View Full Version : tm5402hd

24-03-2012, 06:06 PM
how do u hook up the tm5402 up 2 the internet 2 get the sports channels am new 2 all this

24-03-2012, 06:37 PM
how do u hook up the tm5402 up 2 the internet 2 get the sports channels am new 2 all this

moved to the correct forum , please use the correct forum in future

now try reading the guides etc at the top of this forum

eg:- https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?154759-tm5402-guides

you will have to sort out a c line from a srvr too

and you need an ethernet cable from your router to the tm5402 as well so that it has internet access

24-03-2012, 07:35 PM
or thankes kind sir and sorry 4 the wrong post section