View Full Version : moving dish

14-07-2012, 10:52 AM
moving house from n.ireland back to s.wales taking my dish with me what should be the dish/motor elevation inclination settings for my new location latitude 51.583456 longitude -3.040767 with disec motor

14-07-2012, 11:19 AM
Try dishpointer.com, enter your new postcode, zoom in the map, to locate your new property, move the green balloon to where the dish is going to be located, select a satellite, like 1W, and and it will provide the general dish set up information.

14-07-2012, 03:16 PM
so if my post code is np10 9bu i set it at 31 degrees on the scale on the side of the dish ?

14-07-2012, 04:44 PM
Personally I never go by any scales, when setting up a dish, I align it to my nearest true south satellite then tune it in to the strongest transponder.
When you move, and come to set up your dish, zero your motor, enter your new Longitude, and Latitude, into your receiver, send the dish to the satellite you wish to align to, like Thor 0.8W, then manually move your dish until you get a lock, then fine tune it, on a weaker transponder, to peak the signal.
An offset dish is almost vertical, when aligned to 1W, just tilted back slightly. If you use dishpointer it will provide the direction you need to point it.
When are you moving, and setting up the dish?

Dark Cloud
14-07-2012, 05:52 PM
What Mickha said.:respect-054:

14-07-2012, 05:59 PM
moving about end october
Personally I never go by any scales, when setting up a dish, I align it to my nearest true south satellite then tune it in to the strongest transponder.
When you move, and come to set up your dish, zero your motor, enter your new Longitude, and Latitude, into your receiver, send the dish to the satellite you wish to align to, like Thor 0.8W, then manually move your dish until you get a lock, then fine tune it, on a weaker transponder, to peak the signal.
An offset dish is almost vertical, when aligned to 1W, just tilted back slightly. If you use dishpointer it will provide the direction you need to point it.
When are you moving, and setting up the dish?

14-07-2012, 06:34 PM
Hopefully you'll have some nice, dry, sunny weather, I've been waiting 2 months, for some decent weather, to fine tune my dish, and I'm still waiting !!!!!

14-07-2012, 06:49 PM
if i turn my dish to 1w before i make my move take it off pole with motor still attached set up mount in my new location fit motor and dish still attached and spin dish to 1w and get best signal would the rest of the sats ive got stored fall in using disec and not usals

14-07-2012, 07:58 PM
Using Diseqc 1.2 they should, or you might have to adjust them slightly, using your Spiderbox motor set up options. How far off is your latitude reading, for true south, from where you are now to where you're moving? Your new reading, as posted, is -3, which equates to 3 West, what is your current latitude reading?

14-07-2012, 08:52 PM
my present position is lat 54.5612 long -5.7870

14-07-2012, 09:14 PM
That's the main difference when setting up, compensating for the difference in your true south, so you can peak the signal. Using Usals makes the job easy, as you zero the motor, enter the latitude, and longitude, and then move the motor to the satellite you wish to set up on.
You probably set your dish up using 5W, as this was your closest true south satellite, you now need to compensate for the few degrees you're out, just to ensure you get maximum signal from both ends of the satellite arc. This is quite easy as your new position is about 3 West, so you move the motor accordingly, so that when you align to 1W the zero, on the motor, is pointing at 3W.

14-07-2012, 11:01 PM
wll give it a go when i move and see what happens

21-08-2012, 12:04 PM
will soon be moving back to s,wales from n.ireland if i leave my dish on astra 28e or thor 0.8 w and dismantle it with the disec motor still attached and alter the dish and motor elevation for my new location put my dish up on the pole and turn it manually until get a good signal on astra 28e or thor will the rest of the satellites fall into place

21-08-2012, 01:11 PM
will soon be moving back to s,wales from n.ireland if i leave my dish on astra 28e or thor 0.8 w and dismantle it with the disec motor still attached and alter the dish and motor elevation for my new location put my dish up on the pole and turn it manually until get a good signal on astra 28e or thor will the rest of the satellites fall into place don't forget to set your new long lat in your receiver menu then all should be ok

21-08-2012, 04:51 PM
ok thanks