View Full Version : Tm6900 super & usb problem

02-06-2012, 11:13 PM
Hello Technomaters!

Just wanted to test the new patch but my receiver is not recognizing any USB device.
Tried both USB ports but when trying to choose a USB drive from the menu a message appears: USB drive is not attached, it in fact it is!
Any idea what's wrong? Tried to switch the power off for a while, took several different USB sticks but nothing has helped.
What else can I do??

My actual firmware is 7.44

03-06-2012, 12:28 AM
Hello Technomaters!

Just wanted to test the new patch but my receiver is not recognizing any USB device.
Tried both USB ports but when trying to choose a USB drive from the menu a message appears: USB drive is not attached, it in fact it is!
Any idea what's wrong? Tried to switch the power off for a while, took several different USB sticks but nothing has helped.
What else can I do??

My actual firmware is 7.44

It works again!

After doing 5 times a factory reset the USB ports work again, really strange....

03-06-2012, 07:42 AM
There is a known problem with the usb ports failing with the tm6000 range. I think some capacitors on the mb blow after a while. My usb has failed and I haven'y got around to fixing it yet.Maybe yours is in the process of breaking but not quite got there yet!

here is a previous post with more details of the problem - and solution: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?150508-USB-on-TM6900HD-Super

03-06-2012, 02:59 PM
Yes, it was me who had the problem last year and, so far at least, replacing the swollen caps seems to have sorted it out!
I also had found that doing what you did tempoarily sorted it out, bur only changing the caps actually mended it!
Please see Joany's link and think you'll find your answer!
I'd had to resort to adding patches via cable instaed of USB - as they had BOTH stopped being recognised, including obviously my PVR one!
Let us know how you get on mate!:respect-050:

05-06-2012, 10:34 PM
Yes, it was me who had the problem last year and, so far at least, replacing the swollen caps seems to have sorted it out!
I also had found that doing what you did tempoarily sorted it out, bur only changing the caps actually mended it!
Please see Joany's link and think you'll find your answer!
I'd had to resort to adding patches via cable instaed of USB - as they had BOTH stopped being recognised, including obviously my PVR one!
Let us know how you get on mate!:respect-050:

Thanks a lot Mate!!

Well today the USB ports don't work again!
I think replacing the caps is what I have to do. I think I'll open the cover of my Tm and see if I find the right caps.
If it will be obvious which caps have to be replaced I'll try to do it at home, otherwise I'll bring the box to a specialist. Not sure if I recognise the right caps :-/

06-06-2012, 07:18 AM
Let me know how you go on because i need to do the same myself, when I can be arsed to get around to it.

06-06-2012, 10:41 AM
Hopefully I have Uploaded a picture of the 6900 Power Supply board.
I have indicated with red dots the most likely caps that give problems.
If you look carefully, you can see that the Top of the bottom Right Cap is slightly Bowed.
Replacing that capacitor, on this occasion, cured the problem.


06-06-2012, 11:56 AM
Hopefully I have Uploaded a picture of the 6900 Power Supply board.
I have indicated with red dots the most likely caps that give problems.
If you look carefully, you can see that the Top of the bottom Right Cap is slightly Bowed.
Replacing that capacitor, on this occasion, cured the problem.


Pretty sure they are the ones I replaced last year mate, although I seem to remember there were only three which had bulged, two of one and another - all of which were specified in the link kindly already supplied by Joany:-
Good luck guys, as matter of interest my symptoms seemed to be identical to those experienced by DJ2004!:respect-067:

06-06-2012, 02:55 PM
@holmroad - yes -that was the thread where we were both subscribers
The temp rating of the marked caps Would have been OK, If the designers hadn't stuck
two big Heat Sinks close to them ! Any one changing them should make certain replacements
are 105 C not the original 75 C

11-06-2012, 07:24 PM

In my case the marked caps have to be replaced, I simply ordered some caps with the same specifications like shown on the original caps.
When finished I´ll come back and report if everything went well...

12-06-2012, 01:17 PM

In my case the marked caps have to be replaced, I simply ordered some caps with the same specifications like shown on the original caps.
When finished I´ll come back and report if everything went well...

Good luck mate!:respect-057:

15-06-2012, 10:09 PM

M8s, I urgently need Your help!!

I just replaced the caps but my receiver doesn´t work, it goes on and off again, the new caps get extremly hot and damaged after several seconds, what´s wrong??
I´m not sure but it have to be wrong caps but I installed them properly, I´m sure.
The upper cap on the image is the new one, the lower one is the original one.
On the back of the original cap is: 8063(M), the new one: 108C2(M)
Are these symbols that important and the reason for my problems???

