View Full Version : Anyone managed to Rename a recorded file?

28-05-2012, 03:26 PM
When I record a movie, occasionally the file item name in the Play list is incorrect - usually the previous program name because the program Info has not updated when the recording started. I found that with the 1115 firmware if you tried to "Rename" it using the Blue button from the Play list then the recording would not play. This was because two of the files within the folder had not been renamed - fix that on the computer and everything was fine.

However with the 0330 firmware there appears to be a change in that trying to Rename via the blue button gives some funny results and on checking on the computer the files no longer seem to bear the name under which they are listed but just a hex reference. Changing all the files names (the same hex reference) on the computer does not change the file name listed in Play. It appears that now the listing name appears to be contained in the .inf file.

I have reloaded the firmware a couple of times - thinking it must be screwed up, but to no avail.

Does ANYONE have any success in changing the names of items in the Play list?

If this is how it now is I guess I will revert to the 1115 firmware where at least the bug can be cir***vented using the computer, but I would value anyone confirming this is indeed how the firware now seems to work.

Many thanks.

28-05-2012, 03:36 PM
Using the latest patch, I just renamed a 722Mb recording with no problems and no need to do anything with a computer.

28-05-2012, 04:14 PM
Thanks Anrakh, but now I am starting to pull my hair out!!

Unless I have a corrupt firmware (but it was downloaded from here). When I use the Blue button I get presented with a hex field to edit - not the title which is presented in the list. Any editing of this did not at all effect the title presented in the lis. On the 1115 firmware I was presented with the correct title.

Anrakh - are you using a 9900HD, and upon editing are you presented with the title you as it was in the list?

Thanks for bearing with me here.

28-05-2012, 05:06 PM
Try a new recording, even a short one to see if the same thing happens.
I've used a 9900 but the test I mentioned above was performed on a 7000HD with the last patch.

28-05-2012, 06:57 PM
The exact what happened is as follows:
I recorded a short item
"Play" displays correct ifo ie "BBC News" followed by a time and date signature
"Blue" button displays for edit db0b1dcf
Edit that to read "News" and Save
Play list now only had a Folder icon with no text next to it
Hit "OK" and I get "Playback is failed"
Hit Play again and the item is no longer visible
In the computer under Records I have a folder named News
In that folder the idx ifo and trp files are named News, whilst the inf and rap files are named db0b1dcf

Really screwed up - and that is after reloading the 0330 firmware.

28-05-2012, 10:04 PM
Phewww! That's a nasty one. I regularly rename using blue button. Half the time I end up with an unwanted 'h' on the end. About one in 20 recordings simply disappear after renaming....something I live with giving the poor (external drive) performance on Humax Freesat! Keep trying Paulus. (Spiderbox9000 all up to date).

28-05-2012, 10:17 PM
@captainglassback - what you describe is similar to my experience on earlier firmware - the extra "h" etc. It's just that my box has NEVER renamed successfully. ALWAYS two files in the folder have not been renamed leaving the playback to fail. It's just that with 1115 foirmware I could complete the operation on the computer. Not anymore.

My behaviour is solid, not intermittant, so keep trying is of no value. I thought my external drive could be the source of the problem, but it is exactly the same on a USB stick. What baffles me is the difference between 1115 and 0330, with 1115 the play list clearly got its entries from the folder/file names but 0330 seems quite different - change the file names and it still lists as the original (when it does list). I think until I have a resolution I might just go back to 1115 once I have re-downloaded 0330 (in case I had some corruption) and retried that.

28-05-2012, 10:21 PM
captainglassback i also get the the 'h' so i always put blank at the end of the name which stops the 'h' appearing. paulus you said the following ' Blue" button displays for edit db0b1dcf ' do you actually get that kind of code every time just letters and numbers jumbled as you say it certainly does look like Hex. I have alsways changed my recording names especially the x ones simply highlight the one i want to edit, press Blue then delete using red button. Add letters Cap. or lower case to make up new title exit and save the only annoying thing mine is doing now is when i record i have to search through all recordings to find the one i had just recorded, at one time it was always at the end but not anymore could be anywhere in the list. Sorry should have said mine is a 9000 HD Spider.

29-05-2012, 08:10 AM
Could now be back to the supplier! I have re-downloaded the firmware from two different sites - both exactly the same behaviour. I now am at the end of tether. Having said that cannot think what component could fail to give such an outcome - definitely looks like software bug, but not exhibited on other boxes??

29-05-2012, 09:16 AM
I've found someone else with the same problem and I've reported it. I'll post any reply I get here.
In the meantime, you can use a previous patch if you can get it working that way.

29-05-2012, 09:55 AM
Much appreciated Anrakh! I will hold off contacting the supplier until I hear from you.

I assume it is just a 9900HD problem then (since others boxes seem to work OK), for which a firmware upgrade would sort?

29-05-2012, 10:17 AM
Much appreciated Anrakh! I will hold off contacting the supplier until I hear from you.

I assume it is just a 9900HD problem then (since others boxes seem to work OK), for which a firmware upgrade would sort?

It's possible. Having so little feedback about the 9900 on this issue makes investigation of the problem a little difficult.

08-06-2012, 11:44 AM
@ Anrakh I assume nothing yet moving on this. I do have the 9900 and will gladly provide any further data and testing capacity that might be needed to further evaluate and progress this issue.

08-06-2012, 02:51 PM
it really does need a firmware update - the recording managenment sw has really been done in a rush (im an ex-SW developer of user interfaces)
the 2 big problems i havent put on my earlier posted list of 'things to look at' on this forum, are;
when you go over 255 recordings, the later ones do dissapear - solution delete some till you have less than 250, then they all re-appear

when you have over a hundred recordings~(which you will do with larger drives and the 9900 incapability to edit, bookmark or merge them), it takes 25 seconds to do ANY operation like delete, bring the list up, sort etc.

this means listing/previewing/listing again/deleting x 100 recordings you wish to delete from 200 will take you over 2 hours, sat there waiting for it to catch up with simple button presses. rather puts you off bothering!

no-one would accept this on any sort of commercial PVR.

my TM6900 not only previewed in the list any highlighted recording, but you could save dozens of bookmarks in each, and any operation took max 4 secs.