View Full Version : why did blachole images leave dreambox

19-05-2012, 11:22 PM
it always anoys me that one image to another has different quirks from basic settings and certain basic features in network features and it seems to be better than others on different images..

also features like epg automatic reload on boot of dreambox etc .

in my book surly these are feaure that image makers should surly be getting right

but however these features seem to differ from one image to the other (why that is i have no idea and my understanding as to why is you carnt have the best of both worlds with network features ?? is it down to plugins not working as good as they should do down to networks problems ans so image makers will allways have to do away with certain features.. im curious as to why blackhole just completely fanished and are now writing for vu ??? is this down to network problems on the dreambox hmmmm i wonder ...

or is this down to dream multimedia again being funny bas--ds or blacdkhole saying up yours dreambox where switching to vu we get more sense out of them
as from where i am images on vu are wiping the floor with dreambox...

or maybe its because the person who owns dreambox is a complete twit and his way is his way and he wont be told no matter what and when it comes to network cards its like f--k you i have got the best deal kiss my arse

19-05-2012, 11:41 PM
Never really liked black hole images ever one i tried on my dmbox kept giving me green screen crash which was very annoying .
i have for past year or more stuck with EDG Nemisis images and now using Edg Nemisis 2.6 SVN 108r4 which easily recognises my USB pen and with Cross EPG i have 7 day EPG on Slyuk and SlyIT aswell and got pauli neutrino keymap plugin working fine aswell and skin is fantastic compared with previous versions so looks like EDG Nemisis team have really got things spot on this time .


19-05-2012, 11:41 PM
wot on eart r you on abut you seemd to get a reply to your isues with that htc thing and then removed the post yer sellf now still want help LOL

19-05-2012, 11:52 PM
i know a black hole image that never gets green screen and this mage was written almost 2 years ago its now back on my box network is a whole lot better but i have had to do away with m2ts

19-05-2012, 11:55 PM
wot on eart r you on abut you seemd to get a reply to your isues with that htc thing and then removed the post yer sellf now still want help LOL

my htc is fine on blackhole now mate and i can see your sense of humor lol but this is a completey different thread

20-05-2012, 12:03 AM
and wat was posted on the otherer threades could of helped somebody else so y remove them makes nosense does it

20-05-2012, 12:10 AM
i had to remove them

if you have three try installing mini opera its a network browser that holds no blocks .. woop do woop.. no seariously mate i have had a lot of issues with network going back years and i feel i have not explained properly in other threads so i removed them and i will keep this open no matter what

ok only good info on previous thread was if your trying to connect to a htc one x phone wirlessy youll have to restart your network several times on dreambox befor your dreambox will obtain an ip address from your htc and connect to the internet i hope this helps..

and anyone with an htc needing help pls pm me ill gladly help

20-05-2012, 07:23 AM
i had to remove them

no you did not

your previous threads were contrary , snide , childish , argumentative , negative , inflammatory and didnt really answer people`s questions who had tried to help you , has deleted good info other members could have used from the replies being given, and were generally negative and clearly aimed at prolonging your hate relationship to a linux box that has done nothing to you at all and presumably still does what it says on the tin when bought if it was programmed and used correctly by yourself

you may think your replies and comments were clever or funny, but many others disagree to the point that you are now not getting the help you may think you require due to getting those respondents backs up in the previous threads (the threads that actually YOU deleted)

instead of having a serious conversation here in a serious TECHNICAL section of the board you preferred to diss dmm in general and bemoan all things apparent instead of having a clear desire to fix those dm8000 problems and connection issues, now you have deleted those old threads and posted a new thread as if nothing has happened and want technical replies to technical questions, presumably by those same respondents

that is how myself and others see it, and I suspect you have now burned those bridges and that other talented and knowledgeable members may now have you on their IGNORE list because of it. well you only have yourself to blame as I have read all of the threads that you made and I know my findings are correct on this matter

(as demonstrated by the title of this thread and the content of post #1)

i will keep this open no matter what

I seriously doubt the above statement as history proves otherwise !!

ps:- when the original threads (now deleted) were reported to me I seriously thought that your account had been h1jacked by a 10 year old moron who was posting spam , I checked ip addresses and previous posts too in my role as admin here (for comparison) , only to find that it seemed the actual member themselves was posting !! it came as a great shock to me as I did not expect it in the dm8000 section

20-05-2012, 08:40 AM
At the end of the day the network card needs improvement that's all im saying
And I'm really not any of things you have said I am so it makes no difference to me what you say or anyone else on here as at the end of the day dreambox is a pile of s***e run by complete and utter *****s and supported bly complete and utter w**..ers .. and I am not finished as I have no intentions of removing this thread now so if you want kick me for expressing my opinion kick me ad I'm really none to bothered if you do as I really carnt be bothered with bullies anymore or people who support the behavior of complete and utter t****s..



20-05-2012, 09:12 AM
thread closed due to repeated profanity and repeated insulting behaviour spread over several posts in multiple recent threads

I have read all of those deleted threads today and find my facts to be 100% correct (infraction issued using todays thread-last post)

grow up and behave like an adult !