View Full Version : MpcsMon plugin for the VU+

06-05-2012, 11:18 PM
i feel that if you run oscam then you need this plugin,simple as that.
ive been running this on my 7020 forever,but up till now ive not been able to find the mipsel version that will work with the VU+

so ive been on this all day trying to find the files that will work with a VU+ and then trying to configure them,but got there in the end with the help of cokeaddict(cheers bud)

ok in your oscam.conf you have to add this

port = 988
nocrypt =,
hideclient_to = 15
monlevel = 4
appendchaninfo = 1

and then in your oscam.user file add this

user = monitor
pwd = monitor
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
numusers = 0
penalty = 0

the groups are the groups you have placed your readers in that you wish to monitor.


alternatively,if your oscam.user file is getting near to the max 32 users,instead of adding the above,just give your own existing user details monitor privilages and edit the mpcsmon.conf file to include your own user details user and password that you already use to access oscam.

this is my edited mpcsmon.conf line to allow my VU+ to monitor my dreambox server,so if you use my line as an example you will then be able to edit your own accordingly.

server=mpcsmon://VU+Solo:VU+Solo1@ label=dreambox

edit the mpcsmon.conf to your own ip ( or if like me you run your server elsewhere edit it to that ip and edit the port to the same port you have selected to use in your oscam.conf file for your monitor

send the files over to the appropriate directories and chmod all to 755

thats it if you run BH after you reboot all will work.


if like me you run BP you need to make a few changes.

you need to add a folder in /usr called plugins chmod to 777 and then send the file mpcsmon to it and chmod to 755

then instead of sending the mpcsmon.conf over to /ect/tuxbox

you send it over to /var/tuxbox and chmod to 755

this folder doesnt exist in BP but if you are already running oscam then you will have already created it anyway when you created /var/tuxbox/config to place your oscam files into.

thats it.

reboot and you now have the mpcsmon plugin in your plugins to be able to monitor your oscam and check on what all yours peers are up to in real time.no waiting for it to load like in the oscam staus plugin that can also cause your box to freeze if you exit it when its loading the data,and since i updated to oscam staus v6.0 ive had nothing but gsods when using it,hence the reason i was prompted to search for this plugin and get it to work on the VU+


and thanks again cokeaddict for all your help.


07-05-2012, 12:40 PM
added a bit more detailed instructions.


07-05-2012, 12:53 PM
No probs mate

07-05-2012, 01:03 PM
here are the files repacked by sonic1 into a BH.tgz for easy installation.


16-04-2015, 05:12 AM
Thanks for the download.

Please can you tell me how I can install in vu+? I know how to use mpcs monitor in windows but not who install an .tgz file or only have to unpack?


16-04-2015, 08:01 AM
.tgz files are for the Black Hole image, you simply download them, transfer them to the tmp folder, using your FTP program, then install them on your VU+ receiver via the menu. Shortcut press green, followed by orange, buttons and select install BH package.