View Full Version : Thinking of buying 3D TV, advice needed

29-04-2012, 06:33 PM
I am considering purchasing a 3D TV.

I know very little about them so would appreciate any recommendations, opinions, comments.

Let's say a budget of up to £1000, but would prefer to pay less.

I would prefer to have Ethernet connection for BBCIplayer etc.

What if you wear glasses, can 3D glasses be worn over these?
I sometimes wear glasses to watch TV when my eyes are tired.

Any advice gratefully recieved.


29-04-2012, 06:41 PM
dont bother , load of hype and not worth the money

the smart money is now on smart tv`s , not 3D

29-04-2012, 06:49 PM
Some of the smart tv's are 3D and I suppose it would be one of those I would want as they have ethernet.


29-04-2012, 06:58 PM
I agree with echelon.

If you already have a good TV, don't waste your money on a new one just because it has 3D.

The 3D technology is moving fast, so anything you buy will be out of date and worthless.

Super HD is the next thing coming, which will be more future proof than 3D.

29-04-2012, 07:04 PM
You are both probably right.

I do still have a good tv.

A Sagem 45 inch rear projection HD with built in freeview.

It's an excellent tv, cost almost £2000 originally.


29-04-2012, 07:04 PM
Some of the smart tv's are 3D and I suppose it would be one of those I would want as they have ethernet.


and my car came with an ashtray, its unused ;)

my point is get something worthwhile, and dont be blinkered by the 3D hype that surfaces every 20 or 30 years or so, then disappears again

29-04-2012, 07:16 PM
dont bother , load of hype and not worth the money

the smart money is now on smart tv`s , not 3D

is that because services will in future come from streaming rather than broadcast ?

29-04-2012, 07:21 PM
i have actually just bought a tv with 3d , but as they say above dont waste youre money just for that , it is good but just a gimmick , i only bought it for the hd quality as my old tv had no hdmi sockets so was struggling to connect up some stuff.

and as mentioned above as well always something new coming true but it always comes at a cost ,believe glassless 3d available at £7000 a set when i looked .

so its a case if you wait you will be waiting for ever as there is always something new arround the corner .

only good way buy the old just after they launch the new product ,buy the old when it drops in price. :)

29-04-2012, 09:10 PM
Hi dog-man,

Most, if not All (Smart Tv's) have an Ethernet connecion, even
if it has an inbuilt Wi-Fi, and 99% of Smart Tv's are 3D.

Thier are two types of 3D, Active and Passive.
Lg latest Passive 3D LED has one set of
cilip on 3D glasses (monical's) with another
4 pair,s in the Box.
Passive 3d glasses don't need batterys and
are priced at £2 a pair.
Now other big brands are selling Passive 3D
Panasonic for one.

Just a question for anyone with one of this
years latest Lg 3d LED's.
Question is, Doe's the (LG 55LM670T) have
a 10mm Black bezel on the Picture when
Viewing Terrestrial Freeview.
The reason I ask is, I looked at this LED in Currys
and you cant view Terrestrial Tv or Satellite Tv
which is the reason your buying it in the First Place.
You have to view there Blue ray Recording.
THAY always SAY we dont have an Aerial, a
Shop that sells TV's with NO F@UCKing Aerial.

To get back to my Question, LG are promoting
the LM670T as Edge to edge viewing.
The Tv its self has No Bezel when Off, but
when On there is a 10mm black line around the Edge.
Im not shure if its on all 4 sides, its on the
Top and both sides, not shure if it has a Black line
on the Bottom.


29-04-2012, 09:42 PM
I Have my Philips 42" HD 3D LED WITH MPEG4 Tuner and Ethernet input telly more than 15months now ,
TV Is Active 3D i got 2 pairs 3D Glasses Free with TV and use small round lithium Battery same with remote handset .
3D is fantastic especially for footie and Golf ..i admit however i seldom use TV remote handset as i just prefer to use my Dreambox remote which is by far much easier and 1 remote is all i require .
Ethernet is quite good for Youtube vids and such and with 2 USB Slots i can easily watch d/loaded movies very quickly and easily ,
i have 4 HDMI slots two of which i use for my SpiderHD boxes other HDMI Port i use for my DM800SE HD with still another free HDMI Slot ,
has also 2 scart connections which i use for my dm600s boxes .
Saorview is okay but i dont much watch much of it to be honest with my sat dishes i really dont need it to be honest .
you dont have to watch 3D With glasses just select 2D and watch in full HD instead , my father also has glasses and cant get 3D because he has Cataracts so 3D Is not for everyone .
but thats my opinions and i dont and never will regret upgrading my TV To 3D with MPEG4 Tuner i really dont think it will grow old just as quickly as many members are saying it will ?


