View Full Version : S3600hdcci

31-05-2012, 06:57 AM
I see there is a new Icecrypt receiver out, how does this fare against receivers like the Gigablue 800? With the new FW, is the Sly 28.2 EPG working? Does CCcam easily work as a client? Is there selectable images or is there a standard one that is used? Can you play movies on the receiver? Can anyone load pictures of the EPG etc? Important for me, does timeshift work properly to allow, pause, play, rewind and fast forward(something that the gigablue does not do properly).

10-06-2012, 11:26 PM
too early to say as only just released

11-06-2012, 11:03 AM
The Sly EPG is working including series link recording over 7 days.
The EPG is now the standard as used across all Icecrypt models.
It does play back Movies OK including MKV's. I'm sure there are some formats it doesn't playback but all the ones I've torrented onto my NAS playback fine except if the audio sync is out then there is no adjustments for that.
For the brief period of time that I have tested the timeshift seems to work OK. It does allow you to pause, play, rewind and fast forward.