View Full Version : Blackpole tests

07-04-2012, 01:43 PM
just tested blackpole in meoboot and it has many things much better than blackhole,but others are much worse.

most importantly,for me at least, the recording problems associated with network drives in blackhole are fixed,recording is perfect.
i also really like the ability to store the audio channel by service which saves the english audio on all sats for all channels,these are my main two problems with blackhole and its nice to know in other images they dont exist.

those are the two most important differences in my opinion.there are others like the online updates which i like too,and the fact that it shows when a channels is being decrypted in BISS,but the first two are things ive wanted for ages.


no feature to create a swap
the ts panel doesnt work !
the automatic volume adjustment plugin doesnt work properly.
everytime i try to enter the network mounts it crashes
it often looses the usb mount.
no samba setup
many crashes.

so although i really,really want to have the main positive features it gives,i just cannot live with the faults and features that are missing.i do realise that some of the crashes will be down to running it in meoboot as blackpole uses a different kernel,and if installed in flash these may not happen,but no swap file ? come on,thats a basic need !

so its back to blackhole for me for now at least,what do you guys think?


07-04-2012, 02:36 PM
Update the image via software manager which will fix many crashes, BH 1.73 currently under test :D

07-04-2012, 02:44 PM
cannot do that when using meoboot sonic,because if i do it will screw up the ability to boot back into flash.

the image isnt really designed for use in meoboot,i just did it to test.

but all in all i liked it,and like i said,i really really want those two positive features,but those alone dont compensate for the lack of other features,such as samba and a swap file.

i hope your saying in a coded way that those two features,really desired by me are in the new 1.73.especially the recording fix.

fingers crossed anyway lol.


07-04-2012, 03:02 PM
You can create and activate the swapfile in telnet

07-04-2012, 03:15 PM
yes but after every restart it has to be done again.

far from ideal.


07-04-2012, 03:25 PM
Copied from VC forum

To create a swapfile in USB in telnet type:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/usb/swapfile bs=1024 count=256k
where /media/usb/swapfile is the location and 256k is number of MB.


mkswap /media/usb/swapfile
Now swapfile is created.

Give permissions:

chmod 0777 /media/usb/swapfile
Now to automount it on every reboot create a file called for example swapon.sh in /etc/init.d with this inside it:


swapon /media/usb/swapfile
echo 20 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
Now make it executable

chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/swapon.sh
Now give:

update-rc.d /etc/init.d/swapon.sh defaults

On every reboot you should have your swapfile activated.


to verify

07-04-2012, 03:29 PM
Give it 6 months and it will be every good as BlackHole but with Pli

15-04-2012, 12:15 AM

just tested 0.1.3

much better,many fixes including a swap file manager,tspanel now works and its really fast.

the one thing that stopped me moving over to it permanently was valerie,it just wouldnt sync.
but i was running in meo and i know that its not designed for that.

so,has anyone using the latest BP in flash got valerie to work ?

if so i may move over completely from BH tomorrow.


25-04-2012, 10:08 AM

just tested 0.1.3

much better,many fixes including a swap file manager,tspanel now works and its really fast.

the one thing that stopped me moving over to it permanently was valerie,it just wouldnt sync.
but i was running in meo and i know that its not designed for that.

so,has anyone using the latest BP in flash got valerie to work ?

if so i may move over completely from BH tomorrow.


Hi Ian I did try it in flash but unfortunately not with Valerie didnt get that far. Wwhen I tried to run Merlin media player it worked but the screen was glitching. So went back to BH.


25-04-2012, 08:41 PM
valerie all working fine now mate,but it took me quite a few hours to achieve.

all in all a very good and fast image now.
