View Full Version : Mountmanager

12-07-2012, 04:31 PM
Hi guys,
Obviously mounting a computer into a DB is easy as is streaming BUT can I presume that one can mount one dreambox to another? Forgive me if its one of the very good guides to the boxes - just push me that way.LOL. Using generic name eg dm7020hd and an internal file as common? Is it easy - am I being silly or can someone just put me straight. Password would I presume be dreambox? Have tried but doesnt seem to work atm. Many thanks - Brain

12-07-2012, 05:06 PM
try this,
menu -> setup -> system -> network -> network browser
find the other dreambox in the list and press 'ok'
when prompted "do you want to enter a username, password......." select 'no'
once the other dreambox expands navigate to what you want to share; eg /HDD and press 'ok'
when prompted "do you want to enter a username, password......." select 'no'
now 'ok' to activate the settings

12-07-2012, 05:17 PM
I will give it a whirl and report back - but this is where things get difficult. Network browser shows no devices. Search network only finds Router. The 7020 is online since I can download from the net via image support and get a new code for original Dreambox, etc etc. However the IdreamX on my mac will not connect since it claims there is no webinterface but there is and it is obviously working. Also my mountmanager has my mac mounted and i am streaming from the mac via the 7020!! 8000 is connected via an ethernet cable but 7020 is connected via a small wifi dongle. Many thanks M8 - brain

12-07-2012, 05:26 PM
make sure samba is enabled on your 7020
as to where this is depends on your image
for nemesis on my 800 it's blue panel, utillity (red), start/stop services, start samba

you can also goto 'manage startup sevices' from the same utillity menu and make samba server activate at boot

12-07-2012, 05:56 PM
Latest Oozoon image so that doesnt work - also have LT 8 on backup and sif Koala. Where do i find startup services then? Many thanks Brain

12-07-2012, 06:14 PM
blue button would be a starting point, then just go through the menus...
but I dont use those images so you'll need to speak to someone who does
I think oldfart uses oozoon so he would be a good person to ask.....

12-07-2012, 06:30 PM
ftp to your box and have a look in /etc/init.d
see if you've got a file named 'smbd' or 'samba' or the like
if you have then you could try
/etc/init.d/smbd restart
from telnet,

12-07-2012, 06:55 PM
Thanks for all your help - I am being a bit lazy atm since I am racing around the country and was just trying to solve something quickly with my new box. All other stuff works smoothly so it must be something i am missing so I have saved the thread and will be methodical. PS wont FTP atm since that is the feature I cant get my mac to do to the 7020 but it does it to the 8000, but I think that is to do with my ancient cittage and wi-fi working intermittently to the 7020. I just dont want any more wires!! LOL. Thankyou again for your help. Cheers - Brain

12-07-2012, 07:04 PM
yes there will be an easy way to do this with the remote, you just need someone using oozoon to help you