View Full Version : FINALLY a full 7 day epg s4000

11-06-2012, 03:30 AM
Hi all, just downloaded and installed firmware V1.10.57 via software upgrade on receiver (not yet available on icecrypt website), and finally it has a full 7 day epg. Just go into your favourites, select a channel and put receiver in standby for roughly 3-5min and turn back on and VOILA sweet as a nut lol. Do the rest for other favourites or try ALL services (haven't tried that as of yet). New firmware is slightly slower accessing menu settings but who cares lol. Also has series recording - press OK on program and a menu appears with 'Once Record, Series Record, Play'.
Icecrypt THANKYOU.

11-06-2012, 07:43 AM
Hopefully this also loads all the programme synopsis for the week.

Any chance of posting it here please as I`m having problems with the .49 f/w (cannot move or delete recordings, slow and glitchy)

11-06-2012, 10:55 AM
V1.10.57 for the S4000 is now in the firmware section.

11-06-2012, 12:43 PM
I am finding problems when trying to switch the receiver to standby (typically from BBC Radio 4). It frequently just locks up - this usually happens only after the receiver has been on for some hours.

My only attempt at series record (on Channel 4 HD) also cause a lock-up.

Is a factory reset required?

11-06-2012, 03:50 PM
A Factory reset is recommended after any firmware upgrade, to avoid any latent memory errors.
Latent memory errors can appear as strange operational glitches.

11-06-2012, 04:02 PM
Loaded f/w .57 followed by a factory reset but still cannot move or delete recordings.

11-06-2012, 06:08 PM
My series recordings have been working fine but I'm having major problems with the plugins (starting then stopping with no reason etc). Menu also seems to switch from icon to standard with no apparent reason. Will not load channels from usb (just says downloading) but when usb removed and box switched off from mains and back on all seems to be there?weird!
Buck401 just a long shot, have u tried removing hard drive and placin it into a pc and formatting? May help?

11-06-2012, 07:04 PM
I connected the USB HDD from my s3500 to the s4000 but I still could not move or delete the recordings on there either(it says that the file is still playing!!).

11-06-2012, 07:40 PM
I connected the USB HDD from my s3500 to the s4000 but I still could not move or delete the recordings on there either(it says that the file is still playing!!).
I've just started to encounter the same problem with mine! WTF!! Will try a couple of things and keep u posted.

Sent from my iPhone

11-06-2012, 07:48 PM
Sorted mine, did a storage check, then pressed red 'remove device' and switched receiver off from the mains and back on. Worked a treat. Try giving that a shot?.

Sent from my iPhone

11-06-2012, 08:05 PM
Problem solved. I deleted the Stored Position in System Restore, reloaded f/w .57, reset to factory default and reloaded the fdu (channels).

Result! I`ll keep your method in reserve.

11-06-2012, 08:07 PM
I flashed it last Sunday and it seemed to run fine but my wife just ran into a very very serious bug; When pressing pause and resume afterwards the screen goes black but sound keeps running, even when zapping picture is black, sound is ok only a reboot solves it, seems to affect everything to time shift related...

11-06-2012, 08:39 PM
I never use timeshift as there were problems in the past. Also it ties up a tuner.

11-06-2012, 08:47 PM
Problem solved. I deleted the Stored Position in System Restore, reloaded f/w .57, reset to factory default and reloaded the fdu (channels).

Result! I`ll keep your method in reserve.

Glad you got it sorted :)

11-06-2012, 10:17 PM
buck401, did you manage to install the channel fdu list without any problems. As previously posted, mine just stays stuck at 'downloading'. Have done via usb and null cable using porter. Have flasehd,re-flashed, flash cleaner etc. Any insight?

12-06-2012, 08:03 AM
Yes, mine sticks at `downloading` as well. After 2 to 3 minutes I pull out the usb and power off and reboot. Channel list appears as normal.
It looks as if it downloads the list and sticks on the reboot.
My problem with the recordings re-appeared and I used your method which worked. Cheers.

12-06-2012, 04:52 PM
Nope. The method is only temperary.
I deleted all the plugins and used the User Data Format to clean the flash.
Then a Factory Reset. Next the Flash was cleaned using Porter Express and the null modem cable.
Next the .57 f/w was loaded followed by a Factory Reset. The the fdu was loaded (See previous Post on a problem).
Still cannot delete or move the recordings.

What to do next?

15-06-2012, 11:57 PM
Same problem here when downloading system or fdu channel files from usb stick firmware just gets stuck it does install the downloaded files but I had to swith the mains supply off to get out of it as the box freezes,this was after a factory reset and user data format ,I have tried this several times and the same happens ,not so briljant after all.

16-06-2012, 04:41 PM
I`ve given up on this f/w and reverted to 1.10.32. Tedious loading the EPG but at least I get all the programme synopsis for the week.

Also I can move, delete and copy recordings.

Hopefully the next f/w upgrade will sort all this out.

16-06-2012, 05:59 PM
Also reverted back to a previous fw as box keptlocking up and crashing, then when or if restated always stopped at start 1 when loading, whent back to .09 will try .32.

16-06-2012, 09:50 PM
lol glad i got rid

17-06-2012, 01:32 PM
Put .32 on, now more stable. Miss the extra features of .57, but will wait until next update.

17-06-2012, 01:53 PM
Hopefully the wait isn`t too long||

19-06-2012, 12:49 AM
Sorry for late reply back, had sky isp problems. I've also noticed the epg missing 'program sypnosis' information with just 'no information' displayed. Have also started to have 1 perticular program recording by itself and yes have checked to ensure no series recordings, reminders etc are present, hell, I dont even watch that program ' an news debate panel show'??? go figure lol. Have done ALL the usual, flash cleaner, firmware re-download etc all via null modem cable and usb but still no joy. Recordings also have major glitches whereas the previous firmware was brill at recording. Hard drive speed has also dropped and boy does the box freeze with a hard reboot required. Also planning on going back to previous firmware as new firmware is good with epg but has more problems than cures.
By the way, does any1 know how to FULL reset the box to factory default, I mean where it gets rid off all the plugins, recordings etc. Used the installed factory default but still keeps hold off the plugings etc. Basically want it ALL wiped off.

Thanks peeps :)

19-06-2012, 05:48 AM
I used AAF after headaches with this firmware, currently I own an Atevio instead of an Icecrypt ;-) with 1,5 year old software and hell what is it running smooth...

19-06-2012, 07:50 AM
Remove each plugin individually using the Yellow button and clean with User Data Format.

Clean the rest of the flash with Porter Express and reload the f/w followed by Factory Reset.

Recordings are on the HDD. See previous post on a deleting method.

Good luck!!

04-07-2012, 04:58 PM
Try V1.20.67 should have these issued fixed and 7 day EPG.