Thanks and hope You can help me :( :( :(

16-06-2012, 10:57 AM
Did you make sure the leg that has the large stripe down the side was fitted correctly, the legs are +ve and -ve and must be fitted the same way.

16-06-2012, 11:23 AM
You also dont have much room in which to work - thats why I got my friend, who's far more adept at this kind of thing, to solder in the replacements as I'm sure I would possibly have touched one against another - and thats all it needs to constantly be shorting out or not behaving 'smoothly' as it should!:respect-069:

(Please also note the comments re TM having recommended different higher rated caps/resistors etc to avoid future prods!

16-06-2012, 02:43 PM
As previously stated - make absolutely certain that you have the polarity correct, and take care when soldering, that no shorting solder blobs are left. Also, I notice that you are replacing a 220mfd Cap ?, when the previous major cap problems have been with the two 1500mfd, and one 2,200mfd caps, all at 10v working. There was also a recommended mod to increase the 2,200mfd to 3,300mfd 105 C working to improve smoothing and reliability

16-06-2012, 06:19 PM
Hello Technomaters!

Just wanted to test the new patch but my receiver is not recognizing any USB device.
Tried both USB ports but when trying to choose a USB drive from the menu a message appears: USB drive is not attached, it in fact it is!
Any idea what's wrong? Tried to switch the power off for a while, took several different USB sticks but nothing has helped.
What else can I do??

My actual firmware is 7.44

Had exactly the same problem the other week. Two electrolytic capacitors had bulged on the PSU board, got 2 replacements for pennies off the well known ******* site, problem solved!

16-06-2012, 08:52 PM
Thanks for Your answers, polarity is ok, I decided to bring the power supply board to a local technician, I'm sure a technician can fix it without any problems. I'll report how it's going on...

18-06-2012, 04:58 PM
Ok, everything works well again and "I´m back in business" :-)
I brought the power supply board to a technician, he has changed 2 of the mentioned capacitors (shown on the left on the picture above) to 220µF but 35V, not 16V!! Originally there were two 220µF 16V caps installed, but for some reason the voltage is too high so he changed the caps for 35V, now everything works again, also the USB ports!

Cheers for all support!

18-06-2012, 05:47 PM
Ok, everything works well again and "I´m back in business" :-)
I brought the power supply board to a technician, he has changed 2 of the mentioned capacitors (shown on the left on the picture above) to 220µF but 35V, not 16V!! Originally there were two 220µF 16V caps installed, but for some reason the voltage is too high so he changed the caps for 35V, now everything works again, also the USB ports!

Cheers for all support!

Thanks for your report. Glad its working again.

18-06-2012, 08:10 PM
Same here, really pleased you got to bottom of it - also seems this must be a weakness on TM6900HD Supers, hence TM's advice on changing cap/resistorspecs etc!:respect-069:

10-09-2012, 08:47 PM
55047Well today I grasped the nettle and opened my box. I have been unable to use my usb for several months now and thought it was now time to restore my record function.
(Thanks to all those who provided info. earlier i this post.)
I have to say that opening the box was very easy with only 2 screws on the side and 3 on the back. Once inside the power board is held on with only 4 screws and the board was attached to the stb with 2 cables (one from the mains cable to the board and the other from the board to the main motherboard)
The power pcb had been removed in about 4 minutes total.
Once inside I could see that 3 capacitors had domed tops (the ones marked on yellow on the diagram) The ones marked red had also failed in other users boxes so i decided to order these spares as a precaution.
I went to m.a.p.l.i.n.s for the bits but to my surprise they didnt stock a couple of them. I then went to my rs components shop just around the corner. I didnt have to identify the parts I needed I just gave him the mb and asked him for replacements for the 6 capacitors identified on my picture. I also told him to get higher rated parts where possible.
I got 2200uF 16V, 1500uF 16V(original was only 10V), 2200 uF 10V all 105C rated and 47uF 50V 85C rated. Cost was £16 inc vat.
I'm going to just replaced the 3 that appear to have gone and will replace the others if they fail. I'm gonna do it whilst at work tonight and I'll report back tomorrow on how successful I was.
By the way I looked for signs of polarity on the parts and the only ones I could see was a thick gold or light blue bar down one side. so I replaced the parts in the same way as the originals.

10-09-2012, 09:01 PM
Hi Joany - We will keep our fingers crossed for you - Just make certain you get the caps the right way around !
All the best

10-09-2012, 09:35 PM
Good luck Joany, I think you are very wise to obtain the extra ones - I too was gobsmacked that Map,,,s didnt stock those ones either!!
I'm sure your actions will be successful as were mine last year mate!:king-041:

10-09-2012, 10:57 PM
Here are is a picture of the capacitors after soldering on.
If any body is going to try this I would recommend you use something to get rid of the old solder. I used a solder sucker which is like a spring-loaded syringe which sucks the old solder away whilst its still liquid. If you don't use one of these there is a chance of one arm being hard whilst the other side is liquid, which makes removal a bit more difficult.
Another thing to note is the the higher rated capacitors are larger and have a larger footprint on the pcb, which meant I couldn't fit them completely next to the pcb but raised a little higher.
In the last picture you can see the old capacitors next to the new ones. Note the light blue and gold bands which allow you to get the correct polarity. Also note the increase in size of the new higher rated capacitors compared to the old ones.

11-09-2012, 07:14 AM
I got home from nightshift, plugged everything back in and EVERYTHING now working fine. Carried out a recording which worked fine.
If anybody out there has this problem and is dreading the thought of fixing it. Then don't! It took me about 20 minutes in total to remove the board , solder 3capacitors and replacing the board.

11-09-2012, 12:41 PM
I got home from nightshift, plugged everything back in and EVERYTHING now working fine. Carried out a recording which worked fine.
If anybody out there has this problem and is dreading the thought of fixing it. Then don't! It took me about 20 minutes in total to remove the board , solder 3capacitors and replacing the board.

Thats brilliant Joany - seems my experiences from last year seem to be actually helping people with this inherent TM problem - at least the time I'd spent in determining the source of the problem, etc., with a lot of help from my friends paid off big time - glad you are back to 'normal' Joany - or ARE YOU!!!! lol!!:respect-050:

11-10-2012, 10:32 AM
I have the same problem with my 6900 super... "USB drive is not attached"... After some resets nothing to do...
I installed the latest patch and settings with serial cable... but anything...
what can I do without open my TM ?
Any utility programs to reset everything ? Thanksss

11-10-2012, 12:53 PM
I have the same problem with my 6900 super... "USB drive is not attached"... After some resets nothing to do...
I installed the latest patch and settings with serial cable... but anything...
what can I do without open my TM ?
Any utility programs to reset everything ? Thanksss

So are you saying that you HAVE checked your caps inside the box too and that they are ok mate - I'm not really sure what you are actually saying here?:respect-051:

11-10-2012, 02:46 PM
Be very careful when changing these capacitors, that they are correctly polarised, that is + to +, and – to -. Minus is indicated by a black half circle to the side of the capacitor circle on the board. On the capacitor the minus is normally indicated by a black stripe all the way down the side. Otherwise you could do a lot of damage to the PSU.

11-10-2012, 02:56 PM
No I didn't check anything inside my box, just to tell you that now I have this problem with usb... and to understand what's happened actually...

fred fickle
11-10-2012, 05:59 PM
Never had any trouble with this problem and now on my 4th 6902!!! fingers crossed.

11-10-2012, 08:10 PM
It's strange because for example I connected a wifi mouse and I have a red light in front of 6900...

11-10-2012, 10:09 PM
It's strange because for example I connected a wifi mouse and I have a red light in front of 6900...

Yes mate, but surely a wireless mouse has little to do with a - or rather TWO, missing USB's?

Have you - or rather would you CONSIDER just checking the caps inside, just in case its the power supply problem which so many of we 6900HD Super box owners have now identified as being a weakness - dont think Fred's 6902's have EVER yet been identified with this particular problem anyway??:confused:

11-10-2012, 11:19 PM
I have the same problem with my 6900 super... "USB drive is not attached"... After some resets nothing to do...
I installed the latest patch and settings with serial cable... but anything...
what can I do without open my TM ?
Any utility programs to reset everything ? Thanksss

As I put in reply #25 above: "If anybody out there has this problem and is dreading the thought of fixing it. Then don't! It took me about 20 minutes in total to remove the board , solder 3capacitors and replacing the board. "

Don't delay taking the back off. Its so straight forward!

26-10-2012, 12:55 PM
Never had any trouble with this problem and now on my 4th 6902!!! fingers crossed.

Lets hope its because for some reason this fault is only peculiar to TM6900HD Supers - for SOME reason Fred!!:respect-023: