View Full Version : jazup2.6 will not run

19-05-2012, 05:04 AM
attempting to open jazup2.6 ,i have latest version of java ,when i click on batch it blinks a black screen then goes away .please help

21-05-2012, 11:25 AM

Which OS are you running? I guess it is Windows?

Try to click on the file with the .jar extension (jazup.jar) to see if it is working or not and not the jazup.bat file.

Seems like Java is not added into your PATH environment variable so the batch file cannot find java.exe

Can you please go into your Java installation folder (probably something like C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_07\bin) and type:
java -version
and show us the result.


24-05-2012, 12:19 PM
sorry for the delay,got it all going.and java didnt have the correct run time.but even after that i really had the bad skin ftp up using filezilla removed skin and ,its up and running.got tv..now does it have a browser ive been through just about all the menus but dont see one .thanks everyone

14-06-2012, 01:44 PM
hey guys an gals.got myaz back up and running .yamon is the way to go,but if it dosent work at first ,give it some time the ctrl-c is tricky ,and you can copy and paste the info to putty and ,it is alot easier .azhd running spaze 2.2 ,working good so far,was wondering if THEIR IS A WAY TO RUN NETFLIX from az ???? so for all peeple who never been involved with such programming just give it a try,only cost 5 american dollars to do it ,had gave up all together an was watching fta on a viewsat ultra lite.but a big ole THANK YOU ALL ...