View Full Version : free view card 28 west

20-06-2012, 09:38 PM
were do i get one of these cards from for my spider box

20-06-2012, 09:51 PM
were do i get one of these cards from for my spider box

Surely that should be 28 East.

20-06-2012, 09:55 PM
If it is 28E then any expired (but not switched off) white card will do.

Failing that, they are about £20 from Sly.

21-06-2012, 09:54 AM

How do you tell if its been switched off ?

ive had an old Sky UK card that ive been given in my oscam for 4 weeks now and its still only received 1 entitlement,my own full Sky UK card has received 2 updates in this time,so the other old card is not updating and i dont know why.
hence the question about it being switched off.


21-06-2012, 01:41 PM
As usual I am keen to get my head around this subject, one of the threads where we were talking about this before, (cant find it) had my findings playing about with old cards in EMUs and an official box. Some with no entitlements came up with message in digibox saying something like "wrong card for box" and others said "unauthorised" or similar. I assumed these had been stopped by sly.
However what does "stopped" or "activated" mean? as I have said before, cards with no entitlement tiers at all can still decode some channels. We do know that it needs a unique EMM for updates so presumably if sly dont send any addressed to a particular card number it would never get any more entitlements.
Would be nice to have a few answers to questions like why do some FTV cards have 9 and some ex-sub cards have 8 tiers?

21-06-2012, 01:45 PM
The only ones that I have seen where peeps say they have been switched off have no entitlements whatsoever.

If it has received one entitlement then it is not dead but may just be a Freesat from Sky only.

21-06-2012, 02:01 PM
ive never come across any white card that is in a state other than , with or without entitlements .

no entitlement cards will update to gain entitlements , but 8 or 9 is free to view , not 1 .

@ ian ,what channels clear with 1 entitlement ?

21-06-2012, 02:14 PM
Yes I second that, again more questions than answers,
Am I right in thinking that when entitlements expire they disappear from the list on the card? This is from a card in oscam with no entitlements whatsoever:
"localuser (0963&000000/D158/3E:F236): found (61 ms) by slot_1 (1 of 2) - Climax" as you can see decoding "climax" channel along with a few others.

21-06-2012, 02:24 PM
ive never come across any white card that is in a state other than , with or without entitlements .

no entitlement cards will update to gain entitlements , but 8 or 9 is free to view , not 1 .

@ ian ,what channels clear with 1 entitlement ?

I have a card with 1 entitlement, it clears LFC TV and the soft **** channels during the day.

The card only has the 1 entitlement since it was killed off back in 2010

21-06-2012, 02:28 PM
Never heard of that before, does it still update it's one entitlement?

edit my no entitlement card wont clear LFC it gives this:
[videoguard2-reader] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed

21-06-2012, 02:32 PM
Never heard of that before, does it still update it's one entitlement?

It does not update and still has the date of 2010.

21-06-2012, 03:11 PM
On my white slycard that the spiderbox resurrected, according to vizcam I have 4 entitlements(but 8 listed in detailed view). It opens Ch5HD and Picktv. Not sure if that's any help. Looking at the list of channels I am not sure there is any advantage of having one.

21-06-2012, 04:55 PM
Pick TV is changing between FTA and encrypted, goodness knows why but I am certain it is being scrambled again at times as someone rang me the other day complaining it wouldn't open with cccam and their sub card.

21-06-2012, 06:08 PM
I have a card with 1 entitlement, it clears LFC TV and the soft **** channels during the day.

The card only has the 1 entitlement since it was killed off back in 2010

thats exactly what this one opens,only the card was never killed off,the guy just stopped paying sky and cancelled his subscription.but the life of the card was extended past the kill off date by about 6 weeks by not allowing any new emms through until the last entitlements expired.
when i inserted into the reader it had no entitlements and now after 4 weeks it has just the one and only opens LFC and a few **** channels during the day.



21-06-2012, 09:36 PM
card reader /dev/sci0
handled 0(0) ecms and 0(0) emms
rejected sids: 128f, 13f3

Nds card xxxxxxx

Entitlement info
2bfb 44-07-2010

This is the info I see with CCcam

21-06-2012, 10:00 PM
Pick TV is changing between FTA and encrypted, goodness knows why but I am certain it is being scrambled again at times as someone rang me the other day complaining it wouldn't open with cccam and their sub card.

pick tv and challenge tv and motors tv are fta at the moment

my card is opening c5HD and sony tv and viva

21-06-2012, 10:01 PM
It is wierd that the one channel is still on the card even though the date is just crazy. the tiers given by oscam on a card bought as a FTV are 0003,000b,001d,b765,b766,b772,b77 3,b860,b8c0. The last one is missing on an ex-sub card, yet all the channels open just the same. No sign of 2bfb so wtf is going on I wonder?

