View Full Version : 10East Chelsea TV+ NBA Biss keys

11-04-2012, 07:10 AM
11387 V 30000 @ Eutelsat W2A 10°E

11-04-2012, 08:59 AM
hmmm, if I add these into my spiderbox using ecm pid 1FFF same as pltv , only the top key works , and if I alter the ecm pids so that only one of them has 1FFF then that channel opens

so I can have any of the 3 channels using ecm pid 1FFF and that channel will open , but if I add ecm pid 1FFF to all 3 channels only one will open (the top one)

so the question is , how can I add all 3 channels so that they all open ?

does ctv and nba have a different ecm pid ? ie:- do they all have a different ecm pid ?

and if so , what is the ecm pid for ctv ? and for nba ?

the keys do all work by the way, its just that I cannot get all 3 to work at the same time in my spiderbox as they use the same frequency and ecm pid from what I have tested


11-04-2012, 09:35 AM
each has its own tp

11386 Chelsea Tv
11387 PremierleagueHD
11388 NBA
add the biss keys to the corresponding tp's
and delete the additional channels

11-04-2012, 12:07 PM
00061FFF 00 Premier League HD (10.0°E)
00061FFF 01 Premier League HD (10.0°E)
00051FFF 00 Chelsea TV
00051FFF 01 Chelsea TV
00081FFF 00 NBA TV
00081FFF 01 NBA TV

each had a different sid ech.

the above is for oscam y mod and CCcam SoftCam.key

if using CCcam constant.cw its done like this.but always best not to do it this way because of the exact problem you have described.



11-04-2012, 12:12 PM
00061FFF 00 Premier League HD (10.0°E)
00061FFF 01 Premier League HD (10.0°E)
00051FFF 00 Chelsea TV
00051FFF 01 Chelsea TV
00081FFF 00 NBA TV
00081FFF 01 NBA TV

each had a different sid ech.


trouble is they all use 1FFF as I said in my opening post , so only the top one of the 3 opens if all use 1FFF
on a spiderbox you can only input 4 characters , in this case 1FFF , so cannot use previous characters to separate them out

the point here is that I wondered if the ecm pid could be changed but clearly not , it has to stay at 1FFF

so what compass has pointed out is the only way around it , and it works too

ie:- use a different transponder for each channel , and use the transponder frequency as the separator

11-04-2012, 12:39 PM

Just for clarification. BISS channels do not use ECMs. Therefore the ECM stream in empty and designated as such by 0x1FFF.
The BISS key is effectively the decrypted control word which directly de-scrambles the video and audio streams using the CSA algorithm.

For other providers this control word is encrypted by some propriety algo (seca, viaccess etc) and has to be decrypted first using data in the ECMs before it can be used.

11-04-2012, 12:49 PM

Just for clarification. BISS channels do not use ECMs. Therefore the ECM stream in empty and designated as such by 0x1FFF.
The BISS key is effectively the decrypted control word which directly de-scrambles the video and audio streams using the CSA algorithm.

For other providers this control word is encrypted by some propriety algo (seca, viaccess etc) and has to be decrypted first using data in the ECMs before it can be used.

all gobbledegook to me m8 (I did not want or ask for a masterclass in biss key decryption)

my point was to ask how I can avoid having to change the 3 channels on the same transponder by using 1FFF as I could only get one channel to work at a time by using 11FF and 1F1F on the ones not being used, and 1FFF on the actual one being used. I was thinking that maybe it was different than using 1FFF on all 3 , clearly not

the correct answer was provided by compass in that he said to use 3 transponder frequencies next to each other , giving 3 lots of channels
then you assign one channel to each frequency in the biss key menu, so it uses the transponder frequency to separate them out and so use the correct key

so it would seem that the spiderbox uses the transponder frequency being used, looks through the list of biss keys and selects the transponder frequency, and then uses the biss key assigned to that frequency in the biss key list

when I go on a boeing 757 to majorca on my holidays I dont need to know how to fly the plane or land it or be able to turn the transponder on or off or how ILS works, I leave that to the expert pilots , and all I care about is getting on the plane and sitting in the correct seat
how the flaps work or how they use reverse thrust when landing, although interesting, means nothing to me as I am not learning to fly passenger jets, merely use them as a tool to get on holiday and back

or when I am eating my trifle I do not been to know the chemical compositions of each ingredient that makes it up, the fact that it looks and tastes nice and provides nourishment is enough for me

so my question was how to make it work on my spiderbox , and compass kindly provided that answer in simple and relevant terms which I understood and acted upon

11-04-2012, 01:02 PM
Well Compass had already provided you with a very good work around.

