View Full Version : No Sound from HDD

23-06-2012, 05:26 PM
Hi all

I have just bought a Spider 9900 and am really happy with it but have a strange problem. When I first got it I plugged in my external HDD and was watching films ect from it but for some reason now when I play a film from the HDD I dont get any sound, it's the same with MP3s. The funny thing is that if I use it as a PVR and record something when I play this back it has sound. I'm sure I've changed some sort of setting but cant seen to find it. I'm on the March 30th patch. I'm connected to the TV via HDMI and have tried different cables, sound is ok when watching sat.

Has anybody had this problem or know what I can try to sort it out? I've had a search but can't find this problem being experienced before.


24-06-2012, 01:37 PM
Hi there

For anybody that may be interested I have managed to rectify this issue by loading the patch from Nov 2011. Not sure if the issue is related to the march 2012 patch. I noticed that on one of the patches to fix a problem with hispasat it said i required MP3 to be disabled so I'm gusessing it's the same issue with the March 2012 patch? As well as the audio on films there was no audio whenplaying MP3 files either so seems related.
Do I lose any functioanlity by going to the Nov 2011 patch?
