View Full Version : Changing satellite.xml file

29-03-2012, 05:40 AM
When you change just your satellite.xml file, do all the settings related to your 'favourites' and other tv channel settings get updated automatically?

Let's say a channel changes it's frequency, for example BBC1 moves from frequency settings 'A', to frequency settings 'B'.
Now if I have BBC1 in my 'favourites' as well as in my 'FreeToAir' categories of channel settings, and I download a new updated satellite.xml file from [satellites-xml.eu] and overwrite my file on my box, do the settings for my BBC1 channels get automatically updated, or do I have to update each one myself again through DCC or whatever?

29-03-2012, 01:39 PM
Any enigma box should handle any changes automatically.

29-03-2012, 07:01 PM
Hi doubleudee
If you change the xml file, provided that the change to the channel doesn’t involve a frequency change enigma2 should handle it OK after a sat scan, but with a frequency change and a scan it will show up as a new channel and you will have to copy it over to your favourite list and delete the old one.

30-03-2012, 08:11 AM
Thanks both.