I'm very sorry for attempting to teach you a tiny bit about how it all works and the reason the ECM PID is 0x1FFF.

I'm disappointed and surprised that you seem to be just a Free-TV'er.

I would have thought you would find an insight to the mechanics interesting and informative.
It seems I was wrong. I'm very sorry. I will not do it again.

11-04-2012, 01:14 PM
Well Compass had already provided you with a very good work around.

I'm very sorry for attempting to teach you a tiny bit about how it all works and the reason the ECM PID is 0x1FFF.

I'm disappointed and surprised that you seem to be just a Free-TV'er.

I would have thought you would find an insight to the mechanics interesting and informative.
It seems I was wrong. I'm very sorry. I will not do it again.

had I needed to know those details I would have asked in a separate thread

there are many things I do not understand and dont figure highly on my to do list , csa algorithms mean nothing to me and never will either
I have no interest in algorithms or calculus or c++ or any other similar gobbledegook maths or equation issues
when I was at school we used chalk boards and an abacus :)

all I asked for was a solution to the problem I was faced with in somehow separating the 3 channels that are on the same transponder so that I dont have to change the key or 1FFF each time I swap channels, and compass provided the exact answer that I required in order for me to complete that particular task, for which I thank him

not everybody appreciates being made to feel small or ignorant due to not having had an education at cambridge or oxford studying maths to the nth degree, your last answer is both patronising and condescending

some people are content to watch a tv without knowing how it works internally , and I respect them for having the good sense in knowing their own limitations and to accept that a boeing 757 can fly, or that an lcd tv will display pictures and provide audio, even if I was never trained past valves and transistors and cathode ray tubes when I did city and guilds radio and line transmission and studied triode valves and transistor theory

I like eating but have absolutely no interest in recipes or cooking procedures, I would not even make the F in cheF

now if you have a cure for throat cancer feel free to share it , as I would find that extremely interesting at the moment as it figures a lot higher on my list of things to know than csa algorithms (whatever they are) or biss keys or ecm,s

11-04-2012, 06:10 PM
each has its own tp

11386 Chelsea Tv
11387 PremierleagueHD
11388 NBA
add the biss keys to the corresponding tp's
and delete the additional channels

sorry about this , just got around to testing this method using the details exactly as you described , but the problem persists

I have the 3 transponders scanned in and duplicated channels deleted , so one channel per transponder exactly the way you indicated

now depending on the ecm key I can open 1 of the 3 channels , so setting one to 1FFF and the others to something different I can open each channel in turn

what I am unable to do , despite allocating the biss keys on a by transponder basis , is channel hop through all 3 channels with each opening from its own biss entry

so in a nutshell , I can open any one of the three , but not 2 of 3 , or 3 of 3

perhaps its due to the transponders only being 1 out from each other ? I dont know !

all I know is I can open any one from the three , but no more than one (on my spiderbox 9000)
I thought that by having 3 transponders and separate entries that all 3 would open without any tinkering ?

has any spiderbox owner actually tried this and got all 3 opening without having to turn any of the others off ?


11-04-2012, 06:35 PM
done what compass said on spider9000hd but now ive lost pltv scanned in 3 different transponders but when i put the keys in for i transponder it knocked the other ones out

11-04-2012, 07:02 PM
I haven't tried it yet, but I seem to remember that to do as Compass suggested, the frequencies need to be at least 5 digits apart. Try 11382, 11387 and 11392.
By the way ecm pid 0000 works OK for me.

11-04-2012, 07:10 PM
yes ur right thats done the trick for me spiderbox 9000hd

11-04-2012, 07:14 PM
needs to be 3 digits apart minimum.

11-04-2012, 07:29 PM
I haven't tried it yet, but I seem to remember that to do as Compass suggested, the frequencies need to be at least 5 digits apart. Try 11382, 11387 and 11392.
By the way ecm pid 0000 works OK for me.

thanks , those work fine for all 3 so it is a frequency separation issue

thanks again

12-04-2012, 12:30 PM
It seems the missing key on that transponder is now known.

