View Full Version : Blackhole upgrade

26-03-2012, 12:02 AM
I wish someone with enough knowledge would publish a sensible manual for Blackhole Images for simple people like me.

I am currently running BH v1.7.1 on an Ultimo and want to upgrade to the latest version v1.7.2.

Am i correct in thinkink that if i make a personal backup to the harddrive using current setup ie v1.7.1, then do a clean install of v1.7.2 and restore the personal backup that all previous cams settings etc etc will be restored without having to do everything manually.

I sure hope so since setting up a full motorised system takes a lot of time.

VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, Invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn
Blackhole v1.7.1 etc etc

26-03-2012, 12:46 AM
you tryed this look like good work from LEE

26-03-2012, 12:47 AM
If you use the personal backup feature, then all your settings (sat locations etc) will be saved and you can restore them when 1.7.2 is installed.

If you have installed 3rd party plugins you might loose them, so will need to send them to the tmp directory and install them again via the green panel.

The same goes for the cams, from memory they are not saved with personal backup, so make sure you manually backup any configs that you have made.

26-03-2012, 01:31 AM
Hello everyone.


You can backup anything (camscripts, keys, emus) in a Blackhole image by customising the backup command. To do this you have to go to the section where you can select which files/folders you want to include and the path for this is as follows **** Menu/setup/software management/advanced/options/choose backup files.
In the 'backup files' section you press the yellow button to make your selection and then the green button to save it. If you now go back to the section in the menu where it says 'choose backup files' and press the epg button on your handset it will show you what it is going to backup, which should include the items that you added using the yellow button.

Regards to all,


26-03-2012, 04:36 PM
Hi Peckish,

Can you for Example backup the mgcamd 1.35a,
and your N-Line with (Softwae Managemant).

Once backed up to your internal HDD, what is
the path to reload back into a new B/Hole Image.

Thanks for a well informed post, just what I need
to fix my timer error, (The timer file (timers.XML) is
currupt and could not be loaded).

Thanks BF.

27-03-2012, 12:45 AM
Hello everyone.


I'll give an example of backing up mgcamd_1.35a from the bin directory and the newcamd.conf from the config directory OR newcamd.list if you are using the keys directory.

In the advanced section select 'Choose backup files' and you will see the following folder structure:


To go down a level in any folder you highlight the folder of your choice and press 'ok' on your handset. To go up a level in any folder you highlight 'parent directory' and press 'ok' on your handset. So to backup the newcamd.list file which is in the keys folder you would first select 'var' and press 'ok' to go down 1 level and then do the same with the 'keys' folder. Once in the keys folder you select newcamd.list and press the yellow button to mark it for backup. From here you select 'parent directory' and then once again to take you back to the top level.

To backup mgcamd_1.35a which is in the 'bin' folder you first select 'var' and press 'ok' to go down 1 level and then do the same with the 'bin' folder. Once in the bin folder you select mgcamd_1.35a and press the yellow button to mark it for backup. From here you select 'parent directory' and then once again to take you back to the top level.

If you are using newcamd.conf (which is in the config folder) instead of newcamd.list then you do the exact same as shown above except the path for this is now var/tuxbox/config. Once you have selected all of the files you want to backup you have to press the 'green' button on your handset to save your selection. After you press the green button you will be taken back to the Software management section but still in the advanced part, so to go up 1 level in the menu press the 'red' button on your handset.

So far, all you have done is mark the files that you would like to backup so now to do the actual backup just select 'backup system settings' and press ok on your handset.
To restore these settings after you have installed a new Blackhole image you just return to the Software management section, select 'Advanced options' and then 'Advanced restore'.

You have to remember to mark the actual files for backup and NOT the folder that contains the files so I'll explain what I mean.
Lets say you have 4 files in the keys folder that you want to back up. If you only mark the folder for backup without going into the folder and marking each file, then when the backup takes place that particular folder does NOT get backed up and neither does it's contents and that's why you actually go into a folder and mark each file for backup. By marking each file you will make a backup with the correct directory structure which will be sent back to the correct place after your restore.

Regards to all,


27-03-2012, 03:54 PM
Hi Peckish,

Thank's for your patient and detailed reply (Sticky
on how to backup In the VU+, and in my
case its an Uno.
Will give it a go, and report back,
may take awhile, terrified of trying while big
Football games are still being to be viewed.

Thanks BF.

30-03-2012, 11:06 AM
Many thanks for the responses particularly to Peckish for taking the time to give a really good guide.
I haven't done the update yet due to time pressures but feel a lot more confident about starting now after reading the above advice.

Again my thanks to all, and anyone who wants to add additional advice please feel free.

I have been using satellite equipment since the early analogue days through the start of digital, programming D2MAC etc but have only recently jumped to Linux recievers and it takes a while to get to grips with the technology and the setup. Everyone has to start somewhere so thanks to those who have the patience to help us out.

VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, Invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn
Blackhole v1.7.1 etc etc

04-04-2012, 11:39 AM
Have done the update to v1.7.2 successfully and used VUcc to do a backup and recovery. However the reason why i wanted to do the update is still there.

I was using crossepg with Rytek sources and had got to a stste where these would not display, further more the first switch on of the Ultimo in the morning after updates always resultied in the unit switching itself off immediately and has to be turned on again a second time.

After update the crossepg using Rytek still won't work so i changed to opentv source and it works but the box still has to be turned on twice the first time after update and then displays a still picture with a channel title off DVD SERVICE until another channel is chosen.

I can only conclude that i have got the settings into some strange state and that the backup and recovery is returning these faulty settings after upgrade.

I would like to do another new install of BH v1.7.2 but only backup my Multisat settings and nothing else so that i start from a completely clean state. What do i need to backup to save my Multisat settings only. I have a motorised system 36v running from about 45E to 45W with about 25 Sats setup so its a bit tedious to go through the setup again manually. I am happy to install softcams and crossepg manually after reinstall of BH. I am also going to clear the harddrive in case anything has been left there which may carry over after reinstall.

Anyone know how to do this?

If necessary i will do a full setup totally from scratch but being able to put the sat setup back in using backed up files would be much much quicker.

By the way does anyone else see this double switch on behaviour after crossepg update. I cant rule out a faulty box but somehow i think it is setup related.

Your advice would be very much appreciated.

04-04-2012, 11:42 AM
Ftp into etc/enigma2

Grab the settings file.

Then reflash your box and once up and running again.

Log into telnet, and type init 4 this will kill enigma2.

Then ftp into etc/enigma2 and select the settings file (right click and edit it, and then open the previously saved settings file, and copy all the nips settings from the old file to the new).

Then save the file back to the box and in telnet type init 3 and your box should restart.

06-04-2012, 01:22 PM
Thanks CokeAddict worked a treat.

I now have a clean BH image up and running with crossepg using XEPGDB sources fully functional so far.
In my previous setup i had little icons on the left of the channel list which indicated program progress.
Can't remember how i got them up before. Any chance you could point to where the setup for these icons can be found.

Sorry for all the questions but we all have to start somewhere.

Many thanks again CokeAddict.

06-04-2012, 02:47 PM
menu, setup, system, customise, show channel progress change to yes

06-04-2012, 06:21 PM
Many thanks CokeAddict i'm in your debt again.

I'm aware of Lee's Guide to BH setup but has anyone produced a more extensive guide covering the detailed setup areas like above.
If you are aware of anything could you post a link.

It does take quite a bit of time for new users to remember all the colour combinations and where everything is located.
A good extended guide would go down a treat and remove a lot of the questions you have to deal with.

Anyhow thanks again.