View Full Version : epg

05-06-2012, 08:30 PM
cant up grade my epg whats the problem any one else having the same problem any help please

05-06-2012, 09:00 PM
cant up grade my epg whats the problem any one else having the same problem any help please

I seem to remember someone telling you earlier to day to learn to read the Stickies, and then you will not to post a question every time that you have a query, please read and use the info supplied below:

if and when you are au fait with epg settings , then use whichever epg file you wish from usb stick and do the epg download
you can only use one of the files , even though there are dozens , so choose the one you require , possibly the sly uk 28e one for UK

Please read and use the info in the link below:


05-06-2012, 09:03 PM
its been my experience that this epg download system is unreliable and I gave up with it ages ago on the spiderbox