22-06-2012, 09:44 AM
Entitlement info
2bfb 44-07-2010

2BFB is not a valid tier. CCcam is reading it incorrectly.
This can be seen from the invalid date.

These are the tiers on a FTV card with the known tiers indicated.

00 03 Unknown
00 0B Unknown
00 1D BBC 1 + 2, BBC Choice, BBC News 24, BBC Knowledge
B7 65 Channel 5
B7 66 Channel 4 /4Xtra
B7 72 ITV (Channel 3)
B7 73 XXX Preview ?
B8 60 XXX Preview ?

It can be seen that a lot of the tiers are old legacy tiers and are no longer used.

22-06-2012, 10:32 AM
Entitlement info
2bfb 44-07-2010

2BFB is not a valid tier. CCcam is reading it incorrectly.
This can be seen from the invalid date.

These are the tiers on a FTV card with the known tiers indicated.

00 03 Unknown
00 0B Unknown
00 1D BBC 1 + 2, BBC Choice, BBC News 24, BBC Knowledge
B7 65 Channel 5
B7 66 Channel 4 /4Xtra
B7 72 ITV (Channel 3)
B7 73 XXX Preview ?
B8 60 XXX Preview ?

It can be seen that a lot of the tiers are old legacy tiers and are no longer used.

The card has been in that state even since is was killed off when I had a letter from bskyb :07:

22-06-2012, 10:49 AM
well the one tier my card has is B9E2 2012-08-15 god knows what thats for,as this tier doesnt exist on my sky uk full card.

no matter what i do this expired card still just refuses to update further.


22-06-2012, 10:55 AM
It seems when the cards are switched off they may give corrupted tier information.
Check your PM.


Hmmm.. that may actually be a valid tier. Does it open any encrypted channel?

22-06-2012, 11:17 AM
LFC and a few **** channels thats all.


22-06-2012, 11:34 AM
So we can add it to the list

00 03 Unknown
00 0B Unknown
00 1D BBC 1 + 2, BBC Choice, BBC News 24, BBC Knowledge
B7 65 Channel 5
B7 66 Channel 4 /4Xtra
B7 72 ITV (Channel 3)
B7 73 XXX Preview ?
B8 60 XXX Preview ?
B9 E2 LFC / XXX Preview

22-06-2012, 01:27 PM
It is wierd that the one channel is still on the card even though the date is just crazy. . . .

Unless the way they deactivate a card is by sending it an invalid date string. It may also allow them to reactivate it if the internal s/w recognises a new sequence based on the invalid date.

Remember that the emus only do their best to make sense of some commands. I'm sure there are loads of commands that are not implemented in the emus.

22-06-2012, 01:46 PM
Yes as has been pointed out before there is lots not understood about NDS.
I have remembered the history of the card I quote with no entitlements yet still clears some channels. It originally was issued as a full sub card but would never work. It was replaced and therefore wont be sent updates anyway. I hope I haven't confused anyone by saying how this card behaves as it must be faulty, it would never get entitlements in a digibox with sly sending them addressed individually to it.

22-06-2012, 02:41 PM
a card with no entitlements will not clear any channels .

although in oscam a white card with no entitlements will report in the log that a few random channel ecms have been responded to correctly . even HD channels which the card has not been active to open for years , the hd channel may not have existed when the white card was last active .

i cant tell if these responces from the dead card are real or bad logging in oscam .

every dead card ive got hold of has updated and paired to an original sky box to allow free to view channels only , getting 9 entitlements .

i put a dead white card in oscam and it updated to free to view channel entitlements but had only 8 listed .

i recently got another dead white card , which i will now replace my ftv card in my oscam server to see what happens as ian has reported his one entiltement card to see what happens . as new tier entitlements may be implimented .

22-06-2012, 03:33 PM
"a card with no entitlements will not clear any channels" well:
I have had cards with expired entitlements, they had all disappeared, decoding all the soft **** and HD retail info channels. The oscam log shows what is happening, as shown in #8. People have said "these channels are not encrypted" but if I pull the card out the channel stops. This is in a box with no other connections or cards.
I have left the card working in say the climax channel and it got updated.