12-04-2012, 12:56 PM
Hi all I am using the Spaze 2.2 E2 image on my AZBox HD Premium and Cccam, but I cannot find any way to change the pids nor to enter the cw keys into the Cccam. Can someone please help my out as I would love to be able to watch PLTV, a friend who has his AZBox Elite still on official firmware can get PLTV no problem, he has some software which updates the BISS keys automatically for him, but it is no good for E2.Best wishes Wez, thanks for any help I might get.

02-06-2012, 09:15 PM

1. Create a text file and call it constantcw
2. Copy the line of coding for PLTV to it
3. Place the file in usr/keys
4. Add a . into the file name to change it to constant.cw (this changed the file type to CW)
5. Right click on the file, then left click on 'File permissions...' change file permissions to 644
6. Restart cccam (press blue button), then OK on remote.

03-06-2012, 10:33 AM

1. Create a text file and call it constantcw
2. Copy the line of coding for PLTV to it
3. Place the file in usr/keys
4. Add a . into the file name to change it to constant.cw (this changed the file type to CW)
5. Right click on the file, then left click on 'File permissions...' change file permissions to 644
6. Restart cccam (press blue button), then OK on remote.

Many thanks mate I have done everything and gone to the channel, but it is just a test card for the European Broadcasting Union at the moment, suppose there is no football at the moment, might get something when the Euros start, looking forward to them and the Olympics too. Would you please be a real pal and tell me this, if I add the other biss keys for other providers into the same folder will they work or do I need to make a folder for each one?

Have a great holiday weekend, very best wishes and good luck Wez

03-06-2012, 10:36 AM
You have the wrong channel - PLTV is broadcasting now (its 24 hours, 7 days a week) - showing best goals from prem, Torres in a Pool shirt to give you an idea of when the goal was.

03-06-2012, 10:56 AM
Cheers had to rescan the frequency and got the right channel now but sad to say got something wrong will have another look at what I have done and will let you know what the score is, pardon the pun. I will try a reboot and see if that is what was needed before I do anything else.

Many thanks again and good luck Wez

03-06-2012, 11:05 AM
The reboot did not make any difference nor did a restart of the cam. Just to be sure thiese are the biss keys which I have in the constant.cw folder, in user/keys, are 6D **********24

Please let me know if I have the right keys in there. I hope I am not annoying you and that you do not mind me pestering you, it would be great to have PLTV, my mate can get it on his box, but he is on the official FW so it is way easier for him.

Good luck and very best wishes Wez


03-06-2012, 12:34 PM
@kerrywez ..check your inbox and plze be carefull when posting Sensitive Biss keys in open public forums .


03-06-2012, 01:46 PM
I am so sorry band should know better it just slipped me mind, it is not that I have not been long enough in sat forums to know better.

Best wishes Wez

03-06-2012, 05:04 PM
Check your inbox

03-06-2012, 10:37 PM
Cheers fir that Steve I will get there in the end just need to get to the bottom of it as it were. I have sent you a reply so if you get the chance to have a look in your inbox you will find it.

Many thanks again and I reall appreciat the trouble you have taken to help me out. It will be great if I can get the thing sorted before that mate of mine who has the channel on his box gets home. He is in Florence with his wife, he is going to the Euros and she booked this one as she was not getting to the games, she like the arts so that is a fine place for her to go.

Very best wishes and good luck Wez

10-09-2012, 01:23 PM
11387 V 30000 @ Eutelsat W2A 10°E

Is the Chelsea TV key still working please guys - or is it just ME as usual!! lol!!:respect-055:

10-09-2012, 02:39 PM
Is the Chelsea TV key still working please guys - or is it just ME as usual!! lol!!:respect-055:
You can watch it online if you are desparate. Well you would have to be to watch them.:D

10-09-2012, 03:19 PM
doesnt seem to be clearing for me although pl tv is

10-09-2012, 03:27 PM
doesnt seem to be clearing for me although pl tv is

when I did a recent test I couldnt get chelsea to decode , just pltv and nba , and that was using those keys posted when we were checking on page 1

10-09-2012, 04:42 PM
ChelseaTV Biss keys 10E have been down for past 2 months already thats why its not working and new Biss keys are not yet public known .

