View Full Version : Lost my dish !

04-04-2012, 02:06 PM
The wind was bad the other day and heard a rattling in the yard when I got in , looked out of the window and my LH 1m dish wasn't on the pole . The Jaeger motor was still there but the dish had snapped off at the motor arm and landed in the yard all dented at the top . Oh Bugger !
another dish an motor required . Lenson dont make dishes any more ,so I'll have to get some sort of alternative .

So, check your mounts ,chaps . If my dish had landed on someone it would made a mess or worse ,so I've been very lucky. I checked it a couple of years ago and all was well ,just shows you the force of the wind .

04-04-2012, 04:35 PM
My 120 did that about 3 years ago.

Have a word with a car panel beater. Although mine still has the odd minor crease in it the performance doesn't seem to have suffered much.

He can probably weld up the bit that has snapped too.

04-04-2012, 05:01 PM
My 1.5 went across the yard last year here in Spain, it was on a tri-pod now its on a pole!!!!

04-04-2012, 07:46 PM
i fitted a sky dish on a chimney stack on a 3 story building several years ago with 14 mm wral bolts after a couple of years they phoned me to come and take the dish down as they were moving premises
i pulled up and went inside to see what they wanted then got my ladders off the van and put them up the side of the building when i got on the roof no sat dish in site just a large hole in the chimney stack
so some time and some where a 60 cm dish attached to 3 heave bricks came flying of a 30 foot hight roof never to be seen again ooooooooooooppppppppppssssss
never did find out when it had disapeared

04-04-2012, 09:32 PM
probably roswell new mexico

04-04-2012, 10:12 PM
probably roswell new mexico
Along with all the other UFO's.

05-04-2012, 12:48 AM
Theres a 2 or 3 inch curl in the top of the dish , I'm going to try it again as a fixed dish on hotbird until I get a new setup . I priced a new 1M dish on *mazon this morning for only £35 plus postage . Not a bad price .Did check Goldwavers first but didn't see any listed .

05-04-2012, 02:37 PM
That sounds suspiciously cheap for a 1 metre. As you are obviously vulnerable to high winds I'd think about a quality brand.

05-04-2012, 05:52 PM
Good point about checking dishes. Noticed some rusted metal flakes
on garage roof tail end of 2011. That was a while after a new TV Aerial
had been fitted so wondered if rust had come from the old brackets.
The Dish appeared to be ok looking upwards.

Originally had a 1 metre prime focus dish, that was replaced with a
1.1m standard dish. What I didn't know is that the LNB arms rot through.
The rusting isn't apparent from below.

Tail end of Jan 2012 we had gales here. A neighbour walking his dog
rang the bell to say it looked as though I had dish problems.

Was horrified to see LNB arm hanging in vertical position just two
bits of twisted metal holding it. Although still strong winds blowing
managed to get a ladder on garage roof (hooked to dish bracket) &
taped a long aluminum rod from behind the dish & along LNB arm.

In one sense was lucky, had it have broken completely the quad LNB
would have smashed into the wall. My dish was obsolete so now
replaced with a new 1 metre dish.

Regards catoro.

05-04-2012, 08:52 PM
My setup has been up for about 15 years , replaced the Jaeger 128 [2nd one] about 6 years ago , took down the fixings and dish a couple years ago to check and repaint . All was well , but apparantly the wind was coming from a different direction 2 or 3 days ago and was very strong . So ,that must account for the motor arm completely shearing off . Anyway , I took the motor off the pole today , bashed out the curled top on the dish , refitted it as a fixed dish on hotbird ,new cable and LNB and repainted . So, I've got 2 sats at the mo [fixed dish on Astra at the front of the flat] till finances get better .Cheers guy's

05-04-2012, 09:53 PM
nightmare rickt, always dreaded that happeneing to me.....the winds have been so strong the past few days

05-04-2012, 10:10 PM
i would recommend a triax 88td or a ferranti 85cm and not a 1.1m as the bigger move easly

05-04-2012, 10:26 PM
Yes that is the very reason why my big dishes are now Ground mounted 2m prime focus and 1.2m channel master both ground mounted 2 3/4 inch heavy guage poles and heavy polar mounts with actuator arms and v-box ,
i recall some years ago i actually had a 1.2 meter dish wall mounted on the gavel of my hse and one night there was real heavy winds blowing , well i hear the bang ... like a shotgun going off ..scary **** .. i look outside next mornin' and i see my 1.2 dish laying on the ground and half the wall Missing aswell , lmao !! hahaha !!
i can laugh now luckily 'cause we waz thankfully at that time getting ready to have the whole hse plastered outside good job too 'cause the big hole that was left required some amount of plaster and Cement too and the dish yes was fooked up arms bent and never got any signal outta it even as a fixed dish it was too well warped and the bracket and thunder bolts which i thought would hold were left in crap twisted silly ...ive seen a lot worse winds since however but at least now i can look out my window and see perfectly both my dishes when i go to move them to other sats ,
just thought i'd share this story 'cause i can indeed feel your agony rickt m8'y .
good luck anyhow im sure you will get things back to normall eventually mate .


05-04-2012, 11:39 PM
Glad to hear your semi sorted for now rickt. I still have the original
galvanized wall mount but apart from nuts being checked left as fitted.
It's so long ago can't remember when fitted but at the start of Sat.

Was offered a different mount that stuck out further as dish only has
a few mill clearance from wall at 30W. Glad I didn't bother now as so
far it's survived some major storms where trees & fences were blown
down. Frightening when gales blow through ours & neighbours house
walls like a funnel.

Used to have the old jack arm but now have motor fitted & v-box in
garage which corrupted after dish problem. When I was younger it
was kept well serviced but now have to get outside help.

Regards catoro.

06-04-2012, 04:04 AM
My Dish was on the the the the side of my house for for 20 years or so,
hi winds Like you Next day, out of Alignment 1.2 Triax

My dad Moved my dish Behind A Tall tree Last year

Seems Good

07-04-2012, 09:07 PM
I suppose I could use the same dish when I get another motor as there seems to be no signal loss but I wont get another Jeager motor , with it being cast metal . The wall mount has never shifted in all these years and is solid ,it's been off once to paint . I may get a Darkmotor or similar and use diseqC .Shame ,as I have always liked the 36v positioner's , I have 2 positioner's but naturally just used one for my setup , so they may be like me .........redundant !