View Full Version : Three tuner configuration

22-04-2012, 11:09 AM
Hi guys, I am thinking of buying an ultimo to replace my azbox which seems to be losing it's memory. My question for those of you who already have them is about what is possible if I install 3 sat tuners. I have two configurations in mind either one tuner connected to a motorised dish and then the other two connected to two fixed dishes or one tuner connected to a motorised dish and the other two connected to a twin output lnb on a fixed dish to enable view one channel and record another. Can the ultimo cope with these set ups?
Also is everybody happy with theirs?
Thanks in advance for your comments.

22-04-2012, 11:20 AM
I have tuners A and B connected to fixed dish, and tuner C to motorised dish.

It works perfectly like that, with no probs.

Yes I love my Ultimo

22-04-2012, 11:24 AM
As cokeaddict rightly says any combination is possible apart from 2 motorised dishes anything else is good to go, Sadly i let my Ultimo go a few days ago as i have found the tuner stage not very good at holding weak signals everything else is great but that one point is a let down

22-04-2012, 11:27 AM
As cokeaddict rightly says any combination is possible apart from 2 motorised dishes anything else is good to go, Sadly i let my Ultimo go a few days ago as i have found the tuner stage not very good at holding weak signals everything else is great but that one point is a let down
Why can't you have 2 or even 3 motorised dish's ??

22-04-2012, 11:38 AM
Why can't you have 2 or even 3 motorised dish's ??

Apologies correct you can i should have added the tuner config for recording is limited to either A/B

22-04-2012, 01:01 PM
it sounds a bit disappointing no good for weak signals and i was thinking of getting 1 as i use c band and the signals can be weak i will need to look into it further

22-04-2012, 02:38 PM
it sounds a bit disappointing no good for weak signals and i was thinking of getting 1 as i use c band and the signals can be weak i will need to look into it further

Hi Satwyn,

I can only go off my own experience if 7° west KU band on the new atlantic bird 7 i normally get signals on here on the Ultimo during the day around 43% snr (Receiver) evening around 48%, I only realised the other day last monday actually i had an install for a customer who wanted me to get the Usual TM5402HD to start with so having a mess about after i flashed firmware etc i decided to have a look on the signal on 7° west.

This was an evening test and it had just started raining i tested the Ultimo on Al Jazeera sport HD which i normally get a health 48% snr with the rain it had dropped to miserable 32-32% and the eventual breakup of the picture, Put the technomate on straight after still raining same channel a health 50% in the rain and a rock solid picture. I know the tuners are good in the 5402HD but i would have thought they either the same or better in the Ultimo but sadly not, And thats why i decided to get shut.

I have a little pet project on the go myself and am looking into c-band, and from reports the DrHD F15 is coming back with some fantastic reports for tuner sensitivity i think this will be my next purchase as from what i can see its made in the same factory as the Blade 7000, TM5402HD but has the DrHD tweaks.

Well worth looking into.

22-04-2012, 03:19 PM
i was surprised with my results on c band not looked since analogue days with threshold extension with 1.2m dish and chapparal monterey receiver now using precision 1.8m prime focus with 11k c band lnb should be interesting to see what can be seen on the new sat at 22w

23-04-2012, 05:42 PM
Thanks for the replies. Digicon presumably you're hooked up to a 2.4m or something to pull in 7W, my fixed 1.2 CM would never lock a signal on that sat. Where and when will the DrHD F15 be available from Germany? If it's a while off I think I'll need to sort something out with the VU as it sounds as though it will do everything I will want of it.

23-04-2012, 05:55 PM
Thanks for the replies. Digicon presumably you're hooked up to a 2.4m or something to pull in 7W, my fixed 1.2 CM would never lock a signal on that sat. Where and when will the DrHD F15 be available from Germany? If it's a while off I think I'll need to sort something out with the VU as it sounds as though it will do everything I will want of it.

7w is pretty easy to get in most of the uk since the end of october 2011 when they launched AB7.

The signal is pretty strong on a 1.2 CM dish

23-04-2012, 06:16 PM
I can pull in well over 800 channels 247 on my Gibiterni 1m but with the sensitive tuner of the TM5402HD makes most of these watchable even in a heavy downpour and i believe the DrHD F15 is even better i am just about to order one this week

26-05-2012, 03:50 PM
As cokeaddict rightly says any combination is possible apart from 2 motorised dishes anything else is good to go, Sadly i let my Ultimo go a few days ago as i have found the tuner stage not very good at holding weak signals everything else is great but that one point is a let down

unfortunately i would say you came to the same incorrect conclusion as others with regard to the sensitivity of the tuners in the ultimo. Where most assume they are weak it's actually the other way around, the tuners are a little too sensitive for their own good and strong transponders are over bleeding and blocking out the weaker ones giving the illusion of the tuner being unable to tune to the weaker ones.

if you find your in this position fitting a 20DB variable attenuator in-line will dumb the signal down enough to pull the weaker transponders back in.

26-05-2012, 03:52 PM
it sounds a bit disappointing no good for weak signals and i was thinking of getting 1 as i use c band and the signals can be weak i will need to look into it further

you can use the ultimo for C-Band and it works very well for that purpose, although i personally do not use C-Band Huevos ( one of the ViX team ) uses his Ultimo heavily for this purpose and even adapted the ViX blindscan utility to include C-Band.

26-05-2012, 06:35 PM
unfortunately i would say you came to the same incorrect conclusion as others with regard to the sensitivity of the tuners in the ultimo. Where most assume they are weak it's actually the other way around, the tuners are a little too sensitive for their own good and strong transponders are over bleeding and blocking out the weaker ones giving the illusion of the tuner being unable to tune to the weaker ones.

if you find your in this position fitting a 20DB variable attenuator in-line will dumb the signal down enough to pull the weaker transponders back in.

No your wrong again, i now have an official Vu Uno which i believe uses the exact same Plug & Play tuner that the Ultimo does and i can tell you now that my Dr.HD F15 can pull weak transponders in that the Uno still fails to lock adding a 20db attenuator will only dumb down the stronger transponders, If that was the case answer me this why then can i receive every strong TP that the Uno can and every weak TP that the Uno can and even lock some weak TP's that the UNO cant on the Dr.HD and that does not need an attenuator.