22-06-2012, 04:54 PM
In the early days of ana1ogue (and digital ?) NDS cards there used to be a soft decrypt. That is it used a default key which never needed updating to unscramble some channels. I think it was more for stopping Johnny Foreigner from watching UK channels. I have no idea if it worked in anything else other than a Sly box.

22-06-2012, 08:21 PM
These are my Tiers on my FTV card ..
On my FTV Card i still clear these channels entitlements are updated to 11-8-2012 :

Sony TV and +1
Sony Movies and +1
HD Retail info
Ch4 and +1 [ 12480 v 27.500sr Fec 2/3 Oscam emu still required for these ]
Motors TV
Almost all Sly adult channels when in promo / preview mode

Entitlement info


24-06-2012, 03:59 AM
liverpool tv C5C1 3E seems to open with a card without any entitlements at all . oscam reports reading and responding to a card with no entitlements .

how can a card respond positive if no tier is defined ?

24-06-2012, 11:33 AM
liverpool tv C5C1 3E seems to open with a card without any entitlements at all . oscam reports reading and responding to a card with no entitlements .

how can a card respond positive if no tier is defined ?

Have you tried it with no card and also a different card ( goldcard, or even the same card put in the wrong way around) ?

Back in the videocrypt days, some channels were soft crypted at certain times (usually the adult 10 min freeviews) and only needed a card inserted to flick the switch in the card reader to open them iirc.

fred fickle
12-11-2012, 06:57 PM
MY FTV card clears the same as Barneys but in a HD+ box I cannot record anything?? it was reported elsewhere that it should record if one lnb was selected but still nothing !! any ideas guyz??

I will not pay sly £10 a month to use this facility..

12-11-2012, 08:48 PM
you cannot use it for recording without a sub to sly, they pair the box to the card and enable sly plus, or you pay £10 per month

wont work with a freesat card as sly plus has to be paid for

fred fickle
12-11-2012, 09:55 PM
The word is that a expired subscription card that was previously used with a package is still supposed to record and playback if only one LNB is connected as in flat complexes ??

12-11-2012, 10:15 PM
The word is that a expired subscription card that was previously used with a package is still supposed to record and playback if only one LNB is connected as in flat complexes ??

Correct but only an 0961 card.

So you have a choice, you can either use your ftv card to watch the extra channels or use your old yellow house card and have the record / playback features.

fred fickle
13-11-2012, 12:04 PM
Tried the old yellow house card but still no go btw what will the yellow card clear now LFC maybe ??

13-11-2012, 12:26 PM
The yellow house card will only enable recording IF it originally had the "+" (recording option) added.
A specific bit is set in one of the start-up cmd strings.

I'm not sure if it will enable HD recordings or not (probably not, if it was orginally just SD).
A specific tier also has to be enabled on the newer HD boxes too. This certainly will not be on an old yellow house card.

The yellow house card will not open any channels.

13-11-2012, 07:35 PM
if blue card came from a HD sub it will records HD ok

great dane
25-02-2013, 04:26 PM
free view card 28 west
were do i get one of these cards from for my spider box

I wonder whether the original question was indeed for Intelsat 907 on 27.5 W where all the freesat channels are transmitted in BISS encryption, for UK licence payers who for any reason are outside the reach of a local terrestrial signal.
I would also be interested in obtaining such a BISS card that would clear these channels (for use in the south of Portugal - where the signal from 27.5 W is very strong).
Any suggestions on that topic?

25-02-2013, 09:35 PM
The keys for 27.5w were and maybe still known! :D


26-02-2013, 12:08 AM
The 27.5W channels are used as backup when fibre fails at freeview tx sites.

Some freeview tx transmitter sites dont use fibre and relay on this feed .

06-06-2015, 03:18 PM
"a card with no entitlements will not clear any channels" well:
I have had cards with expired entitlements, they had all disappeared, decoding all the soft **** and HD retail info channels. The oscam log shows what is happening, as shown in #8. People have said "these channels are not encrypted" but if I pull the card out the channel stops. This is in a box with no other connections or cards.
I have left the card working in say the climax channel and it got updated.

when you left white card with all tiers expired to update at climax channel which channels card open when get updated

06-06-2015, 03:48 PM
currently its motors tv , sony tv , sony tv +1 , sony movies , sony movies +1 and possibly one or two others as well (so very few)

06-06-2015, 04:27 PM
thank you for reply
how much have to wait for update
Is climax the only channel for updates or there are others

