View Full Version : Problem with fixing onto satellite positions

10-04-2012, 07:52 PM
Curious one this... When I got the AZ Box, my dish was pointing at Thor, and low and behold, all the Thor stations were found (once my networking issues were resolved lol)

Now, however I'm having another problem with fixing onto other satellites. My motorised dish will go between Thor at 0degrees and Eutelsat at 10degrees, and all stops in between, backwards and forwards, no problem. What I can't do is to get a fix on Hotbird, or anything to the east of Hotbird. I can manually move the dish over, and I have tuned the AZ Box to the latest services when I've done so, but getting it to whiz over to Hotbird (etc) automatically, it won't do. It will go back to one of the 0-10degree satellite's positions again from the "lost in space" direction that it points to when I want it to point at Hotbird (etc) but that's about it.

Any advice on how to get the positioner to play ball please?



11-04-2012, 12:50 PM
Depening on which AZBox you have.....


If using USALS, have you input your LAT & LONG settings.

Also check your limit settings. They me be stopping you short of where you want to go. Might be worth clearing them.

Another thought could well be that the sat's you're after need to be selected and set individually to USALS/MOTOR which I found I had to do on my old Elite.

11-04-2012, 04:31 PM
OK, I think USALS is set. I live in Birmingham, and the box came with 52.5 degrees North and 3.5 degrees west set into it. Is that right?

I'll have a look at clearing any limits next time I'm in fiddling mode. :)

What I've been doing so far, is to go into Tuner Configuration, and reset that from what looks like a minimalist "Auto" setting to "Advanced" and to tell the AZ Box that this is in respect of "XYZ_Sat" (be it Thor, Eutelsat or whatever), then I'd exit that, select a station that is likely to be broadcasting on a live frequency from the services menu, and manually move the dish across. When the signal meters top out, I'd save the location (using the number of degrees as the position number) Then, when a station sparks into life, I'd go back into the menu and re-tune the services, as my services menu is woefully out of date lol. No doubt there is a process that has a proper name that describes all of this, but I don't know what it's called. I'm just trying to apply old lessons learned on my ancient Echostar and not quite so ancient Technomate to what's going on here. To me it's all a bit "manual" and I'm not sure just what USALS does, (or doesn't in my case?)

Anyway, I'll clear the limits later, and see how we go.



11-04-2012, 05:35 PM
Birmingham UK - 52.48947,-1.886215

So 52.5 North and 1.8 West should be right, therefore 0.8 west Thor is your best zero position