View Full Version : Reset favorites?

11-06-2012, 11:06 PM
Hi, just playing with my 9900 have setup favourites as a right mess, can I reset them without losing my other settings.

12-06-2012, 12:42 AM
Try using the channnel editor:


If you use or have used Billybits channel list you will find included a " Read Me ", that gives you instructions on how to edit his channel list, it may also work with yours, or however else's list that you may use.


I have never had to edit the fav list before so I am unable to give you any further advice on how to do it, maybe someone else may post further info on how to.

12-06-2012, 09:43 AM
Have you tried the channel manager option? Like Aldo I have never really used the favourites, but I have used the channel manager option. Try opening one of your favourite folders, then go into the menu, channel manager, scroll to remove and check the various options available, I used one option to remove all channels, from a satellite, in one option, perhaps you can do the same with the favourites.

12-06-2012, 10:02 AM
Have you tried the channel manager option? Like Aldo I have never really used the favourites, but I have used the channel manager option. Try opening one of your favourite folders, then go into the menu, channel manager, scroll to remove and check the various options available, I used one option to remove all channels, from a satellite, in one option, perhaps you can do the same with the favourites.

if you choose FAV-ALL on a satellite, you can remove channels from favourites by acccessing menu and the onscreen channel manager, then by using the onscreen coloured buttons (YELLOW) to change the left hand fav list from say movies, sports, entertainment etc, and the favs will show with the STAR logo, then just click ok on it to untick it and it will disappear from the allocated fav list. repeat for other channels, or do as many or as few as you like, exit and saving as you go

you can do this with as many as you like in one go, then exit and save, it will not remove them from the main channel list (ALL) so you wont lose channels from the main ALL list, just from the actual fav list

you can use the same method to add channels to the fav list of your choice too, and use the red button to view it before adding it so you know you have the correct channel

once you have exited and saved , press fav and select the fav list you require (like movies) and then move the channels around using the middle MOVE option and by tagging and moving the channels using the ok button and the green button to do so

so you can easily do this using the remote control and the onscreen channel manager and is how I do my own lists

backup your channel list to usb stick when finished so you have a good copy

12-06-2012, 10:12 AM
Easiest way is using channel manager

Using built in channel manager

Go to favorite you wish to remove channels from
press Menu scroll to Channel manager>
scroll across to remove press yellow button until this changes to all>
press ok>
press blue button to remove> [this only removes channels from this favorite group, & won't remove them from the sats list]
press Exit>
yes to save.
EXIT from menus
You can now press Fav and you will see the fav you have cleared is greyed out as it contains no channels
Repeat the above procedure to clear other favorites if you wish