View Full Version : Strange problem when recording to HD

18-05-2012, 12:05 AM
I don't understand this problem at all. Is there something in the broadcast signals that can affect a recording made from it?

I like my speedway, and watch it on Sundays, from Poland, on TVP Sports (Hotbird) and record the matches. I also watch and record the Swedish speedway on Canal+ Sports 1(S) from Thor, on a Tuesday evening.

The Canal+ recordings play just fine on the AZBox Media Player, however the TVP recordings stall the system completely, needing the box to be switched off and on again.

Transfering the TS files to my PC on my network, the Canal+ recordings play OK in Windows Media Player, whereas the TVP recordings have no audio at all.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is with the way that the TVP matches are being recorded, and if there is any way to rescue the current recordings so that I can store them to DVD please?



18-05-2012, 01:17 AM
I don't know about TVP but I have met a similar audio problem on an Eagle HD.

Try using VLC to play the recording and experiment with the audio settings.

Quite often a box will record all audio streams and the default one can often be blank.

I don't think that will be your problem as KoS shows most TVP channels as only having one* audio stream but I would be surprised if the HD ones didn't have AC3 as well.

[* My HD box shows TVP Sport as having 4 AIDs none of which agree with KoS:
778 Polish
777 Unknown
484 Unknown
488 Unknown
so it is possible that PC media players are trying to use 777

I don't think the numbers in red are the AIDs - possibly they are just internal counters]

18-05-2012, 09:32 PM
Thanks Detlef, I'll download and install VLC and give it a try. Is there an alternative media player that is for the AZ Box which isn't going to crash the AZ Box when trying to play these files?

TVP Sports does not have a HD (High Definition) option. Any reference I made to HD was meant in respect of the Hard Drive. Sorry for confusing the issue.

As a matter of interest, there are a whole host of "minor" files on the AZ Box HD, would any of these be likely to be audio files that accompany the TS file, that have "de-multiplexed" themselves from the original recording...just a thought (?)