29-04-2012, 10:35 PM

This is the new 6510 series from Samsung. The 40" is £999.

I've just purchased a 7000 series 40" which is a bit more but has a couple of gizmos like voice and action control but are pretty unecessary. Hence it costs a couple of hundred more.

Samsung use active shutter glasses with battery included. I got 2 pairs free and you remove the nose piece to fit them over existing glasses.

Both types of TV have freeview HD and freesat HD built in so if you plug your dish in you get more channels.

Built in wifi with a full browser plus apps etc.

Anyway the full spec is in the link. Good luck

29-04-2012, 11:44 PM

This is the new 6510 series from Samsung. The 40" is £999.

I've just purchased a 7000 series 40" which is a bit more but has a couple of gizmos like voice and action control but are pretty unecessary. Hence it costs a couple of hundred more.

Samsung use active shutter glasses with battery included. I got 2 pairs free and you remove the nose piece to fit them over existing glasses.

Both types of TV have freeview HD and freesat HD built in so if you plug your dish in you get more channels.

Built in wifi with a full browser plus apps etc.

Anyway the full spec is in the link. Good luck

similar purchase and my old man has bad eyes 3d just does not work at all for him.

30-04-2012, 11:42 AM
I recently bought a new 50" plasma tv & intended getting 3D. However I quickly dismissed it as a gimmick. Do you want to sit there all the time wearing glasses to watch tv? If you have friends around then everybody else needs the glasses too.

17-06-2012, 01:39 AM
I agree with the detractors.
3D TV is a waste of time. It was a good marketing ploy to sell tv's at a premium price & charge premium prices for viewing specs that are uncomfortable and induce viewing fatigue.
I had another go at watching it but I much prefer regular HD.

17-06-2012, 05:58 AM
When you want 3D is today better with active glasses. i have actually just bought new Samsung 2012 model ES6900, this 3d side is super, but i not like other functions of tv. Built in wireless is so slow that better use cable for internet, when change channel from SD to HD you need new picture settings, S2 tuner find only very strong channels, remote :banghead: ... When you want nice new 3D smart tv is this OK but this is not alternative for dreambox.

17-06-2012, 11:44 AM
When you want 3D is today better with active glasses. i have actually just bought new Samsung 2012 model ES6900, this 3d side is super, but i not like other functions of tv. Built in wireless is so slow that better use cable for internet, when change channel from SD to HD you need new picture settings, S2 tuner find only very strong channels, remote :banghead: ... When you want nice new 3D smart tv is this OK but this is not alternative for dreambox.

I personally got a top of range Panasonic 65" three months ago - mainly for 3D football & sport!
However, in MY opinion the best sports are actually tennis, darts and golf, as footie always seems quite dark (to ME that is) when viewed through the dreaded active specs - I do hate the specs, which with Panasonic ones you have to keep charging up via USB - funnily enough the best 3D effects were when watching tennis via my Technomate TM6900HD Super, rather than through Slybox!
The David Attenborough animal/plants etc progs and SciFi films come out best - all in MY opinion!
To be honest, I now hardly ever watch 3D progs, even though I've recorded quite a few on Sly+ box!
Hope this helps - I did say a few months ago I wouldnt buy a 3D tv until they bring out a 'spec-LESS' tv (e.g. the Toshiba - but its £7000!!!!) - but gave in, but it IS nice to have 3D for a few things, e.g. some sports and other progs, including concerts which also come out well!:respect-069:

01-09-2013, 12:42 AM
Ive just bought a 50" 3d plasma active type and I think its brilliant. The 3d on certain content is amazing. Looking forward to watching arsenal v spurs tomorrow. I dont think its a gimmick at all. I got the tv 2nd hand at a very nice price. Have 3 pairs of glasses and 1 extra pair on the way. The tv takes a while to adjust as theres so many settings to fiddle about with. Im glad ive finally upgraded to 3d. I dont intend on always watching 3d but certain things I will definitely be watching, not bothered about wearing the specs now and then

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4

01-09-2013, 05:27 PM
Ive just bought a 50" 3d plasma active type and I think its brilliant. .....I dont think its a gimmick at all.