06-06-2015, 05:04 PM
difficult to answer the update time but I would have thought less than a day

any sly channel can be used for updating, but I tend to leave it on motors or a sony channel, then you know when its updated as the channel clears (I have never tried that channel you mentioned as I only use the ones I know about above)

I used to use c5 HD until it went dark

07-06-2015, 09:53 PM
when I tune to an encrypted channel I got
This Is the wrong Sky viewing card for this Sky+HD box Please Insert the correct one
Is It because of Inactive card or there Is a problem with card
card does clear only BT sport preview and some XXX soft channels

07-06-2015, 10:58 PM
leave it on sony tv for a day or two (or motors), then it should clear when the card updates

chances are that it is the "wrong card" for that box (the pairing may be incorrect but is not required) , but should still clear the channels I said once its updated (in any sly box)

you cannot expect a sly box to have a dozen error message options just to give you more info and the correct diagnosis

yes there could be a problem with the card, so if it doesnt update after a week it isnt going to

I have always used a non-sly plus box to update a card, an old pace box in my case, or the white ones (not plus ones or HD ones)

it is what it is, try it, and wait for updates, if it doesnt work, there is nothing you can do about it

08-06-2015, 01:22 AM
give it 72 hours to update its usually within 24-48hrs

simply ignore the message This Is the wrong Sky viewing card for this Sky+HD box
it will go away when card gets some Emm hits and picture will appear .
i usually leave it for a further 45mins aswell just to be sure .
freesat cards are being phased out it obvious , its gone from more than a few dozen to maybbe half a dozen channels
and freeview periods on various channels
but card may come in handy when Sky Offer thier free to view days like first games of EPL Season i believe was offered last season etc..
but be patient and follow what echelon has said that is the key and im sure your card will be fully working if you do leave it few days untill it updates
i know it usually dont seem like it will happen but ive had the same issue myself and its never failed thanks to advise i was given by Echelon and fellow members here too .

Good luck : )

08-06-2015, 07:21 AM
thank you for support
two more questions -
If card got activated will It open also ch4 on 12.483 V
last night I left It In sky+ HD box but after few hrs box automaticaly turned off - Is It a problem If box Is not turned on

08-06-2015, 11:53 AM
Disable Sleep timer on Sky+ HD box menu
Its only a silly power saving setting in menu that should never be auto enabled by default anyhow .
cheers !

17-06-2015, 11:17 AM
after more than week left working In original paired to card sky + box Amstrad 890 card still Is Inactive - does not open 4Music, etc
could be Amstrad 890C box with Rev 11 firmware does not allow card update - how about to put It In oscam linux box or other sky+ box - got Thomson sky+ box
also I am wondering how an expired card with no active entitlments can auto update with no operator action
do I need to register an acount with card and receiver nr
but at the other hand there are many expired card selling outhere and sellers claim to put In whatever box and It will update to actve 24 - 72 without calling sky etc

17-06-2015, 11:53 AM
you were also told to try it on motors tv, and sony tv and sony movies (and the two +1`s) in post #48 ,

there may be the odd one or two other channels it may open
but those 5 are the only ones I remember still work

so try

motors tv
sony tv
sony tv +1
sony movies
sony movies +1

4music also seems to open with my card too , as do one or two pron channels

do not reply naming any other channels until the five or six channels above are working, you have been given the best advice available, but we are not miracle workers

- the card will update in ANY sly digital box, if its not totally dead

obviously it could have been completely switched off in which case there is nothing you can do about it

the card updates are sent OTA on the sly channels , so the cards are constantly updated with the expiry dates extended, as it updates the expiry dates on the card for the 8 or more entitlements

17-06-2015, 02:07 PM
hi ive got 2 sly white cards if any good to you be glad to stick them in the post for you free if
it helps any.

17-06-2015, 03:12 PM
- the card will update in ANY sly digital box, if its not totally dead
obviously it could have been completely switched off in which case there is nothing you can do about it

the card updates are sent OTA on the sly channels , so the cards are constantly updated with the expiry dates extended, as it updates the expiry dates on the card for the 8 or more entitlements

could card be completely dead If opens BT preview and some soft xxx daily

hi ive got 2 sly white cards if any good to you be glad to stick them in the post for you free if
it helps any.

thank you for very generous offer
I like to see how can go on with my card and If It can not activate probably I will contact you

17-06-2015, 03:19 PM
no worries sasho just let me know will keep hold of them for you.