong and should be used as the offset LNB

21-03-2012, 10:01 AM
If you didn't already know the second LNB needs to be on the wrong side from normal. Take a Look at the the picture in

basic laws of reflection. Hope that helps. Also if you are using a DisqeC switche make it is setup correctly.

22-03-2012, 01:05 PM
HI thanks for your reply I have a 1.1 dish and a triax double LNB bracket . Fitted the 2 LNBs then moved dish to 16 degrees on lefthand one( from front of dish) then connected other LNB and tuned to 13 degrees .On my receiver which already had 13 degrees in (ICECRYPT 3500 HD) set to 16 degrees and scanned it. it shows up on my receiver as 16 degrees yes and I thought it strange I had nova and sly italia but its two different lists 16&13 so can not understand it .I have had 16 & 13 before on a 3 degree monoblock but this seemed to stop working .I lined the dish up myself as I have done many times with horizon meter which has 16/15.8 and 13 etc already in meter which has been updated .can not see whats wrong will be gratefull of any help as i guess i must be doing something wrong somewhere
thanks frank

22-03-2012, 01:25 PM
The lnb which is central would be best pointed at 16 degrees, the offset lnb should be used for 13 degrees.
Due to signal strength differences.

Also, ensure you have the offset lnb on the correct side to pick up signal, this can be an easy mistake to make.

22-03-2012, 06:35 PM
Just had a look at the triax setup is it one of the Triax Flexiblock Feedholder.. If it is it maybe a little difficult to setup. Looking around it seems both LNBs operate on the relection of the signal as there is no central lnb .If this is correct let us know and maybe one of the guru's on here maybe able to sort it out.

If the above is correct , the way to align if you wanted 19e,13e would be to use the single lnb holder first and align it to 16e. The result would then give you when you put the flexiblock on would give 19e on one side and 13e on the other. Not the configuration you want but getting us in the right direction. I really wish I had one of these to try out. Totally disregard this if it's not a flexiblock setup.

22-03-2012, 10:28 PM
hi gadstamut yes your right it is a flexiblock and it says it will go from 3-10 degrees apart it also explains about setting the LNBs the oposite way round so from front faceing dish 16 on left 13 on right . so i put meter on 16 lnb left from front then turned dish till got good signal on 16 then put meter on other lnb and adjusted on flexiblock for 13 which i got easy by slideing slightly on flexiblock .what i can not understand is it shows up on meter and receiver as 13e and 16e . got me baffled
thanks for all help but still not sorted anybody help please frank

23-03-2012, 12:16 AM
Next thing to sort is how are the two lnbs connected to the box. DiseqC or a manual switch.

The following is for working out which satellite you're pointed at. Just as a ref as they are fta and easy to find.
Test a few frequencies. 11283V 27500 this is for tring and Vision plus is free to air so once scanned will be viewable.
12187H 27500 which is RTL television on 19east and finally. 11804V 27500 which is rai sport on 13 east.

The reason I ask , as your old setup had a monoblock LNB there would be one cable. In the new setup there will either be a diseqC switch or a manual one or two cables in if you own an STB with dual LNB inputs. Now on your STB you may need to change your settings with regards to the LNB setup.

23-03-2012, 12:10 PM
hi yes its a diseqc swich up on mast .I have tried putting in the frequencies for tring but nothing found . my sat box only has one input its a icecrypy 3500 hd .on my box it has set up and then you can change satellite and at the bottom it has two signal bars when i put it on 16 it shows good signal and when i put my meter on (HORIZON) good signal on 16 then change to other lnb and good signal on 13 on horizon meter it only shows signal if its on the right satellite .these have been tested before disequ switch straight from LNB .do you think i should reset my box and start again but scan 16 first

23-03-2012, 12:21 PM
Test by - just connecting the one lnb to your stb that is supposed to be receiving Tring on 16 east. Also check you are receiving other channels on 16 east by matching them with all those listed for that sat.

If you are not receiving 16 east, adjust your equipment as needed.

23-03-2012, 05:05 PM
Ok if your Horizon is correct then you must have both satellites. The next thing to do is look in the dish settings and the setup of the DiseqC switch settings. I'm not familiar with your box type. But on most it's a case of setting up LNB1 for Hotbird and LNB2 for W2eut. (or DiseqC port 1 and DiseqC port 2). Scan each for the channels you require.

23-03-2012, 10:43 PM
yes I think you may be right this is the first time I have used this satbox (icecrypt 3500 hd) and am not to sure of settings. never had a problem like this before used a TM800 before .I will see if i can suss them out and let you know
thanks frank

13-04-2012, 09:28 PM
Did you get sorted?

19-04-2012, 10:10 AM
sorted thank you frank park