View Full Version : How can I reset TM5302HD?

12-05-2012, 06:10 PM
After installing several Phantom patches the box has become progressively unusable. For example the Favs are routinely messed up and show the wrong channels and repeat the same channel. Moving the channel order on is also not working. So I want to get rid of Phantompatch to see if all these problems stem from the updates. But factory reset doesn't restore the original firmware. How can I get back to the out-of-box state?

Many Thanks in advance

12-05-2012, 07:40 PM
Flash the latest official Technomate software which can be found _http://www.technomate.com/support/tm-5302-hd.html

12-05-2012, 08:18 PM
If using the May 2012 Version Release, I would recommend to do a Factory Reset after installing. New Phantompatch-TM-5302HD_02-05-2012

12-05-2012, 09:27 PM
I think we are talking at cross purposes. I want to get rid of all the patches that I have ever installed, because I am suspicious that the problems I am having are caused by them. So installing the latest Phanotmpath (already done, anyway) cannot help. I want to get back to the state the box was when I took it out of its packaging.

13-05-2012, 01:27 AM
I think we are talking at cross purposes. I want to get rid of all the patches that I have ever installed, because I am suspicious that the problems I am having are caused by them. So installing the latest Phanotmpath (already done, anyway) cannot help. I want to get back to the state the box was when I took it out of its packaging.

I am afraid you cannot do that ie: return it to its original firmware state, you have a choice either flash it with the latest official firmware that i linked too or flash an old Phantom patch. Which is something as i can gather you do not want to do either way the official patch is dated May and thats as far as you can go back

13-05-2012, 08:07 AM
Is it possible that I may have corrupted the underlying software? The Favourites list keep getting messed up. If I add a new channel to, say, NEWS, then the NEWS category gets filled with loads of strange channels. When I check FAVOURITES LIST then all is fine. If I then go back to NEWS again that too is also fine except that one of the channels is repeated! There are icons associated with Favourites categories which is a left-over from the earlier Phantompatch. So I am sure the firmware is messed up and needs resetting somehow.

13-05-2012, 09:54 AM
As Bob correctly said everytime you load a new Phantom patch you must do a factory reset on everything in the receiver and that also means channel lists.

The way that most people load them on the 5302 and 5402 is as follows to make sure everything is clean before a new install.

1. Do a factory reset on current Firmware.
2. Do setup on current firmware and leave.
3. Load latest Phantom patch and again after brief setup do another full factory reset.
4. Do your setup again and then scan for channels do not load any previous saved channel lists

Sounds like a ballache but from what i can gather this is the only way to make sure no residue firmware is left from the previous release, and also not good is having to scan for channels and re-sort all favorites again but until TM release a Channel list editor if they ever do well its carry on as normal.

13-05-2012, 01:14 PM
I believe the currently accepted 'official line' on reflashing technomates is as follows!-

1) Back up current Channel List
2) Factory Reset
3) Load 'original' Technomate firmware from their website (NOT a 'P' patch!)
4) Factory Reset again
5) Load latest patch
6) Load Add-on
7) Factory Reset again
8) Load latest softcam
9) Reload Channel list from 1) above

Ready to rumble, MINUS all extraneous rubbish built up over several previous patches etc!

Good luck!:respect-067:

13-05-2012, 05:05 PM
Thanks guys for all your tips. I flashed the official TM firmware and did a factory reset and all is well. I hadn't quite appreciated the importance of factory resets before and after each update. You are quite right that the old residues from earlier patches and favourite lists come back and cause havoc.

Thanks again for all your help

13-05-2012, 08:45 PM
I believe the currently accepted 'official line' on reflashing technomates is as follows!-

1) Back up current Channel List
2) Factory Reset
3) Load 'original' Technomate firmware from their website (NOT a 'P' patch!)
4) Factory Reset again
5) Load latest patch
6) Load Add-on
7) Factory Reset again
8) Load latest softcam
9) Reload Channel list from 1) above

Ready to rumble, MINUS all extraneous rubbish built up over several previous patches etc!

Good luck!:respect-067:

That is the official version but having a 1 guy i know who has the unfortunate luck to have a 5302 has always experienced problems when reloading his saved favourite channel list, I then found on a few different forums people expressing that when you have reset and flashed patch and reset again do not under any cir***stances load your saved list on the 5302 you must rescan your channels and sort accordingly.

This does not apply to the 5402 which does not seem to have as many related problems as the 5302 has.

14-05-2012, 01:52 PM
Havent ever heard that mate, but this method is well advised by folk elsewhere who know well their Technomates!
Use it myself on my TM6900HD Super - and know many people with other TM's who swear by it too!:driving:

14-05-2012, 02:34 PM
some very good advice above , especially about the factory resets (for any box)

2 things to say about channel lists

1) ensure you do not "go over" the maximum transponders and maximum channels allowed by the box , this varies from box to box

breaking the upper limits causes all kinds of strange problems, and blindscanning or indiscriminate scanning , and not tidying up or deleting useless transponders is what causes half the problems. so know your limits and stick well below them

2) some boxes are prone to errors when loading previous lists , its just a fact of life, there arent many but it does happen with some problematic boxes

fred fickle
10-06-2012, 05:13 PM
Does the TM 5302 save the channel lists in .CNDF format as in the 5402 etc. ?

10-06-2012, 05:37 PM
Does the TM 5302 save the channel lists in .CNDF format as in the 5402 etc. ?

Afraid it does not and we are still awaiting a channel list editor that was promised months ago.