View Full Version : Back to offial firmare but need e2 file

02-04-2012, 06:09 PM
Can I ask for some help
I'm trying to return my box to the official firmware using Jazup.
To do this I need to load an e2 patch. When I read the advice I can find the patch in the an RTI image file.
I cant find this (sorry I'm a complete newbie !!)
Can anybody help
many thanks

02-04-2012, 06:20 PM
find BackToOfficial folder under e2 image you have
or download newest rti e2 image and find it there

02-04-2012, 06:47 PM
Thanks Primarijus
I moved to Open RSI by following the instructions on YouTube. A bad move for me as I don't know enough.
If I search for the e2 file by searching on RSI e2 I can't seem to find a file i can use to get me back to the official firmware.
Any chance of a bit more direction
Thanks again

02-04-2012, 09:02 PM

03-04-2012, 12:05 PM

JaZUp is providing the needed files in its pack... simply watch you will see the folder called Back_To_Official and in it you will have the patch.e2 file.


03-04-2012, 10:25 PM
Can I PLEASE ask for a bit more advice ?
I have a USB stick in FAT32. I've used the stick in the past to update the box.
I have followed Jazup to get back to the original firmware and got to the point where it needs to load the patch from the stick. No matter what i do it says that there is no file on the USB stick.
I have tried another stick also in FAT32 but I had the same problem
At the moment the patch on the stick reads AZboz-0.9.5300-patch. Bin file
I've tried various combintions of taking the numbers out and the word bin out. I've also tried earlier patches.
All, without success
any ideas what I can do next ?
many thanks

04-04-2012, 04:04 PM
rename the file = patch = not patch.bin just patch, i had the same problem and that worked for me.

04-04-2012, 08:50 PM
IQ180 Many Thanks
I tried several times with no success. - left it for a while then tried again and BINGO:respect-048:
I followed your advice.
I was beginning to think that the box was heading for the bin. I've spent hours on it since Saturday
Well - next it's getting Multi Cas ( I thought this was part of patch 5309 but perhaps not).
I also think I owe Jazup a small donnation
Thanks again for the help

04-04-2012, 10:32 PM
you can get multicas & openxcas from the reciver menu, if you need help with it start a new thread and ask how to get multicas
and i will help you with it.

06-04-2012, 07:48 PM
All sorted out now
Can I just say a big thank you to all who helped me, Iq180, Pr2 and Primarijus.
I was really stuck !!!
thanks again

02-08-2012, 06:16 PM
rename the file = patch = not patch.bin just patch, i had the same problem and that worked for me.

iq80, Your windows hide file extension from you. :rofl:
File name have to be patch.bin (just disable that useless feature on your comp).

16-08-2012, 01:59 AM
iq80, Your windows hide file extension from you. :rofl:
File name have to be patch.bin (just disable that useless feature on your comp).
i have had this problem before and when it calls for the patch.bin and the reciver reads no patch file in usb then if you will name it patch
and use jazup it will then read the file, dont know the reason it works but it does.