The novelty will soon wear off.

I watch a lot of films at the cinema, and the 2D version is always better to watch than 3D.

With 3D films you feel boxed in, almost claustrophobic, and it feels like you are missing what is going on around the main action.

It's crazy to have to pay more at a cinema to watch 3D, when you actually see less.

3D is just a money making scam, which does not have any real future with the current technology.

01-09-2013, 05:31 PM
I don't have a 3D TV and don't think I will bother, so can't really make any comments on them. Posts above suggest they are good for some sports and some do***entaries. Very interesting, but what about p0rn. I can imagine that should be quite an experience.:18:

01-09-2013, 06:40 PM
Got a 3D Tv a few weeks ago and have to say I am impressed, looked at one a couple of years ago and dismissed it but my new Samsung smart TV really does blow your socks off.
The only trouble I have is getting it to work well with Duo2 and the amp.

01-09-2013, 06:47 PM
Got a 3D Tv a few weeks ago and have to say I am impressed, looked at one a couple of years ago and dismissed it but my new Samsung smart TV really does blow your socks off.
The only trouble I have is getting it to work well with Duo2 and the amp.

what cant you get to work well with the duo2 ?

01-09-2013, 06:54 PM
I got a new Denon AVR X-2000 amp and I want everything to go via the amp, Duo2 and PS3 but I can't get auto switching to work correctly and the PS3 drives me up the wall, as soon as I use it the TV looses its input about 3 times when a DVD is loading.
Performance wise it is great but its the tweaking that is driving me mad.

01-09-2013, 07:46 PM
i retired my surround sound amp a few years back , just as well my kid winds the tv volume up full if i still had the amp plugged in im sure id be getting eviction notices :)

01-09-2013, 07:57 PM
Ultra High Definition TV Coming Soon

Sky presenter Martin Stanford says the next generation of TV pictures, which will be four times better than HD, are being tested.

1:47am UK, Sunday 01 September 2013


01-09-2013, 08:43 PM
ive had a toshiba 843 55" for a year and watched 3d just a few times!! my connected tv youtube has been discontinued and i am still waiting for the itv player as promised [coming soon on purchase] fantastic pic and a good piece of furniture with a 5 year warranty, browser is slow also, for £1700 at the time with a years free interest on pay off. seems ok but tosh lack apps, sammy seem best

01-09-2013, 09:26 PM
a lot of companies seem to promise stuff that dont work .
i had the smart remote with my samsung at the time they advertised you could view the tv on it , but its never worked .

02-09-2013, 06:08 PM
a lot of companies seem to promise stuff that dont work .
i had the smart remote with my samsung at the time they advertised you could view the tv on it , but its never worked .

you are right there. a lot of models are regionalised as well. i tried to dload rte player for my smart tv as well. seems my model number wasnt sold in ireland. happy with samsung tho. bbc , itv, ch4, ch5 players and youtube tried contacting samsung direct who told me about codes for regions.

02-09-2013, 07:40 PM
lets get back on topic...

3D = the nuts

if you dont like it, then dont buy a 3D-TV - i can assure you i wont be getting bored with it, especially not with 3 x 3D channels at my disposal.

02-09-2013, 08:06 PM
lets get back on topic...

3D = the nuts

if you dont like it, then dont buy a 3D-TV - i can assure you i wont be getting bored with it, especially not with 3 x 3D channels at my disposal.

Don't agree with much you say but on this I do :D

02-09-2013, 08:55 PM
Don't agree with much you say but on this I do :D

you know you'd all be lost without my superior knowledge!

i've applied to go on countdown dont you know

02-09-2013, 09:02 PM
you know you'd all be lost without my superior knowledge!

i've applied to go on countdown dont you know

Now that I would like to see, keep us posted :respect-047:

02-09-2013, 11:23 PM
there are some things in life that come "as is" whether you like it or not, and at the moment pretty much all these tv,s have 3d built in, so buying a good one with no inbuilt 3d is not really a valid option

when I bought my car it has a cigarette lighter built in, but I dont smoke, but still bought the car

my wife will go in a pub with me even though she does not drink alchohol, its a fact that they all sell it however

you can buy a house with a garage even if you cannot drive and do not own a car

granada beam soaps down my aerial even though I hate them all with a passion, but I still tune the channels in even though I refuse to watch the soaps or any of these stupid reality shows - especially the voyeuristic ones or any by syco (f*** him)

if I were buying a new tv it would be a smart tv like the samsung ones bought by sonic1 and others on this forum, 3d or no 3d

BUT, the 3d part would be ignored the same as its ignored on my spiderbox or my duo, it does not stop me buying the item or items, even if some of it goes unwanted and unused

so something like a samsung series 8 would be my choice (even if it is a 3d tv) , but **** 3d ! as its a gimmick ;)

that is still my opinion as it was earlier in this thread

03-09-2013, 12:34 AM
I've recently bought a Samsung 64" smart plasma TV. There is not a lot of programming in 3D but the ones I've watched have been great.
Make the room dark and sit at the optimum distance straight in front of the screen. You are then "immersed" in the picture as there are no clues from the periphery.

I'm pretty sure the large screen greatly enhances the 3D experience.

03-09-2013, 06:42 AM
I really enjoy watching 3D on my 55 inch Sammy Smart tv.

I would prefer not to have to wear the glasses, but it's no big deal and doesn't take anything away from my enjoyment.


03-09-2013, 08:14 AM
The posters above make me feel inadequate with my little 46" TV :ack2:

03-09-2013, 09:06 AM
Super Sunday on my 55" LG 3D passive is like being there. :)

Shame there is not more content and shame the BBC don't deem it worthy of continuance. 2D to 3D could be better but still adds depth.

46" Sammy upstairs is a 'Smart' TV but never again. Better off having an STB that you can update yourself.

Now, with the DUO2, just spoilt for choice as to what to use next. Duo2 3D switch is superb as it not only switches the gui but selects 3D on my TV also. :)

20-10-2013, 09:39 PM
Films like Avitar are worth watching in 3d but like most say its a novelty that will soon wear off, i have a LG smart tv and its the real deal. has youtube, netflix the lot and is a 3d. think its 50 inch and values at £1.130

21-10-2013, 08:34 PM
I have a 50" panasonic 3d routed through my onkyo a/v receiver.....apart from the footy sometimes I never use the 3d, think its more watchable in hd.Its a smart tv but I find my Duo with all the available apps theres I hardly use the internet on it. I dont think 3D has caught on

22-11-2013, 05:54 PM
I only have a 40 inch samsung F7000 starting to feel really bad and ashamed to go out now

22-11-2013, 06:06 PM
I only have a 40 inch samsung F7000 starting to feel really bad and ashamed to go out now

Nothing to be ashamed off m8, I have 42inch JVC made by Vestel and I am a happy man. I thought there is life outside the living room and spent the money I saved on a quality weekend out with my family.

22-11-2013, 06:18 PM
Thank God for this website, I feel better allready, I might go down the pub tonight:hurray:

22-11-2013, 06:28 PM
Hi dog-man,

It was a tossup between the Sammy or LG
for me, (12 month back) plumed for
the Passive LG. Perfect SD HD & 3D Picture.

@donki, Have you upped the Backlight in
the 3D settings.
I have a 55 LG and find setting the
Backlight to 95% when in 3D mode
make the Picture brightness the
same as viewing SD through the
3D Glasses.

Have the same Picture setting for
Terrestrial Tv and the VU+ Uno.


22-11-2013, 06:32 PM
Thank God for this website, I feel better allready, I might go down the pub tonight:hurray:

What for, so that you can view their 50" 3D TV. :biggrinjester:

22-11-2013, 06:44 PM
Oh no! hadn't thought of that, what to do, panic, despair, worse! I know get some magnifier specs then mine is as big as anyones, phew! that was close.
Don't apply for any jobs with the samaritans:D