View Full Version : VU+ Uno Timer

23-03-2012, 04:04 PM
HI All,

Having a little Glitch with Externa drive.
The timer file (timers.XML) is currupt
and could not be loaded.
I at the same time lost my C-line
on 28e.
Tryed to backup from Internal HDD with
UUCC 0.5, but received (OOPS ftuncate).

When I turned Uno back On It acted
as if it was a first Time setup.
Asking (English, Config and so on).
As it was like an new box, had to
upload enigma 2 Channel setting.
After new setting loaded regained
my C_line on 28e.

Blue, Blue, Device manager to
to mount External drive, that
worked OK.
Then into (Menu, Setup, System) looked
down and there Is No (Record Path).

Eternal Drive is Mounted, but unable to
set (HDD/USB) as Default, It will only
record to (HDD Internal).