View Full Version : Crossepg updates ????????????????????

27-07-2012, 11:00 AM
Crossepg and me just don't seem to get along. I have had this reciever now since January and in all that time i have never managed to get the crossepg automatic udates to work properly. I have crossepg working but usually have to go into the main menue and do things manually.

After a clean install and full setup of satellites a settings etc i go into the main menu - setup - crossepg and set it for auto update once per day at 05.00 to harddisk all other ettings are set to yes. i have ticked all the XEPGDB provider sources since i am using a fully motorised 36v system from 45W to 45E.

i assumed that that was all i had to do. To start i did a manual download followed by force CSV input - Force epg.dat conversion - and Force epg reload.

At this stage everything in the EPG other than a few obscure channels all have full EPG data. However after about 3 days the epg deteriorates to now and next and i have to do the update again manually.

I have checked that my network connection stays active - reciever is in standby overnight but still cannot get crossepg to automatically update.

There is a further menue under the main menu - plugins - epgrefresh i have also tried setting this menue for auto updated between 04.00 and 06.00 but my system still refuses to auto update.

Am i doing something wrong, not doing something or am i just expecting too much by selecting all the xepgdb sources. It all works manually so i assume it should work automatically.

Has anyone with a full multisat system got auto update of crossepg working? If yes i would love to know how.

Having used this box for 6 months i feel abit stupid asking this question but i simply can't get it to work automatically anf im beginning to use too many four letter words when i go to set a timer for record and find the epg isn't up to date.

I really look forward to getting this one solved. Please Please Pretty Please

VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, Invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn
Blackhole v1.7.6 also HTPC with Skystar HD2.

27-07-2012, 11:37 AM
I use 'epgimport' on my vuduo. It works well.

I think it appears in the list of plugins you can download.

Not sure if this will work with the ulitmo, can't see why not.


28-07-2012, 07:32 PM
Hi Dog-man. As far as i can see the box actually does wakeup and do the download but dosen't seem to convert and load the epg data. I can't find any other instructions on this but the setup in the main menu - setup - crossepg - configure seems to be very simple and straight forward. However i have always had to do my epg download, import, convert and load the epg manually.

No-one else seems to be complaining about this so i assume it must work. Could someone describe the steps after a clean install has been done, multisat setup and multisat settings added. What exactly must be done to ensure that the total multisat epg is continuously and automatically updated? Which source list should i be using for a full multisat setup 45E to 45W. I'm currently trying to use XEPGDB but should i change to XMLTV, OPENTV or MHW2?

There must be someone out there who has this working or can identify what i am doing wrong or not doing.

VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, Invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn
Blackhole v1.7.6 also HTPC with Skystar HD2.

I'm beginning to think it has something to do with how many sources are selected in the various lists.

28-07-2012, 07:52 PM
i have a dm800hd i had problems with cross before, i only seem to get it to work with opentv. i would try using opentv on 1 sat say 28.2e. to see if you can get it to work. also where are you saving the EPG data too?

28-07-2012, 10:38 PM
Thanks StevO. I think like you say go back to basics and try one sat, 28.2e would be good, with opentv and see how that goes. I would like to get it to work across the whole arc. maybe thats asking too much. I save my epg data onto the Harddrive (1TB Western Digital) works great with recordings etc. It's set to update once a day at 05.00. The box is turning on and doing the download but the process does not seem to complete the whole cycle of conversion and loading into the EPG. Yet if i do the whole process manually ie download, import, convert and load then everything is good to go.

Is there any way of putting some questions to the BH experts/developers on mundane things like getting the epg to work consistently and automatically across all visible satellites. It's the simple things that matter most as far as i'm concerned, if they don't work consistently there is no point in adding more and more complexity.

Is there no-one out there with a multisat Ultimo doing auto epg update fully working for all sats??????????? I really want to hear from you.

VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, Invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn
Blackhole v1.7.6 also HTPC with Skystar HD2.

28-07-2012, 11:21 PM
again this is based on my dream 800 but sounds related,
if I run enigma2 3.2 on my nemesis image, cross epg goes through the motions,
even to the extent of saving data to the hdd, but doesn't load the updated epg into cache
but if I use the old experimental enigma2 (same nemesis image (it's dual boot) ) then the updated epg is loaded into cache everyday

29-07-2012, 12:42 AM
Have had similar problems myself, so I use force epg reboot option gives me my full epg then.

30-07-2012, 08:23 PM
as mr man says i also had a problem a few months ago, changed to nemesis which saint recommended. it only worked if i force epg reboot ticked. but i havent tried multiple sats, i will give it ago tonight to see if it works.

08-08-2012, 06:00 PM
Thanks for the comments guys. Update seems to work fine if i use one sat for update, but refuses to populate the epg when set for multiple sats. I'm using everything between 45E & 45W.
If anyone finds a worksble solution please let us know. It's a terrible nusiance having to do the updating manually as multi sat update takes quite a while.

VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, Invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn
Blackhole v1.7.6 also HTPC with Skystar HD2.