View Full Version : ultimo help not working "service unavalible check tuner error"

03-06-2012, 02:36 PM
hopeing someone can help my ultimo was setup and working ok running Blackhole 1.6.6. i downloaded a couple of scripts and rebooted and the picture went off sand i got a error "service unavailable check tuner"

i have removed both scripts but same problem exsists.

on tuner config it says

Configuration mode-simple
satellite- nothing connected
send diseqc no

i have tryed a factory reset and setting up setup again but it still get tuner unavalible error. i have tryed connecting sat feed from the sky dish into a & b tuners on ultimo.

only think i have not tryed is a reflash of blackhole however unsure how you reflash it.

anyone have any ideas please.

03-06-2012, 03:20 PM
a reflash should get you back but go slow, this is the way BUT check the dummies guide on here as well and read a bit.

How flash To Vu+ Ultimo

HowTo updating image:

•download image file (USB variant)

•unzip file

•format USB flash drive with fat or fat32

•create directory /vuplus/ultimo at flash drive

•copy the 4 files to directoy /vuplus/ultimo at flash drive

•shutdown VU+ STB

•disconnect all USB devices

•connect USB flash drive to VU+ STB

•power on VU+ STB

•press "-" button at front of VU+ STB

•wait for message "Finished remove USB"

•disconnect USB flash drive

•power off VU+ STB

then back on


03-06-2012, 03:35 PM
Sounds like 1 of the scripts tried to update the channel list / satellite.xml file and has made it incompatable.

I have had this myself in the past.

Just upload a fresh channel list, and setup your tuners again should be enough to fix it.

If not, as above reflash your box and then after setting it up do a fresh channel scan and you should be fine.

Just for info, BH 1.6.6 is an old image now, 1.7.5 has just been released and there are alot of improvements.

03-06-2012, 03:48 PM
Sounds like 1 of the scripts tried to update the channel list / satellite.xml file and has made it incompatable.

I have had this myself in the past.

Just upload a fresh channel list, and setup your tuners again should be enough to fix it.

If not, as above reflash your box and then after setting it up do a fresh channel scan and you should be fine.

Just for info, BH 1.6.6 is an old image now, 1.7.5 has just been released and there are alot of improvements.

will give 1.7.5 a try and fresh channel . what is the best channel list to use ? cold not see one on here after searching.

03-06-2012, 03:51 PM
Depends which package(s) you want.

Catseye settings are popular, but I tend to just do manual scan's of each satellite I receive.

03-06-2012, 06:04 PM
thanks i have reflashed and now ok however when i do a auto or manual scan its only picking up 21 channels?

03-06-2012, 07:28 PM
thanks i have reflashed and now ok however when i do a auto or manual scan its only picking up 21 channels?You have something either not setup correct, or you installed something that is overwriting your satellite.xml file.

03-06-2012, 07:36 PM
You can download catseye settings from the addon server, the updated settings were added today.

03-06-2012, 08:30 PM
You can download catseye settings from the addon server, the updated settings were added today.
that worked a treat thanks sonic1