View Full Version : Problem with usb stick

06-05-2012, 02:23 PM
Wanted to reload latest BH Image as my VU+Solo was crashing, Think id done something wrong in meoboot,so i wanted to start againg loaded image on usb stick when connected to box nothing was uploading,only a couple of red flashes then green this took about five secpnds after a couple of hours of head scratching i realised it was the usb stick not connecting to the reciever,found my old stick and uploded image no problem, i think i had not formatted to Fat 32 is this the problem?

06-05-2012, 02:29 PM
Wanted to reload latest BH Image as my VU+Solo was crashing, Think id done something wrong in meoboot,so i wanted to start againg loaded image on usb stick when connected to box nothing was uploading,only a couple of red flashes then green this took about five secpnds after a couple of hours of head scratching i realised it was the usb stick not connecting to the reciever,found my old stick and uploded image no problem, i think i had not formatted to Fat 32 is this the problem?

probably, as all sticks need formatting to fat32 for proper use in almost anything

you may get away with fat16 now and again, but fat32 is the correct format

06-05-2012, 02:33 PM
for meoboot to work the stick needs to be formatted in linux by the box itself.

but for flashing the box with your backup image or an entirely new image,formatting in FAT32 is needed.
