View Full Version : Blackberry 9300 advice/forum

11-06-2012, 01:53 PM
just bought a blackberry 9300 phone, can anyone advise me on which is the best forum for advice/help and apps for this phone, hep much appreciated.
thanks, Chopper

11-06-2012, 03:57 PM
Hi Chopper1 I am on my 3rd different Blackberry and have sought advice from a variety of Forums and cannot think of one that stands out. I just google my question and usually get some kind of answer easily. As far as apps are concerned I have only ever downloaded them from Blackberry on the phone. One exception is BBSAK to carry out 'repairs' if you get in a mess!

11-06-2012, 06:16 PM
hi i've got a 9300 google crackberry get all you need there

11-06-2012, 09:44 PM
whatch what ur doing because the internal memory is not very big. best to put things on sd card i have 8g in mine also the software is getting bigger ive been useing bundle 6 3049 platform 706 im on o 2 but its not there software theres a newer 1 but the softwaer is bigger stayed with 706 now for awhile good battery and thers no browser problems like ealier versions.said forum mentioned above is a good place to start. and as captiglassback said BBSAK good litle tool thanks