19-09-2012, 08:27 PM
cant clear nba tv or pltv on 10 east at the same time ,,,,i have to manually change the biss key to whatever chanel i want,,,,both chanels have the same settings exept the keys,,,,,is there any way around this,,,,,,,,,,i am using an eaglebox hd800

19-09-2012, 08:51 PM
You can watch it online if you are desparate. Well you would have to be to watch them.:D

No mate, not 'desparate' - just 'interested' - thanks for your reply confirming what I'd suspected!
Cheers mate!:respect-055:

20-09-2012, 08:46 AM
still have this problem ,,have tried differant frequincies like mentioned in one of the other post,s...made no differance..
anyone got this problem sorted on eaglebox hd.........????????

20-09-2012, 10:52 PM
still have this problem ,,have tried differant frequincies like mentioned in one of the other post,s...made no differance..
anyone got this problem sorted on eaglebox hd.........????????its a pita. suprised nobody has made a biss plugin to get around this limitation.

26-09-2012, 01:50 PM
Chelsea TV (CTV Encoder 1 SD) - new key
Eutelsat W2A 10°E 11387 V DVB-S2/8PSK 30000 3/4

26-09-2012, 03:42 PM
The above posted keys working like a dream..I have just put them into a text do***ent as you would copy n paste them into your softcam for those who would be unsure to do it....Thanks bogac for the up to date keys..top man

26-09-2012, 04:32 PM
Chelsea TV @ 10 East Biss - 11387 v 30000sr Fec 3/4 DVB S2 8PSK
Key is Confirmed Working 100%

keep up the good work guys :king-041: :respect-048:


26-09-2012, 04:38 PM
How did you get the crypt8 for this channel?

26-09-2012, 04:50 PM
How did you get the crypt8 for this channel?

seen thanks given to masrawy team

on another Board where your a member

26-09-2012, 05:00 PM
You are right I've just found the post you refer to.
So unless "bogac" is the masrawy team and can answer my question, then he should acknowledge the original source.

26-09-2012, 06:11 PM
scanning the transponder but chelsea tv not showing up pltv & nba ok but not chelsea tv ????

26-09-2012, 06:20 PM
How did you get the crypt8 for this channel?

copy - paste from najmsat.

26-09-2012, 06:50 PM
scanning the transponder but chelsea tv not showing up pltv & nba ok but not chelsea tv ????

working fine on my spiderbox

my advice is make sure you separate the channels by using different transponder frequencies like we do on a spiderbox

then assign the appropriate biss keys to the different frequencies, so each transponder is unique , but when scanned will carry all the same channels as they are scanned in several times

then delete the duplicates leaving unique channels on each transponder

in my case PLTV is scanned using the correct freq, and ctv and nba are scanned using different freqs , separated by about 5

27-09-2012, 09:19 PM
how do i scan these channels using differant frequencies ????

27-09-2012, 10:16 PM
add or subtract say 5 from the actual transponder frequency, and scan (like I said in my previous reply)

29-09-2012, 12:20 AM
i changed the transponder to 5 less and 5 more and scanned no channels at all ????

29-09-2012, 12:33 AM
i changed the transponder to 5 less and 5 more and scanned no channels at all ????

What echelon meant by 5 more and 5 less was as follows

11382 Chelsea TV

11387 Premier League TV

11392 NBA

and you have to input the Biss Keys for each of those positions that you have created to make them work

29-09-2012, 12:51 AM
how do i change these settings ,,,,???

29-09-2012, 01:41 AM
i changed the transponder to 5 less and 5 more and scanned no channels at all ????

how do i change these settings ,,,,???

How did you change the settings in the first instance. ???

29-09-2012, 07:54 AM
how do i change these settings ,,,,???

how do i change these settings ,,,,???

How did you change the settings in the first instance. ???

good question aldo

however , scanning transponders is not a biss issue, its a human error issue caused by voyager not knowing how to manually scan transponders on his eagle box, despite him having an eagle manual and other satellite boxes as well

@ voyager

please post your eaglebox manual scanning a transponder troubles in the eaglebox 800 section

thank you