View Full Version : Uno + Bulsat

11-07-2012, 10:35 AM
Hi. Is it possable to open the irdeto channels on Bulsat 39e with the V+ Uno box? If so, do you need a laptop connected to it or can you load emulator software directly onto the receiver and do it that way?

I am about to buy a new box and cannot choose between the V+ Uno or the DM800 SE HD. I notice that the dreambox doesn't have commom interface slots. I am not using any cam at the moment but am wondering is this a bad thing.

I am not into cardsharing so the box won't be used for that.

Any thoughts welcomed.


11-07-2012, 11:33 AM
I have a VUUNO and use MGcamd 138 to open the likes of Bulsat 39e, Canal Digitaal NL 19.2e, Premier League HD on 10e etc..
with public emu keys
you can update your keys via remote control using hack sat key downloader-e2_1.0

11-07-2012, 12:20 PM
Thanks for that, is MGcamd 138 an image or software that you load on to the stb?


11-07-2012, 03:18 PM
No it's not a image
MGcamd is a Emulator

11-07-2012, 06:15 PM
Okay, thanks, I will look into it.

In your opinion, is this stb as good as a dm800 se hd?

Not easy to answer if you don't own both, I suppose?


11-07-2012, 06:26 PM
Okay, thanks, I will look into it.

In your opinion, is this stb as good as a dm800 se hd?

Not easy to answer if you don't own both, I suppose?


I have owned Both and the Uno is certainly better

11-07-2012, 06:50 PM
I have owned Both and the Uno is certainly better

Does that mean that you have now moved on to another receiver, and if so which one.

11-07-2012, 06:52 PM
Does that mean that you have now moved on to another receiver, and if so which one.

No still have an Uno love it just awaiting the arrival of the Twin Plug & Play tuner probably around September time, Had an ultimo as well but never got on with it over priced in my opinion at the time £529 i see they have now come down to a more reasonable £399 with 2 tuners.

11-07-2012, 07:35 PM
I shall be looking out for your opinion of the Twin Plug & Play receiver, as I will soon be looking for a new receiver to replace my Spiderbox & Protek receivers.

11-07-2012, 08:14 PM
I shall be looking out for your opinion of the Twin Plug & Play receiver, as I will soon be looking for a new receiver to replace my Spiderbox & Protek receivers.

Thought digicon was referring to the Twin Plug & Play tuner which should be available later this year (ia'm also waiting for these tuners to arrive)
more info can be found here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?156747-VU-announced-dual-tuners-at-Anga

12-07-2012, 06:47 PM
I have both at present.
there is not a lot to choose between the 2
the vu has a bit quicker dual core processor and other bits.
the DM is a DM and has a external power supply which i prefere.
both have great support.
If its price the VU wins, if its looks the DM wins.
If i sell them i will get more for the DM
do make sure which ever you get don't get a clone, go to a good supplier like goldwafers.

They do both seem a bit over the top if you are not Cs

13-07-2012, 10:07 AM
I would prefer the external power supply also, but I think I will get the uno.
I suppose it is a bit over the top as I don't use cs, but I want a decent hd stb that will hopefully last me as long as my humax has, and be as future proof as possable.


15-07-2012, 11:36 AM
I have ordered the V+ Uno from Goldwafers, should be here in a couple of days.
What is the best image for this box and what is the best version of mgcamd to use at the moment?

I am going on holiday next Friday so won't get a chance to play with it until I get back, but I would like to be ready.


15-07-2012, 11:38 AM
I have ordered the V+ Uno from Goldwafers, should be here in a couple of days.
What is the best image for this box and what is the best version of mgcamd to use at the moment?

I am going on holiday next Friday so won't get a chance to play with it until I get back, but I would like to be ready.


Blackhole 1.7.6 and the last version of mgcamd was 1.38

15-07-2012, 12:31 PM
Thanks Digicon, I will download these and start reading.


04-08-2012, 06:47 PM
compass, can you please point me in the direction of hack sat key downloader, as I have now got my vu+ uno box running but cant clear any encrypted channels and also a guide of how to config mgcamd v1.38.

I got the box from the sponsers and Lee very kindly loaded blackhole etc, but I am struggling.



04-08-2012, 07:15 PM
try vti image

04-08-2012, 07:39 PM
This plugin works on my Dreambox so should work OK on your Uno.

FTP to the tmp folder dvbapp-plugin-persianpros-persianpalace-full_12.0_mipsel.ipk

On BlackHole image do the following:
Press Green Button
Press Yellow Button
Select Manually install IPK file.
Select dvbapp-plugin-persianpros-persianpalace-full_12.0_mipsel.ipk
Press OK to install.
When it's installed - Reboot box.

After box has rebooted:

Press Green Button for plugins list
Select the Persian Palace plugin
You can now download SoftCam.Key.

NOTE: You can't download cams via this panel anymore but you can still download SoftCam.Key file.

04-08-2012, 11:57 PM
compass, can you please point me in the direction of hack sat key downloader, as I have now got my vu+ uno box running but cant clear any encrypted channels and also a guide of how to config mgcamd v1.38.

I got the box from the sponsers and Lee very kindly loaded blackhole etc, but I am struggling.



I have attached hack sat key downloader [install procedure is the same as in hda5 post above]

Softcam Key Update procedure

Press Green Button for plugins list & Select hack sat key downloader
Key Update for camd >
Download MGcamd-CCcam keys >
Keys will now be updated and you will see the update log appear

05-08-2012, 01:39 PM
Thanks hda5 and compass, I will try and report back.


05-08-2012, 01:44 PM
Hi. Tried that and the box says "glibc detected" ipkg double free or corruption (out) aborted.

Do you know what has happened?


05-08-2012, 05:19 PM
Hi. Tried that and the box says "glibc detected" ipkg double free or corruption (out) aborted.

Do you know what has happened?


Sorry not had that before,
Re-Boot your VU+ then try again sending IPK to temp folder & manual install

you did extract Hack sat key downloader first, before sending to Temp folder?

05-08-2012, 07:45 PM
Thanks for the reply, but even after reboot I get the same response.
I did extract the file and ftp'ed the ipk file to the tmp folder and get the same response.
I tried to to root folder and still the same, even after re-boot.
Any other idea's as I am very new to this.


06-08-2012, 06:34 AM
I got the same "glibc detected" ipkg double free or corruption (out) aborted message when I tried to install the hack********-downloader-e2_1.0-20102010en_mipsel.ipk file.

I'm using Blackhole image.

What image do you have installed on your box Compass?

06-08-2012, 08:46 AM
I'm currently on Vix 2.4 build 213

06-08-2012, 01:58 PM
Try this little script I've made which will download the latest minicat keybundle and install the key files on your box.

FTP the updatekeys.sh file to the /tmp folder.

Open a Telnet Window and type the following.

cd /tmp
chmod 755 updatekeys.sh

When you see Installation Complete press the blue button on your Uno remote and restart the cam.

06-08-2012, 03:49 PM
Thanks hda5, works perfectly. I also didnt realise that mgcamd 1.38 wasn't running at all, I had to start it. I thought it would start when the box was turned on.

Will I need to follow the same process to update the keys in the future or should hack********-downloader-e2_1.0-20102010en_mipsel.ipk file work now?


06-08-2012, 06:46 PM
I can't get the hacksat plugin to work either mate so when you need to update your keys again in the future just run the updatekeys.sh script again and it'll download the latest key bundle from minicat.

Remember to always restart your cam after doing a key update.

07-08-2012, 10:28 AM
Will do hda5, and compass, thanks again for the help.
