View Full Version : FTP problems? with Jazup2.5 with the firmware OpenRSI

01-04-2012, 01:51 PM
Little clarification

The FTP problem is solved, the problem come from Jazup 2.5
until now I had to install 3 times with 2.5 Jazup
With the kernel with another kernel 12.03.2012 from 12.03.2012 firmware of 12/03/2012 the first firmware the other from 17.0 3.2012 the firmware hoe is released today one of the one has nothing to do always the same problem “FTP problem connection with Dcc program Telnet was not problem
And now I reinstalled the firmware from 12.03.2012 with the kernel of 16.03.2012 but with Azup 2.1.6 and suddenly the problem has completely disappeared
much work for nothing the problem is Jazup 2.5
So the problem and the report was only on our forum: azboxforum.be because everyone on ower forum has used Jazup 2.5


02-04-2012, 11:24 AM

The problem FTP is often a problem of firewall. Look if your firewall doesn't block java applications to go out with this protocol.
I don't touch my ftp java code in JaZUp since version 2.0! It isn't a kernel version problem and jazup 2.5 work well.
JaZUp 2.x take e2 file extract kernel and firmware and sent it in azbox via ftp whatever image (RTI, OpenRsi, etc...).

Before to speak of clarification at 1 pounds, you should study computer science before to say anything and copy of the tutorials that you don't understand.


03-04-2012, 06:53 PM
Bonjour Hectore,

J'ai moi aussi constaté ce bug (FTP non fonctionnel) après fla****e de OpenRSI avec Jazup 2.5. Par ailleurs, Valérie m'a filé un coup de main sur un pb de paramétrage de OpenRSI, très sympa de sa part.

J'utilise Jazup depuis le début et je soutiens votre logiciel (suis donateur).

Es-tu certain qu'il n'y a pas une incompatibilité entre Jazup 2.5 et l'image OpenRSI ?

Bien cordialement,

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?fxpvto

03-04-2012, 07:28 PM

Please read the form rules!

Please write in English.

04-04-2012, 05:52 PM
Hi HDA5,

Sorry. Here is the translation of what I wrote in french :

Hi Hectore,

I also encountered this FTP bug after flashing OpenRSI onto my AZBox with JaZUp 2.5.

I must also say that Valérie helped me with a setup problem onto OpenRSI, which is very kind of her.

I've used JaZUp since the begining and I'm a donator.

Are you sure there is no incompatibility between JaZUp 2.5 and OpenRSI ?

Kind regards

04-04-2012, 11:23 PM
Hello Hectore,

It is not only me who said that Jazup 2.5 had a problem , it was a lot of complaints from users of Jazup for the installation of OpenRSI.
It is not a firewall problem, I have used Jazup since the first version 1.0 and I must say it is the best program for me.
But there is really a bug with FTP connections when you install the firmware OpenRSI with it,
I installed OpenRSI 3 times with Jazup 2.5 and my firewall was deactivated.
If u want to install OpenRSi without problem u have to do it with Azup then you have no bug
But if you insist to use Jazup to install Openrsi you have to correct the bug by logging in with
Telnet; you have to follow this procedure:
with telnet type the command:

mkdir / var / empty

always with the telnet type command

ln-sf "/ etc" "/ var / etc"

in order to place the files Cccam in folder / etc so that the box can read. The Card)
and restart DCC the Ftp server is running!
With Ftp connection go in / usr / bin / and edit the file enigma2.sh
and add these two lines just above the "sync"

mkdir / var / empty
ln-sf "/ etc" "/ var / etc"
save the file
with the next restart of the azbox there will be nothing left to rebuild
all works

04-04-2012, 11:26 PM

The problem FTP is often a problem of firewall. Look if your firewall doesn't block java applications to go out with this protocol.
I don't touch my ftp java code in JaZUp since version 2.0! It isn't a kernel version problem and jazup 2.5 work well.
JaZUp 2.x take e2 file extract kernel and firmware and sent it in azbox via ftp whatever image (RTI, OpenRsi, etc...).

Before to speak of clarification at 1 pounds, you should study computer science before to say anything and copy of the tutorials that you don't understand.



Hello Hectore,

It is not only me who said that Jazup 2.5 had a problem , it was a lot of complaints from users of Jazup for the installation of OpenRSI.
It is not a firewall problem, I have used Jazup since the first version 1.0 and I must say it is the best program for me.
But there is really a bug with FTP connections when you install the firmware OpenRSI with it,
I installed OpenRSI 3 times with Jazup 2.5 and my firewall was deactivated.
If u want to install OpenRSi without problem u have to do it with Azup then you have no bug
But if you insist to use Jazup to install Openrsi you have to correct the bug by logging in with
Telnet; you have to follow this procedure:
with telnet type the command:

mkdir / var / empty

always with the telnet type command

ln-sf "/ etc" "/ var / etc"

in order to place the files Cccam in folder / etc so that the box can read. The Card)
and restart DCC the Ftp server is running!
With Ftp connection go in / usr / bin / and edit the file enigma2.sh
and add these two lines just above the "sync"

mkdir / var / empty
ln-sf "/ etc" "/ var / etc"
save the file
with the next restart of the azbox there will be nothing left to rebuild
all works.


05-04-2012, 12:12 PM
@ Hectore

I want to know from what school you are
maybe I don’t have much knowledge in linux
But I want just say to you that I have not heard of "computer science" as you said earlier in your message but computing.
When you ask me that i should study computer science before to say anything and copy of the tutorials that i don't understand.
I can tell you that I'm only a software developer by Microsoft TechNet during my free time, because I have a doctorate PHD in nuclear physics, so it is my profession
And I've never adressed to someone with disrespect like you.
I will not allow you to wear a judgment on me.
And want just remind you that you are talking to a woman and not a man like you.


08-04-2012, 05:26 PM

Does jazup edit the /etc/fstab file after sending image? I know Azup did this in pre-2.1.6 versions. Openrsi uses different /etc/fstab file



09-04-2012, 01:00 PM

To fix this problem for people that use JaZUp 2.5 to install OpenRSI simply:

edit /etc/fstab

and change the following line:


tmpfs /var/ tmpfs defaults 0 0


tmpfs /var/volatile tmpfs defaults 0 0

And reboot your box.



10-04-2012, 08:40 PM

Current JaZUp donators will receive JaZUp 2.6 that include the fix in priority.

Later on, we will make it public for everybody.
