View Full Version : Need some help guys ...TM5402 HD question ..

27-07-2012, 07:58 PM
A Friend of mine has a Tm5402HD box he says he was trying to scan in a sat in menu but he changed something in the menu and now his remote control will not respond :07:
not sure what he changed but now he has no access to his box other than the channel up/down and standby buttons on the front panel .
is it possible if i add a new patch could that maybbe reset this box and allow remote to work AGAIN ?
Can i use Tmate darkman loader 187 and Rs232 patch cable and somehow factory reset the box ???
can someone plze advise ?
he is gonne bring the box to me tommorrow morning so hopefully there is something i can do ..im not even 100% sure yet if he just only hit the TV/Radio button which could be the problem on the remote i doubt it tho' so hopefully there is some trick i can do to factory reset and allow me to get his remote control working ?
as always any advise or help is really appreciated ,
cheers .

mike p
27-07-2012, 11:24 PM
Hi Barney,
I have read somewhere before about a similar siuation as your friend is having with their remote. If memory serves me correctly pressing
the Exit button three times resets the remote back to default settings. I am guessing the receiver would have to be powered on though for
this to take effect. Hope this helps.
Kind Regards,

28-07-2012, 12:18 AM
Thanks mike p
I Will give that a try for sure in the morning ..is it possible to use Darkman loader v187 on Tm5402HD via RS232 cable ??
just incase i can somehow factory reset the box via darkman loader v187 tool ??

mike p
28-07-2012, 12:51 AM
Hi Barney,
I'm not sure about Darkman V187 loader as i have never used it but try the following