View Full Version : AZ E2 Development

26-06-2012, 10:12 PM
If this has been asked before i apologise :coolgleamA:

But is E2 driver for Ultra,Premium & Premium + still ongoing after RTI 1.7 & Spaze 2.2 as progress was going great untill about 6 months ago then it just seem to stop dead :rolleyes:
the RTI driver was fast improving untill then.its a shame as i feel opensat has abandoned the older STB's :cuss:

27-06-2012, 09:56 AM
You read the wrong forum's and certainly complain on the wrong forum.

If you have read the wright forum(-s) you would know that RTI is developing new drivers and new kernel for older models.
Thats why all teams are a bit on a "stand still" with old kernel since there are no new drivers for old kernel.

Here's a teaser for you

27-06-2012, 11:38 AM
:coolgleamA:sorry mate i did not want it to sound like a complaint far from it.i am over the moon with what RTI & spaze has done from this box and did not know about the new drivers so total respect to them.
I was only asking because its been quiet on here when i have looked in

will check more forums thanks for the reply also its made my day knowing work is still going on :respect-046:

also like the teaser:coolgleamA:

27-06-2012, 12:21 PM
@albaki77 - totally with you on being frustrated - all emphasis has been on the newer models not our older ones - they'd better get up to speed soon!

Oh - i have posted my frustrations on the relevant forums as well before you ask!

27-06-2012, 12:38 PM
The RTI team where developing for no money so hats off to them :respect-046: but opensat who collected money off the sale of STB's seem to have left them behind :cuss:

When was opensats last firmware update for older boxex? :coolgleamA:

17-07-2012, 10:15 AM
The RTI team where developing for no money

R U shure about that? I'am not, you don't think RTI is writing drivers from nothing I guess

but opensat who collected money off the sale of STB's seem to have left them behind

Where do you think they get the drivers? You don't think RTI writes drivers from nothing

When was opensats last firmware update for older boxex

OFW firmware came from CELRUN ( not OpenSAT ) OpenSAT had a NDA (NON DISCLOSURE) agreement with CELRUN that was the only way to get the boxes on the market. As for now I don't know if that agreement has ended or still exists.
Fact is that CELRUN isn't producing new firmware's and Sigma isn't/wasn't cooperating that good with OpenSAT/CELRUN

Azbox models generated from a media/iptv model from CELRUN, there where multiple companies wich wanted too add DVB to that box finally OpenSAT got the deal with CELRUN so they could release Azbox under NDA agreement.
That meant that the software was entended to be closed source due to the NDA agreement.

18-07-2012, 11:44 AM
R U shure about that? I'am not, you don't think RTI is writing drivers from nothing I guess

I think it started out that way but nor sure now but under the NDA argeement with sigma we may never know :beatdeadhorse5:
thats the only drawback as i can see to the AZbox all images use the same core sigma driver from RTI and have mainly the same problems.I would be nice if more coders where working on the core sigma driver and looking at problems from differing angles :winner-019:

But still full respect to ripper and his team for getting us this far :respect-020::respect-020: